However, such a trick is simply a childlike trick for Madara, he easily dodged Naruto’s attack, but at this time the others had also arrived, Obito had been confirmed, the Chakra in the other party’s body was basically consumed, even if he was released, there was no threat at all, on the contrary, the more dangerous person at this time was Madara.

At the same time, the tailed beasts that had been unrestrained had already rushed over, and after they poured out of Obito’s body, they immediately locked onto their only threat.

That is, Uchiha Spot, Sharingan is the only ability other than the Outer Path Golem that can forcibly control them, in comparison, the wooden dun between the thousand hand pillars is actually just a bondage.

At the same time, six figures also appeared on this land.

“Oh, imp?” A surprised expression appeared on Shouhe’s face, “I didn’t expect you to be alive. ”

I Ai Luo took a deep breath, at this time the other five shadows also appeared here, in fact, I Ai Luo really thought that he was dead like this, and the strength of the serious Madara was simply outrageously powerful. The Five Kages were defeated without even having the ability to resist. It’s hard to imagine how the Five Kage 410 fought against Konoha, who had Senjukuma and Uchiha Spot.

“Come on! Let’s fight together! I Ai Luo said so, and Shouhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and then nodded, “Although I am a little unhappy, let’s fight together now!” ”

And at this time, Tang Yuan had already rushed over, “Solve him now!” He has no pupil power after his resurrection! ”

At this time, everyone realized that at this time, the eyes were closed, but they really did not use the chakra eye, if the other party really had no way to use the reincarnation eye or the chakra eye, then it was indeed a great opportunity for them!

Then I Airo appeared on top of Shouhe’s head, “First block the opponent’s movement!” ”

Saying that, a large number of sand grains appeared in front of Shouzuru, and then Shouzuru inhaled sharply, and then blew these sand grains towards Madara, and Madara sneered and wanted to dodge, but felt that his body suddenly became several points heavy, he already felt that something strange seemed to be stuck to his body, “Hmph, Nanao’s pollen?” It’s kind of interesting. ”

Then the sand grains of his body pierced directly, and a sneer appeared on Madara’s face, “Is it just like this?” Although the accuracy is good, it seems to lack the power of a deadly shot! When he said this, his body froze directly, and he found that his body could not move.

“Oh? Was it the control of burying sand in my body? It’s kind of interesting, but to this extent, it’s not enough, right? Madara still had a disdainful expression on his face, but he was directly shot out by the two-tailed cat fork that rushed directly over, and then the other tailed beasts also came up.

These tailed beasts have anger in their hearts, they have just been imprisoned in the outer path golem, the root cause of this is the plan of the man in front of them, and further, when they were all in a wild state, it was the two people of Senjukuma and Uchiha who turned them into a balance of the world.

If the most hated person in the world, then they must be the guy in front of them, in a wild bombardment, Madara has almost no power to fight back, at this time I Ai Luo’s face also showed an excited expression, if this is really the case, then there is no problem.

If Madara doesn’t have eyes, then no matter how strong he is, he is just an ordinary ninja, and if he can’t achieve the degree of qualitative change, then no matter how strong a ninja is, he is definitely not the opponent of so many tailed beasts!

Just when Madara (bace) couldn’t continue to resist, the sand on the ground suddenly surged up, wrapping Madara up, I Ai Luo pointed one finger at Madara, and in an instant the sand condensed into a huge pyramid, “Then seal!” ”

“Huh… It’s really naïve…” With the sound of this voice, the pile of sand that had already condensed into a pyramid was suddenly broken out from the inside, it was Madara Susano, this guy with a sneer on his face manipulated Susanoo to easily dodge the remaining attacks of the tailed beast.

At this time, Tang Yuan also joined the battle group, although Michael’s strength is good, but it is barely able to fight against Madara, now although he and the tailed beast attack together, but there is also a flaw, that is, the two sides have not really cooperated, then now it will actually cause a weakening situation between each other.

However, Madara did not provide everyone with much time, at this time he controlled Susanoo to fly back, and after retreating thousands of meters, he suddenly stopped his steps, and then there was a twist on the ground, and Bai Jue came out of the ground, at this time he handed over the things in his hand to Madara, “Madara-sama, the things are there.” ”

Tang Yuan’s speed suddenly increased several times and shot directly towards Bai Jue, but at this time, Bai Jue seemed to have anticipated Tang Yuan’s thoughts, and immediately flashed to the other side, but he underestimated Tang Yuan too much, even if he dodged a distance of several meters, his body was still directly pierced by Tang Yuan, “Anyway, let’s clean you up first…”

But in an instant, there was a huge sense of coercion on Madara’s body next to him, and Madara looked at Tang Yuan with a sneer, “Is it?” Do you think it will be enough to clean him up? I don’t need help to clean you up.” ”

At this time, one of his eyes has been restored, it is another reincarnation eye that Bai Jue found with soil hidden, at this time, Madara’s face is crazy, “It’s awesome, even if it’s injured, it feels awesome, this is my own body, I really don’t have to say it!” Finally…… You can find the feeling of battle! ”

Saying that, he quickly rushed towards Tang Yuan, and the two of them began a clash of physical skills in an instant, sure enough, as Tang Yuan expected, even if this body can easily defeat a shadow-level powerhouse, but for a guy like Ban, he is nothing at all, even if it is a threat, it is not enough to be fatal.

After determining that he had no way to directly solve the other party, Tang Yuan immediately withdrew back, and Madara sneered and did not pursue, on the contrary, he directly touched his own injury. It was blood, a lot of blood. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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