“…” Whitebeard and Kaido, who had just reminded loudly, held back the words in unison at this time.

Looking at the indifferent man in the sky, the two only felt that their three views had been refreshed.

“…… What did he do just now? Kaido asked, looking at the bottomless pit on the ground.

“…… Just a gentle push. Whitebeard said sadly.

Hearing Whitebeard’s answer, Kaido’s cheeks twitched.

Sengoku looked up at the sky with a complicated expression.

He had personally fought Saitama and experienced Saitama’s horror.

At that time, he felt that Saitama had reached the limit of human beings, and it was impossible for someone as strong as Saitama to appear again.

Until he saw the man in front of him.

“The Dusk Brigade, the name of invincibility, is well deserved.”

When he said this, his whole body seemed to relax.

Once upon a time, he occasionally fantasized that one day he could take this world back from the Dusk Brigade and return it to the management of the people of their world.

Now, he has completely abandoned the idea.

He had no thoughts in his mind other than surrender!

In the deep pit, the Original Sin Giant God struggled a few times, as if he wanted to get up, but the palm impact just now was too strong, and the aftermath still remained in its body, making every joint make a harsh sound.

In the sky, Tang Yuan looked at the giant god on the ground with interest.

“Yes, that palm just now is not much worse than Saitama’s ordinary punch, and it didn’t break you.”

Saying that, he clasped the thumb of his right hand on the middle finger, and the other three fingers stretched out, making a look of bouncing something.

“I was going to destroy you completely, but now I changed my mind.”

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and aimed at the original sin giant god lying in the pit.

At his fingertips, a dazzling white light began to emerge.

“Go you.” Tang Yuan said, flicking his fingers.

A white light instantly passed through the barrier of space and cut on the root of the left arm of the Original Sin Giant God, whose arm was like butter cut by a hot knife, directly divided into two, the incision was smooth and flat, obsessive-compulsive gospel.

“Roar!!!” The Original Sin Giant God let out a heaven-shattering roar.

The pirates and the navy are numb at this time, they have seen perverts, they have never seen such perverts!

Buzz rang out all over the world at the same time.

“My God, worthy of being the commander of the Dusk Brigade, the four emperors can’t be monsters, he cut it with one finger!”

“What a finger, that’s called a bullet!”

“You’re all missing the point! The point is that this is a merciless attack by Lord Tang Yuan’s subordinates! I didn’t listen to him, I originally wanted to completely destroy that monster, but I changed it.”

The last one to speak was immediately appreciated by the surroundings

And Tang Yuan’s side, swishing, swishing, four times in a row, has directly cut the Original Sin Giant God into a human stick.

At the broken points of the limbs, there is no flesh and blood, no bones, only a black worm mass.

“It’s really heavy…” Tang Yuan shook his head and slowly descended downward, ready to take the body of the Original Sin Giant God.

At this moment, from behind the two buildings next to it, two huge things came out.

One is a huge black thunderstorm cloud!

One is the blazing sun!

Seeing this scene, many people were stunned.

This thing is familiar!

In the next instant, a fat figure also rushed out, it was Bigmom

“This is what the old lady is waiting for! Catch the thief first! Dusk Brigade! Go to hell!! ”

Saying that, she laughed and clasped her palms together.

With her movements, the thundercloud and the sun burst out all the energy at the same time, and the torrent of thunder and flame instantly surrounded Tang Yuan, and under the blinding energy flow, nothing could be seen.

“This is the old lady using all the price! Even sacrificed his own soul! Finally saved so much lightning and flames! Under this attack, even if you take two islands to defend, it is absolutely impossible to survive! Hahahahahaha!!! ”

Bigmom laughed, laughed and laughed, and vomited blood, confirming her claim that she sacrificed her soul.

Under the live broadcast of the world, people directly exploded.


“Isn’t she dead?!”

“When did he die… It was obviously defeated by Deputy Commander Saitama, and he found a place to lick his wounds. ”

“Licked almost a hundred chapters?!”


And no matter what strange sounds suddenly appeared in the audience, on Tang Yuan’s side, everyone was shocked.

“It’s actually BIGMOM?!” With the cooperation of DIO, Whitebeard slashed a Seven Saint Shield with a knife, and was surprised, “This force is really terrifying, even if your regiment leader is very strong, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured!” ”

D (good king good) IO hummed and smiled: “It’s okay… Doesn’t matter. ”

Whitebeard expressed puzzlement at DIO’s obsessive confidence.

Just as he was about to say something more, Tang Yuan’s laughter came from the thunder fire.

“bigmom…… I found you early, really, obviously a small role, and I have to forcibly add drama to myself. ”

Bigmom’s hole shrank and looked at the sea of thunder and fire in disbelief.

“How… Possible? ”

As the thunder fire slowly dispersed, Tang Yuan appeared there intact.

“If you want to break my defenses, you can sacrifice a few more lifetimes.”

Saying that, he waved his hand at Bigmom.

The huge female four emperors seemed to have been hit by an invisible giant hammer, and their facial features were bloody! _

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