The wig continued: "It's already very good that your knife can cut their armor like this, and it's almost like that. Shinsuke Takasugi sent them to attack our stronghold before. Their force is very powerful, and with that armor, they are like a god of war, and the attack is very sudden, we have no time to react."

"So that's it, but if you can't break them with one cut, you can do it with a second cut." After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he slashed towards the orangutan in front of him.

But this orangutan is not stupid, it is impossible to stand here quietly and let Tang Yuan and the others chop. The orangutan immediately picked up the weapon behind his back to resist Tang Yuan's crimson blade.

The long sword on the back of the orangutan is also black, and it is very difficult to catch it in a dark background, far less conspicuous than ordinary swords.

To tell the truth, the orangutan was quite powerful, and Tang Yuan couldn't get the upper hand in a short time. The orangutan fought and roared with Tang Yuan over and over again.

Tang Yuan looked at the orangutan speechlessly and said: "Hey, if you want to fight, fight seriously, don't fight and shout over and over again, do you think you can defeat me by shouting? You think too much, don't you?" ? Your sister! The saliva splashed on my body, are you dirty?"

The orangutan didn't know what Tang Yuan was talking about, and in the eyes of the orangutan, he was probably screaming.

In this way, a scene is formed, an orangutan is roaring, and a person is chanting, as if the two of them have some communication.

Suddenly the orangutan turned back and shouted to its companions, and the group of orangutans went into a riot. They each drew their long swords from their backs, and rushed towards Tang Yuan and the others.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan stepped aside quickly, pointed at the orangutan and cursed: "Hey, you can't play tricks, if you can't beat them, you can use human sea tactics, don't you want to be ashamed? But I look at you like this, It doesn’t matter if you want to or not.”

"Haha, boy, I think you are really trying to die." Shinsuke Takasugi laughed and said: "You have completely angered them, even I can't control them, blood is needed to calm them down Come down, originally I planned to save your life and serve me, but it seems useless, it is really a pity.

"Fuck you, Laozi didn't die so easily!" Tang Yuan cursed at Shinsuke Takasugi.

"Hahahaha..." The entire workshop was filled with Takasugi Shinsuke's gloating laughter.

When Tang Yuan turned to Yin, they shouted: "Don't just stand there! Hurry up and help!"

"Didn't you say that you can solve it by yourself? I'm just a little tired and want to take a rest." Yin Shi leaned against the wall and said.

Tang Yuan rolled his big eyes and despised Yin Shi: "Do you still want money? If you do, stop talking sarcastic here and come over here to help.

The army slowly approached Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan looked at them very carefully, these orangutans are very strong, if they were cut with a knife, it would be too much for them.

Swipe, a sword that tore through the wind slashed towards Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan quickly blocked it with the crimson blade, and his whole body was pressed down three points by the power of the sword.

"Wow, his mother's strength is really great!" Tang Yuan said while holding the sword firmly.

The strength on the sword is getting stronger and stronger. Although Tang Yuan is very strong, but in terms of strength, he is no match for the gorilla at all. Who dares to say that the strength is stronger than the gorilla? I don’t think anyone dares to say this words?

Suddenly his hands were empty, and the pressure instantly decreased. In the meantime, Yinshi kicked the orangutan away. Although the gorillas were wearing thick armor that couldn't be cut, they still couldn't resist the attack of external forces. Although there is no injury on the body, it is still possible to fly it.

"Are you all right?" Yin Shi glanced at Tang Yuan and said.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's all trivial!"

"It's fine, if you have something to do, my money will be gone!" Yinshi said jokingly.

"Don't worry, someone who can kill me has not yet been born." Tang Yuan said arrogantly.

"If you can't do it, then we still have us." Elizabeth held up the sign and handed it to Tang Yuan, and at the same time commanded his team to fight with the chimpanzee.

Although there were more people on Elizabeth's side, basically three people besieged a chimpanzee, but because these chimpanzees were wearing armor, ordinary weapons had no effect on him at all, and it was just a waste of fighting power.

Tang Yuan looked at the gorillas in front of him and said, "Yinshi, do you want us to compete? Who can kill the most gorillas? Do you want to do it?"

Okay, what's the bet?" Gintoki asked interestingly.

"Just bet on the gem I gave you. If I win, you give me back the gem. If I lose, I'll give you another one, how about it?" Tang Yuan asked.

Yin Shi thought about it and said, "Isn't this kind of bet really too big?"

"Big? Don't talk about other things, just ask if you dare?" Tang Yuan said impatiently: "What does a big man look like?"

"Well, you've already said that. If I don't follow up, you'll have to say I'm cowardly. I'll do it!" Yin Shi made up his mind and said.

"This is the real man! You really didn't disappoint me!" Tang Yuan patted Yinshi's shoulder and said.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Tang Yuan's inattention, Yinshi rushed towards a chimpanzee, jumped on the gorilla's head, and inserted the long knife into the gap in the armor, and the gorilla collapsed limply. Falling to the ground, only breathing out, no breathing in (Zhao Nuozhao).

"Hey, you kid, you haven't shouted yet, do you know this is cheating?" Tang Yuan scolded with a smile.

"Ah? You haven't shouted yet? I don't care about you, anyway, I've already killed one." Yinshi said lazily.

Watching Yinshi reach out and raise his hand to kill another one, Tang Yuan couldn't sit still, so he turned on the demonization state, a white and blue light wrapped around Tang Yuan's body, Tang Yuan flipped his hand, and the blue flower Appearing in front of Tang Yuan, holding the crimson blade in one hand and the azure flower in the other, he rushed towards the group of orangutans.

After being demonized, the Crimson Blade became very sharp. When it was not demonized, it could only cut a scar on the armor of the orangutan. Now Tang Yuan directly chopped the orangutan to the ground with a knife, although it did not directly Killed, but the bullet behind the blue flower will let it know what death looks like. .

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