The wig bowed slightly to pay tribute, and then straightened his waist and said to the Night King: "Thank you for the kindness of the Night King, but I still don't think it is necessary. For things like the government, I think it’s up to us.”

In fact, the wig knows without even thinking about it. His original wish to join the Barbarians was to expel the heavens and humans from his country, so as to prevent their regime from being instigated by the heavens and humans.

Now the Night King wants wigs to be his subordinates, which is even more impossible.

"Oh, you mean to say that you refuse to be my subordinate? Are you not afraid that I will attack your organization? Are you afraid that I will kill you all? I kill people without blinking an eye." Night King looked at the wig with a sneer , the aura on his body climbed to the extreme in an instant.

The wig felt the oppression of the Night King's aura, the wig must be very uncomfortable, even Tang Yuan who was standing by the side felt a little uncomfortable, as if the Night King would attack the wig in the next second.

But for a person like a wig, the more he is in his 20s at the critical moment, the more power will explode from his body. He relies on this willpower to survive. After all, he is the leader of the people who fight against barbarians.

Will not give up resistance because of coercion.

The wig lowered his head as if he was thinking about this. After a long time, he raised his head and said to the Night King: "Sorry, I failed the Night King's good intentions. Even if I promised to be your subordinate, the people under my subordinates are not good I will agree, we fighters against barbarians are people with backbone."

"Hehe, in my eyes, your backbone is worthless. If you want strength, you have no strength. Without my assistance, why do you overthrow your government? If the people under your command don't agree, this matter is easy to solve. Just kill them all." The Night King shrugged indifferently.

After the wig heard the words of the Night King, the hairs on his body seemed to explode, and he looked directly at the Night King and said: "If you want to do something to my subordinates, you must first step on my body and walk over. "

The sound of the wig echoed in this small restaurant, and the eyes of the patriots standing around were filled with tears. I think now that the wig tells them to go to die, they will do so.

"Haha, you have backbone, I like you backbone people the most, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, because you are not worthy of me." Night King laughed and said, completely ignoring the wig threaten.

After hearing what the Night King said, the wig breathed a sigh of relief. After all, a person as powerful as the Night King, as long as he moves his hands, the people present will not fly with limbs and die unexpectedly.

"Hey! Have you talked enough?" Tang Yuan became a little impatient listening to the Night King and the wig talking about these unnutritious topics: "If you want to chat, let me go first, I will let you talk about what you are talking about." Not really interested at all."

The people standing around were stunned when they heard Tang Yuan speak so impolitely to the Night King. Isn't Tang Yuan afraid that the Night King would attack him suddenly? the builders.

Ye Wang followed Tang Yuan and walked over step by step. It seems that this person named Tang Yuan will definitely be torn to pieces by the Night King. I can already imagine the scene of blood flying everywhere.

But the Night King's actions were beyond everyone's expectations.

The Night King just walked to Tang Yuan's side, patted Tang Yuan's shoulder lightly with his hand, and asked softly: "Little guy, they said your name is Tang Yuan, right? I like you very much."

How do you think about what I told you before?"

Tang Yuan looked at the Night King with a bit of disgust and said, "I really don't have any interest in the condition you set out, okay? My organization can do what you said, okay?"

"Oh? You still have an organization? Could it be that you are also a patriot?" The Night King asked in confusion.

Tang Yuan let out a bah, ignoring the feeling of the wig at all: "As for their so-called patriots, I don't even look down on them, okay? You listen carefully to me, my organization is called the Twilight Brigade, and it's better than that Fighting Barbarians is too strong."

The face of the wig is very bad.

Tang Yuan ignored the wig's feelings, and continued: "The so-called loyalty to the country, expelling heaven and man for the people, they all talk nonsense. Those celestial beings can't touch a single hair, they are nothing but trash!"

What Tang Yuan said, in fact, Wig also understands very well. He already knows what his subordinates are doing, but as a leader, he cannot possibly affect their unity because of these trivial matters, so he has been They all turn a blind eye.

But Tang Yuan's words sounded a wake-up call for the wig, and the calm lake in his heart stirred up layer after layer of ripples.

"Haha! You really like me, kid. It sounds like you don't like those people with lofty ideals. By the way, where did your so-called Twilight Brigade come from? Why haven't you heard of it before? "The Night King laughed loudly.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Our organization is usually very low-key, and they are all masters who show their talents [Of course, a relatively low-end 580 organization like yours has never heard of it!" Tang Xuan was very pleased. It was Xiang Yekai who was pretending to introduce.

"Oh, listening to what you said, it seems that it is an organization that is even more powerful than the pirate Chunyu. When will you pull out this awesome organization that you said? I have to see what you have. Material!" The Night King said to Tang Yuan very seriously.

The Night King seems to be a little angry. Maybe in the eyes of the Night King, the pirate Spring Rain is the most powerful organization, and other unknown organizations like the Twilight Brigade are scum!

Tang Yuan waved his hand and said: "I have said that my organization is very low-key, and I usually don't show up easily.

"Then what if I want him to show up?" The Night King's aura slowly climbed up, threatening Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan had no effect on the aura emanating from the Night King at all. Tang Yuan wondered in his heart whether the Night King was a fool? He told him so directly, why didn't he understand? Could it be that his head But a muscle?

Tang Yuan looked at the Night King with eyes like a fool.

"Tell me, if I knock you down, will the organization behind you come out to avenge you?" The Night King stretched his muscles and said, "It's been a long time since I've done anything, boy, I'll let you die proudly Yes, you can go at ease!"

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