“Michael-sama!” The Nine Tails roared vigorously at this time, and Tang Yuan looked at the Nine Tails, at this time the Nine Tails directly threw Naruto out of his body, this guy has been fighting with Naruto all along.

“I’ll save you.” Tang Yuan said slowly, everything here is executed according to his plan, and the Nine Tails nodded, and then Shouhe has been the first to suck into the mouth of the outer path golem, with the entry of the first tailed beast, the absorption speed of the outer path golem suddenly increased by several points, and when it came to the nine tails, just in an instant, the nine tails were completely absorbed.

As the tailed beast was all absorbed, the outer path golem opened its eyes in an instant, that is the nine eyes above the face, with the opening of the eyes represents the recovery of its strength, the nine eyes “one, three, three” eyes all open means that it has recovered to its strongest strength!

“Oh, with the current strength, it can only be like this.” Madara said with a relaxed expression on his face.

“Huh, didn’t you say it only takes a few seconds? However, it is still much faster than Obito. Bai Jue quipped.

Madara snorted, “You still have a lot of words, but you are a failure made by me, don’t pick the master’s fault!” Madara suddenly stopped, his body slowly turned to the side, and at the same time a kunai brushed past the edge of his body, it was the second generation Hokage, “Flying Thunder God Slash!” ”

The physical skills of the second generation of Hokage Thousand Hands are indeed very powerful, at least in terms of strength, none of the current generation of Five Shadows is his opponent, at this time, after he launched a surprise attack, he directly fought with Madara, but in less than ten seconds, the Thousand Hands was inserted into the body by the black rod condensed by Madara.

This kind of black rod made by using the Yin and Yang Escape Technique is embedded in the power of the outer path of reincarnation eye, although it is not as strong as the Seeking Dao Jade Rod, and it cannot destroy the opponent’s body while piercing the opponent’s body, but it can directly interfere with the opponent’s Chakra, disrupting the opponent’s Chakra at the same time, the other party will have no way to continue to fight and use ninjutsu, and it has a very good effect on Chakra’s strong people – such as human pillar force and tailed beasts.

And the people who are reborn from the dirt are also in this situation, their bodies are not flesh and blood, but forcibly condensed by Chakra, so once their flesh is inserted by the black rod, the result is better than the jade rod of seeking the Dao.

Seeking Dao jade rods inserted into the body is only destruction, but once they are inserted by the black rod, then the direct result is to be imprisoned, at this time the body of the Senju who was inserted into a black rod trembled, at this time his body seemed to be a little out of control, but he still launched an attack on Ban, down another one, and then the third, not to mention, the second generation Hokage Senju fell to the ground like a hedgehog.

Madara said with a look of disdain, “When your opponent is already convinced that you have won, aligning attacks is your usual method, do you think I won’t be wary?” The mob takes the lead, you are really despicable, Hatsuma…” Uchiha’s face showed a bit of disdain.

“Oh, each other.” There was still no look of frustration on his face.

“However, God is still on my side, if you don’t get the eye of reincarnation and do it, you may still have a few chances!” And now that you do it, it will only make you, who is known as the number one god-speed ninja in the world, so embarrassed! Uchiha said.

“You… What is the purpose of coming back from the dead for a long time ago! Senju roared, “Even if you survive, what can you do, can the world really accept you now?” ”

“I just want to replace the pillar and do what he didn’t finish in his lifetime, but first of all, I want to say that this world is a failure, so let me destroy it first!” With a wave of one hand, Uchiha blocked Tang Yuan’s knife with the black rod in his hand, and Tang Yuan’s face showed a smile and said, “Uchiha Ban, do you really want to use Infinite Moon Reading to control this world?” You should know that such world knowledge is false! ”

Madara sneered and directly entangled with Tang Yuan, “That’s right, there are extreme contradictions in the country created between the pillars, and people look forward to peace, but there is no way to survive without war!” This world already has irreconcilable contradictions, so the only way is to stop being human…”

Tang Yuan looked at Naruto, who couldn’t move at this time, and said directly, “I love Luo Dai and Naruto to get out of here!” It’s up to me to hold it here, although Lord Meliodas said that he won’t do it, but there is no way to do it now, and when the time comes, you will immediately give allegiance to Lord Meliodas!” Otherwise…”

I Ai Luo had already picked up Naruto at this time, his face was very ugly at this time, at this time he took a deep look at Tang Yuan, and then nodded, “I understand, freedom or death…”

And the battle on the other side has become chaotic, the nine tailed beasts on this side have been absorbed, and on the other side, the Ninja Alliance and other shadows have all been dragged down, and it is no one else who drags everyone down, it is Fei, the so-called Fei is an individual in the white absolute, it was he who ‘helped’ Obito to see the scene where Kakashi killed Rin, although he is an individual in the white absolute, but at the same time he is also the most special one among the white absolute, he can wrap other people’s bodies like 5.9 and the black absolute, And control each other, this guy is controlling Yamato’s body at this time to do whatever he wants.0

And at the same time, he himself is a test product for the cells between the thousand hand pillars, so he can easily use the wooden dun, at this time he summoned a huge wooden puppet, actually directly dragged down the pace of all people, at this time, even if the five shadows are on at the same time, there is no way to confront it, although they persisted in the other party’s attack, but everyone’s chakra has been consumed almost.

If it were not for the insistence of the three generations of Hokage at this time, then it is estimated that the Ninja World Alliance has been completely abolished now, and the strength of the three generations of Hokage is still good._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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