Just as Kakashi was thinking about it, Tang Yuan touched his chin and spoke, “It seems that I can’t go to Konoha with you.” ”

“Huh?” Naruto and Sakura were both stunned.

Sasuke was a little anxious, “What is Senpai going to do?” ”

Kakashi looked at Tang Yuan in amazement, not knowing what he was making a fuss about.

“These traces make me very concerned, I have to go and see, so I won’t go to Konoha with you.” He said.

“I’ll go too!” Sasuke said.

Tang Yuan shook his head: “Teach you for five days, it’s for fate’s sake, I don’t have the habit of running around with oil bottles, after you return to Konoha, practice what I taught you, in the future, when you become stronger, I will naturally find you again.” ”

“So…” Sasuke’s expression was a little gray, but he still nodded: “Then how can I contact Senpai then?” ”

Tang Yuan smiled: “I told you… The members of the Dusk Brigade can all summon each other, and although I will not go to Konoha, I will find a member to convey the will of the brigade in my place. ”

“Find a member … Is it? Sasuke asked a little strangely.

Tang Yuan nodded.

Then, he made a seal with one hand.

With his movements, a circular enchantment suddenly appeared on the ground.

As a flash of light flashed, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was a boy with orange hair, dressed in a Tang costume-like outfit, stepping on a pair of cloth shoes, and smiling on his face, looking particularly harmless to humans and animals.

In his hand, he held a purple umbrella.

As soon as he appeared, he looked at Tang Yuan.

“Oops… Summoned me, is there something wrong? ”

“You go with them to Konoha.” Tang Yuan and his own energy doppelganger directed and acted themselves, “The things after that, whatever you want.” ”

“So that’s the case…” The smiling boy looked at Kakashi’s group and nodded: “I see, everyone, I am Kamui, an ordinary member of the Dusk Brigade, please advise.” ”

“Please, please advise.” Naruto nodded.

Sasuke nodded not too satisfied.

Sakura accidentally blushed – this boy named Kamui is so handsome…

[Kamui transformation completed! ] 】

[Kamui, from the world of “Gintama”, one of the three major battle races in the universe, a member of the “Night Hare”! ] He is the son of the strongest man in the universe, Xinghai Fang, and serves as the commander of the sixth division in the cosmic pirate “Spring Rain”, with extremely powerful melee combat ability, but does not like sunlight. 】

After the transformation, Tang Yuan directly took the prestige of this world and filled this doppelganger.

Kamui transformation is different from Sasuke’s transformation, no matter how strong Sasuke transforms, no matter how many things he does in this world, he can’t increase his reputation a little, but after Kamui transforms into stronger, everything he does can give him prestige…

[Shenwei transformation enhanced! ] And activate the big move “Blood of the Night Hare”! 】

[Night Hare Blood, by activating the original ability in the night hare’s body, greatly improves the combat ability for a period of time, and can greatly enhance the resilience, ignoring the vast majority of non-fatal injuries! ] Current level 4! 】

“You can actually summon other members directly to your side… This ability is really terrifying, so to speak, the appearance of a member of the Dusk Brigade means that all members may be summoned at any time?! Kakashi lost his voice.

Shenwei smiled slightly: “How could it be… The Dusk Brigade is spread over all worlds, and everyone has their own work to do, and how can they be summoned at will, at most, it is just to gather all the members of this world. ”

Kakashi: “…”

It’s not that you can’t, but you don’t want to?

Cold sweat oozed from his back, and he really didn’t want to accept this fact.

Since he met Tang Yuan, he hadn’t slept peacefully these days!

Looking at Shenwei, Tang Yuan didn’t say anything, and disappeared directly in place.

It really disappeared directly, he transferred the body to Kamui, Sasuke replaced it with a doppelganger, and then as soon as it was canceled, Sasuke was gone.

But in Kakashi’s opinion, this was the powerful instantaneous technique used by Tang Yuan, a teleportation technique that even he couldn’t see clearly!

Naruto leaned over to Kamui’s side.

“Shenwei, you are also Uncle Tang Yuan’s organization… What brigade people? ”

“Dusk Brigade.” Kamui smiled.

“Then you are also very strong?” Naruto couldn’t help but ask.

Shenwei laughed: “If you compare me with that senior, you really embarrass me.” ”

Saying that, his eyes, which had been smiling and smiling, suddenly opened a little.

“However, it’s still no problem to fight a few ninjas in your world…”

In an instant, an invisible pressure enveloped Naruto’s whole body, making him can’t help but retreat several times and plop down on the ground!

“…… Gang, what was that just now…?” asked Naruto sweating profusely.

“Such a strong murderous aura… How many people has this guy killed! Kakashi stood to the side, a drop of cold sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead, as a ninja who had been on the battlefield, he had killed countless people, but in terms of murderous aura, it was not a little worse than Kamui…

Did this guy grow up killing people since he was a child!

Kakashi took a deep breath, sure enough, Tang Yuan didn’t say nonsense, the Dusk Brigade was really a bunch of terrible guys…

The group continued to set off.

When they were still a short and halfway from Konoha, they met a group of people in the forest.

It was a man in a green tights with three imps.

Obviously, like Kakashi’s squad, this is a ninja squad with a teacher.

When the leading man saw Kakashi, he smiled and strode over.

“Long time no see! Kakashi! You guys just came back from a mission? ”

Seeing this person, Kakashi showed a headache expression: “Kai… You’re still as energetic as ever. ”

Kai laughed: “Of course! To live is to be youthful! ”

Saying that, he suddenly saw Kamui behind Kakashi.

“Huh, who is this kid?”

Hearing this, Kakashi hesitated and spoke, “You better leave this alone.” ”

“Huh? What does that mean? Kai looked strange.

Then he turned his head to look at Kamui.

“Speaking of which, this kid looks skinny, but there is a coercion hidden, which makes people want to fight him!”

Saying that, Kai laughed and beckoned to Kamui.

“Boy, do you want to have a trick with me?”

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