At the same time, the Nine Tails snorted coldly, “Don’t care, I’m already immune to this move.” ”

“Immune?” Naruto was stunned, but the other tailed beasts roared madly with this crimson ripple.

The Nine Tails explained, “This is actually a provocation, a trick that the master extracted from my body, and can instantly provoke the belligerence of other tailed beasts, if you want to. This trick can even forcibly beast other human pillars in an instant…”

Sure enough, with the words of the nine tails, the bodies of several other tailed beasts suddenly changed, and they quickly advanced towards the complete body, at this time their flesh had begun to merge with the outer tailed beast coat, and then the body size also began to grow rapidly, in Naruto’s eyes, they slowly “five, six, seven” into a huge object.

Soon, six huge monsters capable of destroying any village appeared in front of the two.

At the same time, Obito’s body trembled, and indeed as these tailed beasts were completely embodied, the pupil power he needed to control these tailed beasts suddenly increased.

“Abominable!” Obito’s face showed a disgruntled expression, at this time, in his eyes, Tang Yuan was not able to defeat himself, but it was too despicable to use such a trick to drag himself down!

“But do you think this will bring me down?” Obito’s face showed a sneer, and at the same time numerous tailed beasts surrounded Naruto and Tang Yuan.

At this moment, they all quickly condensed the tailed beast bullet in their mouths, but they wanted to release the tailed beast bullet at close range to directly clean up the two, Tang Yuan jumped directly into the air with Naruto at this time, at the same time, the sword in his hand stretched out six vines directly towards the neck position of the tailed beast, with his movements, the tailed beast bullet no longer had a way to condense and actually burst directly, for a moment, there was a violent explosion below, Tang Yuan protected Naruto and jumped to a position a hundred meters away, Even so, Naruto’s body seemed to have been greatly damaged, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

On the other side, the five shadows were confronted with Madara, and now the outside of Konoha has turned into a different look, a giant tree with countless flowers has replaced the original forest, these trees were all forcibly summoned by Uchiha Madara using ninjutsu, but in an instant, the people who did not evacuate except for the five shadows basically hung up. The Ninja Alliance Army withdrew directly, and some of them may be able to intervene in the shadow-level battle, but now they have reached the battle beyond the shadow level, and they are still here just getting in the way.

The five shadows did not please under Madara’s attack, they were forced step by step, at this time, even if Tsuchikage returned to his youthful state, but in front of Madara, he was not an opponent at all, and Madara was able to crush him a long time ago, and now Madara has an immortal body, and a reincarnation eye that can absorb all ninjutsu, so they can’t fight at all, but Madara doesn’t seem to want to kill them directly, but it is the same as some playfulness.

“Is it really good for the five of you to beat me one?” The embarrassed five had mocking smiles on their faces.

And Lei Ying directly ripped off his shirt

“Really.” Uchiha laughed, and then he put his hands together and drank, “Multiple Wood Doppelgänger Technique!” ”

With his voice, the twenty-five doppelgangers on the scene, these doppelgangers directly faced the five shadows, and for a moment, they became twenty-six against five.

Uchiha shrugged his shoulders and said, “Hehe, now it’s the real five-on-one.” ”

“Damn, this is clearly the trick of the original Hokage! Why would this guy use it! Tsuchikage’s face showed a surprised expression.

Madara sighed and said, “Actually, this kind of crushing is not interesting, so I want to ask, do you think these doppelgangers can use Susanoo well, or not?” ”

Ten seconds later, everything became without any suspense, and Madara, who showed a part of his strength, easily suppressed the five shadows, and twenty-five Susanoo danced here, turning this place into Madara’s playground……….

Without any possibility of victory, no one worsening the suspense, the Five Shadows had fallen into despair at this time.

However, at this time, Tsuchikage did not give up, at this time he roared, “Don’t admit defeat here!” Even if you die, you can’t lose your morale! ”

I, Ailuo, on the other hand, smiled bitterly and said, “Indeed, we are still five shadows.” ”

“That’s right, you can’t break your promise to Naruto!” Onoki said word by word.

“That’s right, we entrusted Naruto with the battle over there!” Jiraiya laughed, at this time the immortal mode on his body had begun to be unstable, and he also learned the way Naruto used the immortal mode, so he didn’t need two immortals to be able to use the immortal mode.

However, his chakra is not as large as Naruto’s, so it seems that his state is already a little unstable now.

“Got it.” Terumi took a deep breath, “I don’t have any special abilities, so now Chakra is almost bottoming out, everyone is ready, maybe the last blow will follow!” ”

Tsuchikage muttered, “Everyone, hand over Chakra to me!” ”

Almost instantly, everyone understood Tsuchikage’s thoughts, yes, the most destructive of the five shadows is 3.2, which is the dust of Tsuchikage and the only existence that can instantly destroy Susano.

Everyone did not hesitate, and the powerful Chakra was instilled into the body of the earth shadow, and Onoki sealed his hands at this time, “The Dust Escape Limit Peeling Technique!” ”

With his roar, a huge cube appeared in front of him, such a huge bounding stripping technique, directly wrapped all of Madara’s wooden doppelgangers in it, and Madara did not expect that Onoki would actually desperately reach this level, and could only quickly dodge away, after all, even his own flesh did not dare to eat such a trick.

He also didn’t expect that Onoki would use such a trick, just to swallow his shadow doppelganger, so he didn’t have time to absorb it with the eye of reincarnation for a while. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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