Thinking of this, Boss Qian's hand holding Tang Yuan's shoulder strengthened a bit.

Tang Yuan tilted his head and looked at Boss Qian, and said disgustedly: "Have you caught enough? We don't know each other very well. You don't have to hold my shoulder for so long, okay?"

The restaurant owner looked at Tang Yuan with a look of surprise. He understood Boss Qian's strength very well, otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to show up in his shop. In his perception, fighting is based on strength, isn't it?

Tang Yuan saw that Boss Qian hadn't let go of his hand, so he grabbed his hand with one hand, and threw Boss Qian to the corner with a shoulder throw. There was a roar, and the whole hotel was covered with dust. When the dust dissipated, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The restaurant suddenly became quiet, and they were all stunned. How could this thin man throw such a strong and big man against the wall so easily? This does not conform to the definition of physics.

It took a long time for them to react, dragging their families and fleeing here in a panic.

The people who are still standing in this restaurant are basically Boss Qian's subordinates, and they are also waiters in the restaurant.

Oh, and I forgot to mention Alisa, she was eating dessert with relish, and she was not at all surprised by what just happened, because he had seen too many of these things.

Boss Qian's subordinates saw that Boss Qian was beaten so badly by a boy, and one by one rushed towards Tang Yuan, wanting to avenge their boss.

Seeing this situation, the hotel owner quickly took the gem and hid in the kitchen.

This little action is nothing but Tang Yuan's eyes, a big hand to the hotel owner's house

Tang Yuan took the hotel owner by the hand, stretched out a hand and opened his palm and said, "Take out the things that don't belong to you, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Hey, I didn't know you're so powerful." The restaurant owner smiled flatteringly, put the gem in Tang Yuan's hand and said, "I'll give you back what belongs to you, so just let me go as a fart." .”

Tang Yuan looked at the disgusting face of the boss, he threw the boss on the ground in disgust, clapped his hands lightly and said: "You don't even have the right to be my fart, get out of here."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." The restaurant owner gave up his shoes and ran away from here without even daring to turn his head.

The waiter in the restaurant saw that his boss had already fled, so staying here is not the same thing. What if the man with silver hair suddenly went berserk and killed us all? Thinking of this, he left even more quickly pace of.

Tang Yuan didn't pay any attention to their departure, this matter didn't care about their affairs, Tang Yuan was not the kind of heinous person who would kill anyone he saw.

But the people who are rushing towards him, this kind of people can't be kept, looking at their appearance, they must have done a lot of evil together with Boss Qian, and I don't know how many things that hurt the conscience.

Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and took out the crimson blade from the void. The dark red blade shone excitedly, as if he already knew that he wanted to taste the taste of blood.

Boss Qian's subordinates watched Tang Yuan take out a knife from the void, and they were stunned. They grew up and met all kinds of people, but they had never seen anyone who could take out a knife from the void. They all stepped forward and looked at Tang Yuan cautiously.

They confronted Tang Yuan for a long time, but Tang Yuan didn't intend to do anything, because he knew that these people were not worth his first action, and he kept waiting for another person to come.

A few of Boss Qian's subordinates could no longer hold their breath. Seeing that Tang Yuan had not moved for so long, they shouted loudly: "Don't look at it, brothers. I think this person is just a showman. He must have taken advantage of it back then. The boss didn't pay attention, so he knocked the boss down."

"Oh? Do you think I don't have this ability?" Tang Yuan looked at the group of people with interest.

The one in the lead swallowed involuntarily, but he couldn't lose face in his group, so he stuck his neck and shouted: "Brothers, don't be afraid, let's go together, he will definitely not be able to beat us, go!"

"Stop all of you!" A voice came from outside the door.

Before Tang Yuan could speak, a voice drilled into his ears. This voice seemed a little familiar, but in this case, he didn't recognize a few people at all.

While Tang Yuan was still thinking about who the voice was, a man in white came in from the door, and the breeze picked up his hem and sleeves, making him look very fairy-like..0

"What are you all doing? Who brought you here to make trouble?"

Seeing this person, Tang Yuan remembered who this voice really was, no wonder it was so familiar, it turned out to be Gui Xiaotaro, with a wig!

As soon as the wig entered the door, he reprimanded Boss Qian's subordinates. It seems that the wig still holds a high position among this group of people.

Wig walked in and saw Tang Yuan, and asked in surprise, "Why is Mr. Tang Xuan here?"

Tang Yuan saw the wigs coming, they should be people with wigs, and there was no big conflict, so Tang Yuan put the crimson blade back into the different space, anyway, even if these people let them have two hands, It will also easily defeat them.

When they saw Tang Yuan put the knife back into the void, they made a surprised sound again.

After watching Tang Yuan put away the knife, the wig approached Tang Yuan with a smile and asked, "Tang Yuan, what is the name of your move? I have never seen such a situation."

Tang Yuan rolled his eyes, and said arrogantly: "What's the matter with this, everyone in our Twilight Brigade knows this trick, it's so bad, only you ignorant people will be surprised."

Tang Yuan pretended to be a little bitch here, anyone from the Twilight Brigade would know it, but he was the only one in the Nima Twilight Brigade, okay?

After the wig sighed in admiration, he turned his head and asked his person: "Why did you 4.3 conflict with Mr. Tang Yuan? Don't you know that Tang Yuan is my friend? You make me very sad." what!"

Although the wig looks very gentle, he still dare not speak, for fear that if he speaks, he will be taken as a fool and will be shot.

Seeing that no one answered, the wig slapped the table angrily, and the whole table was smashed by the wig.

Seeing this situation, Tang Yuan looked at the wig's hands in doubt. Don't his hands hurt? I have tried this table, it is very strong and hard, and it would be difficult for ordinary people to lift it up. , let alone broken.

It seems that people like wigs are still underestimated. He deserves to be the leader of the moderates who fight against barbarians.

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