Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 40: Prince Hada

"Eat, you say let go of your stomach and eat whatever you want, I don't believe you can make me poor." Wig shouted at Yinshi. ,

"But this time we were able to rescue me, thank you so much, let's have a toast and talk!" Wig raised his glass and drank it down.

The wig wiped his mouth and continued: "However, it's strange that Shinsuke Takasugi's Ghost Squad is not by his side. If the Ghost Sick Squad is there, you probably won't be able to save me. Everything depends on the goddess of luck." Your favor."

"Nonsense, you should thank us well. What's the use of thanking Goddess Luck, trust her, you might as well drink a few more glasses with us." Tang Yuan shouted.

"You're right. Fucking Goddess of Luck. If it weren't for you, I might not know that I would be kidnapped to that place. I would definitely be tortured to death. Wig raised his glass and continued: " Come on, I drank this drink and apologize for what I said just now. "

Suddenly there was a noise outside the door, the voice was high-pitched and thin, and it seemed particularly unpleasant: "Why don't you have a place here? If you don't have a place, can you drive away these vulgar and dirty people? Don't worry, Dad has money. "

"I'm really sorry, these people are all my guests. I can't drive away these unfinished guests for no reason, right? It will be very difficult for me to do business." The voice of the restaurant owner came over.

"Huh 190, do you believe that I smashed this restaurant? Will you never be able to do business?" The ugly voice came again: "I tell you, I came here to eat you The takoyaki at home, find me a seat quickly, or I will really smash your shop, believe it or not?"

"I believe it, I believe it, but these customers really can't afford to offend, besides, my house's takoyaki has been sold out, and I don't have the materials to help you make it now!" The restaurant owner said humbly.

"What? No more? So I've made this trip in vain?" The person who made the squeaky voice seemed very surprised: "I asked you to find a seat for me and you said no, and you said no when you asked to eat takoyaki , I think you are just tired of working, you don’t want this store anymore, come here, you’ve smashed it all for me!”

Suddenly, the sound of glass being smashed came from the restaurant.

Tang Yuan just wanted to go to see what happened. For Tang Yuan, watching the excitement was the most interesting thing.

But as soon as Tang Yuan stood up, he was held down by the wig, and his face became more rosy because of drinking a lot of wine. He pointed to the outside and said: "Old Tang, sit down first, I will deal with this matter. After all, the restaurant owner is my friend."

Tang Yuan nodded and continued to make the takoyaki in this plate.

The wigs went towards the counter at the door, and the noise became louder and louder after a while.

"What kind of thing are you, dare to tell me to leave here, do I believe that I will make your life worse than death right now?" The shrill voice spread throughout the hall.

"It seems that you are very powerful?" Wig teased.

Although people with wigs are usually polite, they still have a lot of passion in their bones. Now that they are talking so calmly, in fact, they have long wanted to punch this person hard behind their backs.

"Of course, I'm the prince of Yang Guoxing, the future heir. Let me tell you, I'm not easy to mess with. If you get angry with me, the people in your country will wipe you out in minutes." said the voice.

Hearing what this person said, Tang Yuan thought it was very interesting, so he asked Alyssa to sit here, and went to the door to see who the other person was.

Tang Yuan came to the door and saw a gray-skinned man with round hair and a long tentacle-like thing on his head. It looked so funny that Tang Yuan couldn't help laughing (cafg ) looks like God created him at random, very casually.

"What are you laughing at?" The shrill voice came from the strange-looking prince.

Looking at his appearance, Tang Yuan couldn't help but smile with Ben, and kept laughing until his stomach hurt before slowly stopping.

"Let me tell you, don't be so arrogant! I am the prince of Yangguoxing, and my name is Prince Hada, the heir of the future country. If you keep laughing like this, you are insulting my country and my planet. This is wrong. Our disrespect!" Prince Hada shouted angrily.

The wig looked contemptuously at the so-called Hada prince in front of him and said: "Tsk tsk tsk... you can get it, you, Laozi don't care what kind of prince you are, the heir of that planet, what's the matter with Laozi? You don't need to say it so many times huh? Silly X!"

I don’t know if it’s because the wig drank a little wine, the whole person looks special Haki, it’s a far cry from the polite wig before, but it’s also possible that the person in front of him is a relationship between heaven and man, after all, the wig is the most Those who hate heaven and man, otherwise they would not join the Tui barbarians.

"What? What did you just say? If you have the ability, tell me again. I tell you, only us can call silly Prince X, and you are only courting death." An old man standing beside Prince Hada shouted, looking This attire should be the attendant of Prince Hada, right?

Now Prince Hada couldn't figure it out. He looked at the person beside him suspiciously and said, "Uncle, what do you mean? Why do I sound weird?"

Prince Hada's Uncle waved his hand and said: "Don't care about these details, the most important thing now is not to let him insult our planet, they don't deserve it."

"Yes, they don't deserve it." Prince Hada raised his arms and shouted, as if he forgot what his Uncle told him to do stupidly just now.

"What? You asked me to say it again, so I'll emphasize it again." Wig blushed because he drank a little too much, and shouted: "I said you are all rubbish, get out of our country quickly ,You are not welcome in our country.”

"You..." Prince Hada and his Uncle were too angry to speak, pointing at the nose of the wig and cursed: "Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what it is to insult a great prince? You all have to die!"

As soon as Prince Hada's Uncle finished speaking, the prince's bodyguards completely surrounded the wig and Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan showed a very innocent expression and said: "This is none of my business, I just came to watch the show, why did you suddenly surround me!"

"Boy, I don't blame you for watching the excitement, but you walked too close, and you heard what you just said, so you have to die with this person, don't hate us in hell, blame your curiosity Right." Prince Hada's Uncle said. .

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