Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter Seventeen Silver Hour

Alisa seemed to be very interested in this story. Girls like cute things, so she hurriedly asked: "And then? Why is she the only one on that planet? Where are her friends?"

Seeing that Tang Yuan had already aroused Alisa's interest, it happened that this story might alleviate Alisa's sadness.

Tang Yuan pinched Alisa's cheek, felt the slightly elastic feel in his hand, and continued with satisfaction: "The story is very long. Let me tell you briefly. It turns out that Chang'e was on earth with a man named Houyi." Heroes get married, and later..."

Tang Yuan slowly told the story that everyone on the earth knows.

After listening to Tang Yuan's story, Alyssa was very angry and said to Tang Yuan: "This He Bo is simply not human. How could he do such a thing for his own selfish desire? If something like this happens among my clan A person will definitely be chopped into pieces."

Tang Yuan also did not expect that telling this story would have such a big reaction on Alisa, which really surprised Tang Yuan.

But when Tang Yuan heard his grandma tell this story when he was a child, his reaction was similar to that of Alisa.

Alyssa suddenly turned her face to 810, and looked at Tang Yuan with those blue eyes. Tang Yuan was attracted by Alyssa's beautiful eyes, as if there seemed to be something very fascinating in these eyeballs.

When the eyes meet, a strange feeling arises between Tang Yuan and Alyssa.

When Tang Yuan was about to stretch out the devil's claws to Alisa, a voice woke them both up.

"So you are here? No wonder I went to your room to look for you, but I couldn't find anyone to ask my subordinates, and they didn't know where you were." A voice came into the ears of Kang Xuan and Alyssa.

With the presence of outsiders at this time, Tang Yuan's intentions would not be able to continue, and he looked at the owner of the voice resentfully.

The wig went to Tang Yuan and sat down, and said to Tang Yuan and Alyssa embarrassedly: "It seems that I disturbed you."

Tang Yuan looked at the wig with contempt, thinking to himself: "Your sister, you know you've disturbed us, so you still come over? I think you did it on purpose."

But it was impossible for Tang Yuan to say such a thing, after all the wig helped them a lot.

Tang Yuan said about the wig: "The room (caca) was a bit stuffy, so I went out with Alyssa to get some air, just in time to see the night view of Kabukicho.

Wig proudly said to Tang Yuan: "That is, before the Tianren came, Kabukicho didn't know how beautiful it was. I would sit on the roof every night and watch the charming scenery, but after the Tianren came , everything has changed.

Wig finished these words and fell into sadness.

Tang Yuan looked at the wig helplessly, and lamented why his life was so hard, just after coaxing Alisa not to be sad, now the wig said these words and it turned into this again, hey.

Tang Yuan patted the wig's shoulder and said: "Don't worry, as long as you walk in the direction of your heart, you will definitely reach the place you want."

The words Tang Yuan said were actually read in the story meeting when he was studying, and he didn't expect to say them in this scene, and he still comforted a big man.

The wig nodded and brushed his black hair, and shook Tang Yuan's face.

Tang Yuan looked at the wig very depressed, if you said you want to pretend, can you stay away from me, don't you know that it hurts to shake people with your hair?

The wig grabbed a strand of his beautiful hair and said to Tang Yuan: "I once swore that if the heavenly beings did not leave my country, I would not cut off these hairs, but the attitude of our country's government, It seems that I can only keep this long hair as a companion for the rest of my life."

Tang Yuan looked at the fake sad look of the wig with disgust, and shouted loudly: "This is your country, if you give up by yourself, why do you say that your government does not do anything, stand up first, You can ask others, right?"

"What you said is very reasonable, but do you think I can do it just by myself, or the whole group of people with lofty ideals?" Wig continued.

"Fuck you, I'm too lazy to talk to you about this." Tang Yuan stood up and yelled at the wig: "I've already knelt on the ground, and I can't even stand up. You look like this, I'm sorry to follow you The subordinate behind him? Is this the famous Katsura Kotaro?"

The wig nodded and said: "I understand, I understand what I'm missing, thank you Tang Yuan, you finally called my name correctly once."

Phew! Alisa laughed out of embarrassment when she heard the wig say this in such a serious manner.

Tang Yuan rolled his eyes at Alisa, and said to Alisa: "Please, don't suddenly laugh out loud when I am preaching to others, okay? This makes me very embarrassed.

Alisa couldn't bear it anymore, and started laughing: "No, no, I really can't bear it."

Tang Yuan shook his head, there was really nothing he could do about Alisa.

"Yo Yo Yo, what are you guys doing here with wigs?" A man in the shadows came out with his nostrils buttoned, and he was accompanied by a man with eyes, and a girl wearing a cheongsam with tunics.

Tang Yuan saw this girl in that familiar cheongsam, as if she had returned to her hometown.

The wig said to the man with his nostrils buttoned: "I thought who it was, it turned out to be the head of the house of masters, what happened today? It made all of you mobilize?"

Yinshi tapped the inside of the nostril with his fingers a few times, flicked it to the side, and under the moonlight, "Ten streaks of crystal clear booger can be clearly seen passing by.

At this moment, Tang Yuan hated how his eyesight was so good, Alisa and the wig looked at the man in front of him with contempt.

If this is called Gintoki, then the two around him should be Shinpachi and Kagura.

Shinpachi helped his eyes, bowed to Tang Yuan and the others in embarrassment, and then angrily accused Yinshi: "Why are you playing things like this? It's unhygienic, okay? It's very uncomfortable to be seen by outsiders." Disrespectful thing."

Yinshi didn't care what Xin Baji said, and continued to pinch his nostrils and asked the wig: "Why are you on the roof? I thought it was a group of thieves from a distance. I just wanted to make some extra money for myself. Come here and find out it was you."

The wig looked at Yin Shi with disgust and said: "You still ask us, you haven't answered my question just now, why did you appear here."

Yinshi sighed and said: "Aunt Wang next door's cat disappeared, so she asked us to come out and look for it, but who would know that this cat is so good at running, we just chased it here and disappeared.

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