As Tang Yuan expected, after opening the door of darkness, it was directly connected to the Endless Void, and he did not hesitate to step directly in.

The endless void is like a bottomless ocean, and the worlds are like bubbles floating in the seawater, exploring the void is to keep moving forward in the seawater, looking for the bubbles that are far apart, invading it!

In this, countless terrifying twisted creatures inhabit activities, and ordinary people will be torn to pieces by the chaotic space just by stepping here.

However, for Archimonde, this is nothing.

Irida people are fearless!

With Alisa, Tang Yuan walked in the endless void for a long time, killing many void creatures that did not have long eyes.

If it weren’t for Alyssa by his side, Tang Yuan felt that he was about to lose his ability to think—just when he himself was about to forget the “nine eight seven” time, a world slowly emerged in front of his eyes.

Feeling the world barrier, Tang Yuan’s eyes lit up.

“After walking for so long, it’s really not easy to finally find a world.” He sighed.

Alyssa nodded: “It’s good luck.” ”

Tang Yuan used the Archimund transformation to approach the past and put his hand on the world wall.

Not surprisingly, a powerful repulsive force came, which is the reaction that a normal world should have.

However, this is difficult for Tang Yuan.

He slowly infiltrated the world and began to look for what he wanted.

The spiritual power swept away a little in this world, and he couldn’t help but show a surprised expression.

“Is that okay?” Tang Yuan was surprised.

Alyssa looked at him: “What’s wrong?” ”

“A world I know.” Tang Yuan explained.

He is too familiar with this world…

In a land bordering the sea, there are five large countries, as well as some scattered small countries, whose names are fire, terroir, thunder and water…


Walking casually in the void, you can actually encounter a world of knowledge, this chance, really as Alyssa said, luck is so good!

Tang Yuan shook his head funny, if it was the Hokage World, he wouldn’t have to bother looking for a target, because he knew the personalities and experiences of most of the main characters here.

Squinting his eyes, Tang Yuan quickly confirmed who he wanted.

“…… It’s actually this kid, it’s really fateful, it’s good, borrowed your strength, and helped you. ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan probed his spirit.

In a wooded area in the Land of Waves, three figures are jumping up and down here.


A head full of golden hair, with a face for several years, while shouting, while desperately running to a tree, stepping on the trunk with both feet, wanting to run up like this, but before running, he snapped and fell.

“Aaaah! Damn it! You can walk up the trunk of a tree with Chakra, why is such a simple thing not done well? He lay on the ground and cried out unpleasantly.

A black-haired boy next to him glanced at him impatiently: “Be quiet!” Naruto! ”

On the trunk, a pink-haired girl grinned: “Oil! ”

Naruto said unpleasantly, “Ahhh, Sakura! Again just cheering for Sasuke?! ”

Unlike Naruto and Sakura, who jumped away, the boy known as Sasuke looked gloomy at this time.

His full name is Sasuke Uchiha, the prototype of Sasuke in the Dusk Brigade.

It’s just that Sasuke in the Dusk Brigade is what he will be twenty years later, powerful and domineering, compared to this weak him now, he is not a person of the world at all…

He carries the blood and sea of the entire family, so he must not stop, every day, every second must become stronger, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to take revenge!


He looked at the tall trees in front of him.

He obviously wants to become the strongest ninja, but now he can’t even climb trees and walk water, which is really desperate.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his head.

“Do you crave power?”


Sasuke jumped up in horror and looked around, wondering where the voice was coming from.

Both Naruto and Sakura were taken aback by him and quickly asked him what was wrong.

Sasuke didn’t speak, he was waiting for that voice.

Sure enough, then, the voice sounded again.

“No need to look for… You know, my voice is in your head… You have unlimited potential, a little ninjutsu, it is not at all the goal you should strive for, accept my power, I will make you an unprecedented powerhouse! ”

“Unprecedented… Overmatch?! Hearing this, Sasuke’s Nakaji soul suddenly burst into flames!

“That’s right…”

Tang Yuan said while sending an image to Sasuke’s mind…….

It was an image he pinched out by himself with the battle in his memory, Hokage, and the content was Uchiha Baba vs. Senjukuma!

Seeing the shocking battle in the video, Sasuke’s eyes became brighter!

“Can you make me so strong!?”

“Ha, why is it so strong, ten points stronger than this, one percent! The power of the Dusk Brigade is something you can never imagine! Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Sasuke took a few deep breaths.

“How can I trust you?”

“Simple.” Tang Yuan said, and then sent a level A fire escape, fire dun and hao fire extinguishing cultivation method to Sasuke’s mind!

Feeling the extra things coming out of his head, Sasuke was first stunned, and then couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

“Such a strong fire… Better than any of the ones I mastered! You really didn’t lie to me! ”

“Huh… Of course, you’ll know more about us later. ”

As a senior middle school two disease plus two five zai, Sasuke did not doubt him at all, and said directly: “Dusk brigade… What do you want me to do? ”

“It’s very simple, you just need to follow what I said 5.6, draw a magic array on the ground, and then integrate Chakra into it.” Tang Yuan said, and then sent the magic array he asked for to Sasuke’s mind.

Sasuke was stunned for a moment: “It’s okay to draw this thing, but how do I integrate Chakra into it?” ”

“Simple, let go of all your physical and mental defenses, I’ll distance you.” Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Under the strange gazes of Naruto and Sakura, after a while, Sasuke began to crouch on the ground and draw things-

“…… What’s wrong with Sasuke, is he crazy? Naruto said.

Sakura showed a worried expression: “You go and call Kakashi-sensei!” ”

A short moment later, the masked man, Konoha Shinobi Kakashi, arrives here.

Just as he arrived, a dark door slowly emerged in the air! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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