“The verdict is as follows.” Tang Yuan looked at the Ninja Realm Alliance in front of him, “I won’t do it in three hours, if after three hours, there are still people in this world who are willing to submit to the Dusk Brigade, then you will be redeemed.” ”

After Meliodas said this, he flashed directly to the side, “Then let me see your true skills, Michael, since you have the favor of the regiment leader, then you don’t think you can just play tricks or something, right?” ”

Then Tang Yuan shifted all his attention to Michael’s body, at this time he took a deep breath and looked at the four Hokage who were reborn from the dirt, “Then let’s do it, according to the original situation, sorry, although I have expected that the other party is difficult to deal with, but I didn’t expect that there is still some trouble to dispatch you.” ”

“No problem, since we need to do it, let’s go all out!” The pillars took a step forward at this time, and at the same time, a large number of immortal chakras also appeared on the body of the wave feng shui gate, and at this time, four fire shadows appeared directly around the ten tails, “Four Red Sun Array!” ”

There was no pause between the pillars, and the coat of arms formed by casting immortal magic appeared on his face, “Immortal Law Ming Divine Gate!” ”

At this time, the four Hokage joined forces, and the crimson enchantment on all sides directly blocked the Ten Tails, and then the Myojin Gate fell and directly stuck the action of the Ten Tails, and in an instant, the Ten Tails were completely trapped.

“The red enchantment…” Most of the ninjas had never seen such a posture.

And a few of them who had a wide range of knowledge were surprised and said, “No one has been able to use this enchantment for a long time, it is dozens of times stronger than the Purple Flame God Enchantment, but it takes four shadow-level powerhouses to be able to cast it…”

But just when the Ninja World Alliance was not happy for long, the ten tails once again began to condense the tailed beast jade, this guy seemed to be completely crazy, actually condensed the tailed beast jade directly when his body was trapped, in this way, it could not control the direction of the tailed beast jade, it just wanted to use the tailed beast jade to blast through the enchantment.

Just like that, the first wave of explosions will shatter his body first!

In an instant, a violent explosion roared, and when the smoke and dust cleared, everyone couldn’t help but cheer again, because the tailed beast jade at this time really did not smash the enchantment, on the contrary, the impact force made the strength of the ten tails break a lot, although soon his body began to recover, but at least this means that it has no way to come out easily!

And Madara was also affected, at this time the body is slowly re-condensing, and Obito is with the distortion of space, re-walked out, if he hadn’t just hid in his own space, I’m afraid he would have died violently, after all, he is a living person, not a reborn from dirt.

At this time, Zhujian stepped forward and sealed his hands, “Multiple Wood Dun Avatar Technique!” ”

As his voice appeared behind him, dozens of doppelgangers, “People from the Ninja Realm Alliance, follow me!” I open a hole in the enchantment that can pass through people! ”

Saying that, his doppelganger rushed directly into the enchantment with part of the Ninja Realm alliance army, while Pillar continued to use the Shinmei Gate to continue to bind the body of the Ten Tails.

In this way, the Ten Tails completely became the turtle in the urn.

And a person has already appeared in front of the pillar at this time, “We still have to face each other like this.” ”

“Madara made you wait for a long time.” Thousand Hand Pillar sighed slightly, “Let me be your opponent.” ”

And Uchiha sat directly in front of him and said, “Isn’t it a little stupid to use the doppelganger to delay time, your body has already entered, so I’ll wait here until your essence comes out.” ”

And at this time, the people who rushed into the enchantment originally thought that there was nothing scary about the ten tails at this time, but then the surface of the ten tails’ body squirmed, and then countless monsters rushed out from its body, and these monsters seemed to be aliens, and they roared madly towards this side.

The combat effectiveness of these aliens is not bad, at least far beyond the strength of the middle ninja, and soon there were casualties in the ninja alliance, but under the impact of the elite troops, these monsters were quickly squeezed to the side of the ten tails, and with the emergence of this situation, the output of the aliens became higher and higher.

Moreover, their size and strength have also become stronger, it seems that the Ten Tails did not use their full strength at first, and now the monsters it shows with full strength have far exceeded the imagination of the Ninja Realm Alliance.

And soon Madara slowly stood up, “I really thank you a little, if you forced him to focus most of his attention on you, I wouldn’t have controlled this place so easily…”

With Madara’s words, Obito’s face, who was originally entangled with the second-generation Hokage, changed drastically, and he felt that his body seemed to be losing control, “Madara! What are you doing! ”

At the same time, the Ten Tails also began to struggle frantically, and Madara directly sealed his hands, “Then let’s start!” Obito! ”

Obito kicked the second-generation Hokage violently, and at the same time his hands froze, “No! I want to see the world I want, not just perish now! I won’t throw in the towel! Spot! You can’t do this to me! ”

“No, you’ve been my tool from the beginning…” With Madara sighing, Obito had already clasped his hands together.

“Stop Obito!” Naruto roared, he saw that the technique that Obito cast at this time was a reincarnation innate technique, a trick that could directly resurrect people who had died, and if it was really cast, then what appeared in front of everyone would be a real Madara .

Although the art of soil rebirth seems to completely resurrect a person from the underworld, it is actually not like this, just like the big snake pill resurrected the first and second generations, the first and second generations at that time also spent a lot of time not to kill the ape flying sun slash, and in fact, if it is a real thousand hand pillar, then I am afraid that in a few rounds, the ape flying sun slash will be defeated.

As a person masters the reincarnation of dirt, the more proficient he is in using this technique, the higher the sacrifice, and the more chakra he has, the more powerful the reincarnation of dirt he summons.

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