“Uchiha Obito?” Naruto’s eyes widened as if he didn’t understand, “Isn’t Uchiha Obito the same person who once gave his eyes to Kakashi-sensei?” Why…”

“It’s very simple, the mask man is Uchiha Obito.” Tang Yuan said slowly.

“What!” Naruto was completely stunned, “But isn’t he a ninja from Konoha?” Why is this…”

Tang Yuan scratched the back of his head and said, “Please, there is a limit to human lifespan, do you think a person can really live that long through normal channels?” Whether it is Kakuto’s secret technique or the rebirth technique of the big snake pill, the body that the two people finally get is actually defective, even if they can live for a long time, but there is no way to exert their true strength, Uchiha is a person who attaches great importance to strength, do you think he will really give up his original body to find that kind of outer path? ”

“But…” Naruto’s face showed a look of confusion, “what the hell did he do?” ”

“Of course the answer is.” Tang Yuan’s words were still finished.

At this time, the scorpion suddenly broke in, but at this time he was still carrying a person in his hand, who was this person not Sakura? The scorpion said slowly, “She suddenly broke into the village, so I brought her here.” ”

At this time, Sakura immediately shouted after seeing Naruto, “Naruto is not good, Uchiha Madara, no, that mask man is not Uchiha Madara, he used Uchiha Madara to reincarnate and channeled him, and now the whole people have no way to stop him!” ”

Tang Yuan smiled, “You see what I said is good, right? The mask man is not U~ Zhibo spot. ”

Naruto’s eyes showed a bit of pleading, and Tang Yuan turned to Sasuke’s body and said, “Michael, please.” -”

Tang Yuan then nodded, “I know, originally I wanted to watch more dramas.” Saying that, Tang Yuan controlled Michael’s body and walked towards Naruto, placing his hand on the top of Naruto’s head, “This thing – just borrow it for you.” ”

Saying that, Naruto felt a rush of heat overhead, and a voice in his heart remembered, “Hmph, little ghost has not been seen for a long time!” ”

“Nine Tails!” Naruto couldn’t help but widen his eyes as if he couldn’t believe it, but the other party’s attitude was not particularly good, “Hmph, I didn’t expect to fight you in the end, I really don’t know what the master thinks.” ”

“Master?” Naruto was completely stunned, you know that the Nine Tails have always been untamed, but they were completely tamed by Michael?

“Come on, boy, let you see my power.” As soon as the voice of the Nine Tails fell, a layer of golden yellow coat appeared on the outside of Naruto’s body, and at the same time, Naruto felt the endless power gushing out madly, and he took a deep breath and appeared directly hundreds of meters away.

“How could it be… This speed… Completely stunned.

Tang Yuan, on the other hand, yawned and said, “You go to the battlefield first, there is something to do.” ”

After saying that, Tang Yuan disappeared directly from the place, and a few moments later he appeared in a mine cave in the Iron Country, and at this time he was sitting here safely, with a smile on his face and said, “Why do you need me to do it?” ”

At this time, the pocket did not look as terrifying as fire, and there was naturally a reason for Tang Yuan, and after Tang Yuan smiled, he said, “Then come with me.” ”

“No problem.” Pocket nodded, and an excited expression appeared on his face.

In fact, he had been waiting for a long time as a Fuko, but on the other side, Konoha had already fallen into a bitter battle, and the five shadows were facing each other.

At this time, Madara and Obito were already surrounded, and in the face of many ninjas, Obito snorted coldly and said, “I’ll go prepare that next, and I’ll leave it to you.” ”

After saying that, his body twisted for a while, and he disappeared directly into the air.

And Uchiha Madara showed a sneer on his face in the face of the many ninjas in front of him, “Don’t talk nonsense, the fire is extinguished!” ”

When Uchiha used this trick, everyone at the scene was stunned, in fact, all along, Huodun is actually not very powerful ninjutsu, it is very malleable, but it has no special attributes, can not instantly destroy the powerful wall, nor can it directly carry out attribute destruction, but its range is large, and then the lethality of the human body is high, so there are many people to learn, but if you must say, it is certain that Huodun does not have advanced stage ninjutsu.

······· Ask for flowers…

Of course, this is after throwing away those blood succession limits, and the fire dragon bomb may be a very powerful trick in the right fire, but such a trick can only be regarded as a B-level ninjutsu in the positioning, yes, this is a very embarrassing thing, and there is no A ninjutsu in the fire.

Therefore, in the battle between masters, fire is often used as a restriction and persecution.

But at this time, the fire used by Uchiha was extinguished, but it almost subverted the world view of the people here, and I saw that at this time, a huge wall of fire that seemed to be a water array wall directly and madly pressed towards the direction of the ninja alliance.


At this time, everyone’s hearts sank, of course, they knew that Uchiha’s strength was very strong, but it would not reach this level, right? This kind of Uchiha spot is simply like a monster!

Shui Ying immediately ordered, “Use the Water Array Wall!” ”

Subsequently, many ninjas began to use the water array wall to block, but Uchiha’s strength was too strong, and the water array wall that thirty people cast together barely blocked the fire.

But at this time, even if everyone blocked Madara’s fire extinguished, but Madara rushed into the crowd and launched a crazy attack, countless people were shot out for a while, and for a while, the scene was very chaotic, and many ninjas had no way to fight against Uchiha Madara.

At this time, everyone understood why after becoming the patriarch, Uchiha was able to single-handedly push the Uchiha clan to the top of the world.

However, even if Madara was superior in strength, just when he killed a ninja from one to another, the ground under his feet suddenly softened, but it was Mizukage who launched a trap made by the melt.

And it was at this time that Tokage Onoki had already seen through the other party’s actions and directly launched the Dust Escape Limit Peeling Technique. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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