The flaming crow opened its mouth, revealing a mouthful of small fangs.

Just looking at this mouth can make people feel densely phobic.

In the next second, the crow had already flown towards the flying segment like a sharp arrow, and as soon as it touched, it bit away several pieces of meat from the flying segment!

Fei Duan screamed.

“There are so many messy means!” He said in annoyance, and then the bloody March scythe in his hand turned, swept the eyes of the hellbox beside him, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

As a ninja, he doesn’t have any decent ninjutsu, but because of this, his physical skills are very strong, and he can almost match Kakashi’s personal skills!

In the next second, he had already appeared behind the six remains!

“Got it!” Fei Duan grinned and slashed at the six skeletons!


I don’t know when, the trident of the six skeletons had stopped in front of his scythe, and the two long-handled weapons collided violently!

Fei Duan frowned, at that moment just now, he always felt that something was wrong.

With the posture of the six skeletons just now, it is impossible to block the trident in front of him.

Can’t you keep up with the speed of the six remains?

Are you kidding!

In this world, there are only a handful of people who can make him fly to the endless, definitely not including this pineapple head in front of him!

Thinking of this, Fei Duan roared, and the power in his hand increased wildly!

He is an immortal body, and many injuries that are enough to affect ordinary people for life do not matter to him! It’s like completely ignoring your own muscle endurance and forcibly releasing the power that exceeds your own limit!


Smoke and dust burst!

Fei Duan laughed loudly, and the whole person jumped up in mid-air, slashing down with a scythe, while the six skeletons were cross-blocked with a trident below.

“Useless, useless, useless!!”

While shouting, Fei Duan suppressed his power again.


On his arm, the muscles were ruptured and bleeding burst out, but he didn’t care, just pressed the scythe down harder!

Finally, the six skeleton could not bear his power and was suppressed——

“Good!!” Fei Duan laughed, and the scythe suddenly turned in a circle, and took it back with a stroke on the shoulder of the six remains, bringing back only a little blood.

Blood belonging to the six skeletons!

“Stupid fellow, when you get blood by me, your life will no longer belong to you…” Saying that, Fei Duan grinned and licked the blood on the scythe that belonged to the six bones into his mouth.

Then, he drew a simple sacrificial array and stood in, the whole person was covered with black and white patterns, looking like a skeleton…

Under the gaze of the six skeletons, he took out a short black spear: “The ceremony is about to begin!” When I pierced this spear through my own body … Your life will come to an end! ”

Liudao smiled and said, “Sounds quite interesting.” ”

Fei Duan snorted coldly, the smiling face of the six skeleton made him look upset, obviously he was going to kill him soon, it didn’t seem interesting.

“You can laugh now…” He laughed, raised his black spear high, and plunged into his body with a snort!

“Wow!!” A large mouthful of blood was directly spurted out by him.

After doing all this, he lay on the ground contented.

A few seconds later, he showed a puzzled expression.

It stands to reason that the six bones should have been the same as themselves by now, seriously injured in the chest, fell to the ground, and vomited blood.

Why is there no movement at all?

He subconsciously raised his head a little and looked towards the six remains.

But I found that the six remains were still standing there quietly, still smiling, as if nothing had happened!

“How is that possible?!” Fei Duan roared out in shock!

“How is it impossible?” Rokujo shrugged.

The pupil of the flying segment contracts into a point.

A strong sense of fear continued to wash over his body.

From childhood to adulthood, he has never been afraid of suffering, even if he is tortured by cruel teachings and cut by adults, he is not afraid, because the power of faith supports him!

But…… Now, for the first time, the faith that has sustained him to this day has been shaken!

The omnipotent evil god lord is on top, as long as he uses this “spell death by blood”, no matter how strong the enemy is, there is never a dead end, and there is never an exception!

But now, what’s really going on?

He wanted to stand up, rush to the six remains, pull him by the collar, and question what he had done and why he had deprived him of the glory bestowed upon him by Lord Evil God!

But he didn’t dare.

As a cultist, after releasing the “Spell Death Blood”, you must lie on the ground for about half an hour, and once you stand up, you are disrespectful to the evil god.

It’s just that…… If you don’t stand up, isn’t this doubt in your heart disrespectful?

Fei Duan was soaked in cold sweat.

Only a true fanatic can understand the pain of his current decision, and if he had the choice, Fei Duan would rather be crushed by a meat grinder than bear this sin of questioning the evil god lord!

Looking at Fei Duan’s earth-colored appearance, Liudao couldn’t help but laugh.

“You guy… It’s really interesting, forget it, don’t tease you. ”

With that, he waved his hand.

With his movements, the scenery in front of Fei Duan’s eyes changed rapidly.

His eyes widened and he looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He was lying quietly on the ground with his black spear stuck in his stomach.

But…… The surrounding scenery has not changed a little at all!

The earth and rocks that had just been swept away by the aftermath of the battle between the two and the big trees that had been cut off were all intact at this time!

“This… This?! ”

Deidara on the side scratched his hair: “Is this guy in Fei Duan crazy, he has been bouncing around there by himself, and he gave himself a spear…”

The scorpion looked at him helplessly: “That’s an illusion, the illusion of the six skeletons!” Forgot Lord Mastan’s words, he is proficient in spiritual abilities, and the spirit of invading such a fool as Fei Duan is not simple! ”

“Oh! I see! Deidara was abrupt.

============================ Separator ======================================================================================================================================================================

Recommend the old books of Ta-chan “Infinite King Arrival”, “Pirate’s Super God Mage”, “Death’s I Ulquiorra”!

The Junyang number is too lazy to send it, there is no point.

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