Seeing Tyrell standing next to him, the golden lion swallowed his spit a little nervously.

He glanced at the light wings behind Tyrrell out of the corner of his eye, curious what material it was.

Whitebeard said strangely: “Level 12 psionic energy, what do you mean?” ”

“In short, a disaster.” Tyrell said.

As several people talked, the huge insect body in the sky had been fully revealed.

“Leviathan! Long time no see. Red A praised.

Tyrell also duly explained: “Leviathan… It is this Zerg mothership in the sky, don’t look at the backward shape, the power is very terrifying, especially this Leviathan, exclusive to the Queen, is not inferior to the Protoss Ark. ”

The big guys on the island nodded in understanding.

In this passage, they can’t understand many words, but they also understand that this big bug thief J8 cock.

Seeing this strange giant insect that was several kilometers long, the World Government army, which had just stood up by 550, was once again frightened and sat on the ground.

“What’s that?!”


“What is it going to do!!”

Suddenly, there was a sharp roar: “Look…!” On its head, there is a person!!! ”

A woman, to be exact.

She has purple skin, carapaces all over her body, her hair is all arthropod-like insect limbs, and a pair of bone wings stretch freely behind her!

“I am the commander of the Second Legion of the Dusk Brigade! Queen of Blades! World…… Will burn under my feet! In the eyes of everyone, she said aloud.

The sound turned into sound waves, making the people below cover their ears uncomfortably!

“I, the swarm!!”

With her shout, a circle of purple energy ripples spread, and suddenly, dozens of people from the World Government Army (BDCI) directly soared into the air, uncontrollably opening their teeth and dancing in the sky.

“Oh my God!”

“Let me go!!”

“Are they all rebels who have been planted with the Holy Light? Wang said with a chuckle.

“I like rebels.”

Saying that, purple ripples poured into these people, and in just a second, these people were filled with ghost energy, their eyes and mouths were shining outward, and the whole person screamed more than once-

The Queen of Blades flicked her hand, and these floated, all turned around, and slammed in the direction they came.



These people, whose bodies were filled with ghost energy, all turned into small human bombs, and as soon as they came into contact with their warships, violent explosions occurred one after another, exploding one after another on the sea!

[The transformation of the Blade Queen has been completed! ] 】

[Queen of Blades, from the world of the game StarCraft! ] He used to be a special human class “ghost agent”, and later transformed into the lord of the Zerg, personally unified the Zerg, a level 12 psionic powerhouse, and destroyed countless planets under his Zerg! 】

Because he had brushed too much prestige when he used Tyrell to transform before, now Tang Yuan is not distressed at all when he spends money, and the Blade Queen transformation was rushed to the full level by him as soon as he took it out.

[Blade Queen strength increased! ] And open the big move “Swarm Domination”! 】

[Leader of the swarm, open one or several spatial passages, so that the Zerg can descend on the current battlefield! ] The number of summoned swarms is linked to quality and skill level! At the same time, the Blade Queen’s enhanced swarm skills can also be used! Current level 4! 】

Feeling the brand new power in his body, Tang Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

A pair of bone wings behind him, magnificently stretched out, carried him away from the Leviathan and fell down.

Everyone was still immersed in the terrifying scene just now, and the bigwigs present were rarely afraid of death, but few could accept turning themselves into human bombs and dying with a bang.

This kind of operation makes people feel cold when they see it.

The golden lion opened his mouth: “Commander Tyrell is right… He really turned out to be the mildest Legionnaire, well, compared to the Queen of Blades and Archimonde. ”

“If you don’t die, you won’t die.” Reilly said seriously.

The Queen of Blades landed on the ground and glanced at the battleship in the distance faintly.

“All destroyed?” She looked at Tyrell.

Then he added: “Of course, you know, I mean those with your Holy Light seed in their bodies. ”

Tyrell looked delicate, if he had such a thing.

“It’s okay to say that, but I always feel that something is wrong.”

The Queen of Blades smiled: “That’s all a trifle.” ”

With that, she turned her head and raised her hand.

At this moment, Munchi D. Long shouted angrily: “Don’t ignore me! ”

The Queen of Blades glanced at him.

Then, reach out and point at him.

============================ Separator ======================================================================================================================================================================

I originally wanted to set the big move to the godhead mode, but getting the pirate world is simply a cannon to fight mosquitoes, there is no point, so I designed it like this first.

In the future, if you encounter a world that can play Godhead mode, take it out and upgrade it (funny_

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