As Payne threw out the small black hole in his hand, a powerful attraction suddenly hit everyone present!

The scorpion was the first to stand up, soared into the air, and flew towards the little black hole!

He is now in a puppeteer state, and his own strength is ten percent out of ten, and he can’t resist Payne’s moves at all!

“Deidara!” He shouted subconsciously.

“Haha, brother Scorpion, is it actually me who first wants to ask for help when encountering a problem?” Deidaraha smiled, stepped on the clay flying bird, and chased the scorpion.

As soon as it flew, Deidara’s realization was wrong.

The clay bird, which is usually a thief with strong power, can’t even protect itself in the face of the attraction of that little black hole, let alone save the scorpion!

“Master Master!!” He quickly pulled his throat and asked Marstein for help.

Marstan was speechless.

“It’s really a dangerous ability…” Fei Duan said with his hand in front of his face, a little surprised.

The six skeleton tridents pointed far away, and a big hand suddenly appeared in the air out of thin air, grabbed the scorpion and Deidara, and got the two back.

Deidara breathed a sigh of relief and grinned, “Thank you, Master Master!” Thank you Liudao Senior ”

At this time, around the small black hole, several layers of earth and rock have been covered, gathering into a large soil ball!

“Get out of here quickly!” Uchiha said, about to pull back.

Just then, Altair’s voice sounded.

“No need.”

“?!” Hearing this, everyone looked at her in surprise.

“Lord Altair! Your moves are indeed powerful, but Payne’s moves are also unpredictable, and we have not seen this ninjutsu at the moment, I am afraid there will be potential danger! Scorpion said.

Altair smiled.

“It’s just a heavenly explosion star, and there are no changes.”

Saying that, she didn’t care at all, allowing herself to be sucked in by the Earth Explosion Sky Star.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed shocked expressions.

“Altair-senpai?!” Deidara was surprised.

“Suicide?” The ghost mackerel is unbelievable.

The ferret frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Tiandao Payne laughed: “Stupid! He was actually sealed into the Earth Explosion Star! How stupid! Altair, even if you have the ability to reach the heavens today, don’t think about jumping out of my seal!” ”

Saying that, he worked hard to squeeze his Chakra, desperately compressing the Earth Explosion Star tighter!

Deidara subconsciously turned to look at Mastan and Liudao, not knowing how the two of them would react.

Liudao shook his head with a smile.

“Payne is finished.”

“Yes.” Marstan nodded.

Hearing the words of the two, everyone was confused.

Why do you say Payne is finished?

The one who has the advantage at the moment is obviously Payne.

Altair is all sealed!

The body of the six skeletons slowly turned into mist: “The victory has been decided, I will go first, there are still things to be busy.” ”

Marstan nodded.

The figure of the six skeleton slowly disappeared.

Looking at the hand of the six remains, Uchiha was deeply surprised.

He had just looked at the six remains with the three-hook jade chakra eye the whole time, and he actually didn’t understand how the latter disappeared!

This is simply beyond his three views.

On weekdays, his three-hook jade writing wheel eye basically has nothing that cannot be seen, no matter how advanced ninjutsu it is!

Even Payne’s skill, he could roughly see, it was a kind of pupil technique.

But this six-way remains actually made him unable to see the slightest bit of falsehood…

The Dusk Brigade, really as they say, is a very terrifying organization.

Why would such a strong group suddenly make a move on “Xiao”?

Is it because you see Xiao’s ability and want to take Xiao for yourself?

Judging by Deidara’s situation, this is indeed the most likely scenario.

So what should he do, follow Xiao and merge into the Dusk Brigade, and then continue to provide Konoha with information about the Dusk Brigade?

Thinking of this, the weasel’s mind was confused again.

He remembered what Marstein had just said.

Sasuke now… I am afraid that he is already a member of the Dusk Brigade, and if he continues to be a double agent, I am afraid that it will not only be himself, but also Sasuke who will be unlucky in the end!

The thought of this possibility made the ferret feel unacceptable.

At this time, Heavenly Dao Payne was already grinning, controlling the Earth Explosion Heavenly Star to condense to a certain point.

Looking at this big earth ball, the ghost mackerel felt that something was wrong.

“I think it’s better to stay away.” He said.

“I also think there’s something wrong with this thing.” The scorpion said, “It’s just that for a moment I didn’t think something was wrong.” ”

Deidara scratched her hair: “I think this thing is a little kind.” ”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Fei Duan cold sweat came down directly: “This thing will explode!” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Tiandao Payne laughed: “That’s right, it’s a pity, it’s too late!” ”


In the surprised gaze of everyone, the big earth ball of the earth explosion star directly exploded!

At this moment, a voice sounded.

“The Fourteenth Movement… Causal transformation! ”



Judgment is a great evil – Lu Xun

Lately it’s been very cavan-ta-chan

Ta-chan is really faceless – reader

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