Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 21 The Plan Failed

"Ah? Ghost? Which is it? What does ghost press mean?" Alisa frowned and asked, not to mention how cute the expression was.

"It's a very weird thing. I can't tell you clearly. To be safe, do you want to sleep with me at night? I promise I won't do anything to you." Tang Yuan induced Ai lisa.

Unexpectedly, Alisa shook her head, and said excitedly: "Weird thing? I haven't seen it yet, no, I must see it tonight."

Tang Yuan wanted to cry when he heard Alisa's answer, so he could only walk into the room and help Alisa check the room to see if there was anything unusual.

After the inspection, nothing unusual was found, so he said to Alisa: "You have a good rest, if something happens, you can just yell "043" I am next door, I will be the first Time to get here. 11

Alisa nodded.

After Tang Yuan helped Alisa cover the quilt, he backed out and closed the door tightly.

After Tang Yuan returned to his room, he kept thinking about the plan just now: "Why doesn't this plan work? If it was on the earth, the girl who was scared by these words would have jumped into your arms screaming, but Ellie Sarah didn't respond at all."

"Alisa is a girl, it's really not possible to use ordinary people's plans on her." Tang Yuan thought in his heart, and after making the bed, he lay on the bed: "It seems that I can only spend this empty and lonely life tonight." It's late at night."

A lot of things happened today, Tang Yuan, even a man of iron, couldn't bear so many things happened to him, he was already exhausted physically and mentally

As soon as he touched the bed, he was already sound asleep and snoring.

Fortunately, the night passed without incident, Tang Yuan walked to the balcony, looked at the slightly bright sun and shouted: "It's another beautiful day.

Go back to the room and wash up. Don’t mention it, the wig is very careful. He even prepared towels and toothbrushes, and it’s still pink. The wig is really a man with a very girly heart.

After washing up, Tang Yuan came to Alisa's door and knocked lightly on the door a few times. After a while, the sleepy Alisa came over and opened the door. After Alisa opened the door, she didn't even say hello to Tang Yuan. , went back to bed and continued to sleep.

Tang Yuan walked into the room helplessly, and threw the quilt off Alisa's body. Unexpectedly, Alisa was still awake like this.

Tang Yuan became very teasing. Sitting beside Alyssa, Tang Yuan pinched Alyssa's nose with his hands, thinking that Alyssa couldn't breathe like this, so he should wake up? Who knew Alyssa His nose was pinched, and he actually used his mouth to breathe and grunt.

I didn't expect such a beautiful girl as Alisa to snore.

Tang Yuan didn't pay attention to this point either, people always have a little problem, besides, snoring is something that everyone may have.

Seeing that Alisa was still awake like this, Tang Yuan covered Alisa's mouth with his other hand, thinking, you can't breathe like this, should you wake up?

Sure enough, Alisa couldn't stand it anymore after being gagged for only two or three seconds.

Alisa turned over and muttered: "I haven't slept enough, let me sleep for a while, just a while, I promise to get up."

But will Tang Yuan let this sleepiness continue? Impossible, he said righteously: "Get up quickly, you little slob, haven't you slept enough after a night's sleep? The sun is drying your ass, you If I don't get up again, I'm going to be angry."

Tang Yuan thought that if she said such words, Alisa would get up obediently, but things turned out to be counterproductive.

Alyssa was still indifferent, she slept as she wanted, ignoring what Tang Yuan said.

Looking at Alisa like this, Tang Yuan felt a sense of powerlessness emanating from his heart.

"There's really nothing I can do for you, go to sleep, go to sleep." Tang Yuan looked at Alisa resentfully and said.

Seeing Alisa's appearance, Tang Yuan suddenly had an idea. After asking the passersby about the room where the wig lived, he went straight to find the wig.

When Tang Yuan, out of breath, came to the door of the wig, he saw the wig holding a book and a pot of tea on the table, reading a book.

Comparing with Alisa who is still sleeping late, it's really infuriating!

When the wig saw the panting Tang Yuan standing at the door, he was a little surprised and asked: "Mr. Tang, why do you look so anxious, you got up so early, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

Tang Yuan waved his hand and said to the wig: "Then what, I came here to ask you to exchange some money..0" Tang Yuan took out the red gemstone from his pocket and threw it in front of the wig.

Wig picked up the gemstone and looked at the sun, then put it back in front of Tang Yuan and said: "Mr. Tang, if you are in a hurry to spend money, you can ask me to get it, but you said you want to exchange money for this precious gemstone, This is slapping me in the face."

"That's so much nonsense, I want you to change it. Anyway, I have enough of this thing, and I can have as much as I want." Tang Yuan said to the wig: "How much money do you have on you now, let me use it first, I want it Go down and buy something."

"What does Mr. Tang need to buy? Just tell me, and I will send someone to help you buy it back. You'd better put away this gem, it's really too precious." Wig said to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan looked at the wig helplessly, he had never seen such a stubborn person.

Tang Yuan thought about it, and he didn't know what delicious food here could tempt Alisa's little glutton, so he might as well let them go down and buy it.

Tang Yuan said to the wig: "Since this is the case, please arrange for 1.2 to go down alone, and help me buy all the delicious things here. By the way, you must remember to buy


"I didn't expect that Mr. Tang also likes sweets! I thought only Yinshi likes sweets." Wig said with a smile.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said, "It's not for eating, it's a bait, specially designed to lure a little glutton."

Wig didn't understand Tang Yuan's meaning for a while, but he figured it out after a while, and said to Tang Yuan: "I see, I understand, I will send people down to help Mr. Tang with this matter. "

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "Well, hurry up, by the way, and don't call me Mr. Tang, it's so polite, it makes me look like a literati, you can just call me Old Tang, otherwise you can call me by my full name , Tang Yuan!"

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