Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 47: Ultimate Move

"There is no objection, just because you are all called Tang Yuan!" Hijikata Toshiro said expressionlessly, and the momentum on his body slowly rose.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan also started to get serious. This was a sign of facing up to his opponent. This was a sign of respect for an opponent. No matter what the future outcome would be, Shishiro Hijikata had already gained Tang Yuan's attention.

"Ah, let me show you the results of my rigorous training for so many days." Hijikata Toshiro raised his knife and rushed towards Tang Yuan.

Hijikata Toshiro's attack was very powerful, the speed was so fast that Tang Yuan couldn't react, but who was Tang Yuan, it was impossible for him to watch Hijikata Toshiro's knife cut on him, so Tang Yuan held Lifting the crimson blade, blocked Hijikata Toshiro's attack.

The two fought for dozens of rounds, Hijikata Toshirō couldn't attack Tang Yuan, and Tang Yuan couldn't find Hijikata Toshirō's weakness for the time being, the two faced each other like this, looking for each other's weaknesses.

Tang Yuan watched Hijikata Toshirō's footsteps, and suddenly smiled, this smile was very sinister, as if he had found a fatal weakness of Shikata Toshirō.

Tang Yuan spoke to Toshiro Hijikata, distracting him: "Boy, your strength is indeed much stronger than before, but it's a pity.

"What a pity?" Hijikata Toshiro was taken aback.

Tang Yuan attacked Hijikata Toshiro's feet while Hijikata Shishiro was in a daze. His footsteps were very weak, as if his training only focused on the upper body, while the lower body was very weak, as if he had not been trained. This is very easy to be found ~ to the loopholes.

"Boy, I want to tell you, when training, don't just focus on one point!" Tang Yuan took the fat crimson blade and swung Hijikata Shishiro with sword energy.

Hijikata Shishiro was very shocked, he never thought that Tang Yaoyao would attack his footsteps.

But Hijikata Toshiro was also prepared, he kept revealing this flaw in order to lure Tang Yuan into taking the bait, now that the fish has taken the bait, he can pretend to watch it in a net.

When Hijikata Shirō turned over with a kite to avoid Tang Yuan's sweep, he immediately slashed down at Tang Yuan.

Hijikata Toshiro's chopping knife was so fast that Tang Yuan didn't react for a while.

But who is Tang Yuan? Although Hijikata Toshiro is very fast, Tang Yuan turned around and took out the blue flower, and hit Hijikata Toshiro's sword with one shot. Hijikata Toshiro's attack was instant It was defeated by a small bullet, and the fragments of the bullet drew a bloodstain on Toshiro Hijikata's face.

"How can you make dirty tricks? It's not in compliance with the rules. We're fighting a duel. You don't have the spirit of samurai." Shifang Shishiro touched the wound on his face and said.

Tang Yuan replied with a grin: "Who said I did this trick, this gun is also my weapon, and this is a life-and-death duel between us, the light one will be injured, and the serious one will lose his life. , Who will give you the spirit of bushido? Besides, I am not from your country, so I don't have to abide by your country's rules.

"Okay, remember it for me." Hijikata Toshiro said viciously, his heart was full of anger.

Tang Yuan said with a smile: "Okay, it seems that you are going to be serious, right? It's okay, attack me with all your strength, and I will continue here."

"Then you have a good time, this is my latest ultimate move, you are ready to follow it!" Hijikata Shishiro waved the knife in his hand and shouted: "Heavenly Demon Dance!"

Above Toshiro Hijikata, several demons appeared vaguely around his body. Tang Yuan was stunned by this sight. People like him, this made Tang Yuan look at him with admiration, and his curiosity towards Shifang Shishiro became more and more serious.

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting." Tang Yuan started to get serious, looked at Shirō Hijikata cautiously and said, "Otherwise, we two will make a bet, and I will stand here and not hide. If you take me Killed, I don’t blame anyone, but if I resist your attack, how about you joining our Twilight Brigade?”

"Okay, anyway, this move is my killer move, if I can't kill you like this, I'm meaningless to live." Hijikata Toshiro said.

Tang Yuan raised the crimson blade and said: "If you say that, I think you have agreed, you must not go back on your word!"

Hijikata Toshiro laughed and said, "Haha, take care of yourself first, let's talk if you survive!"

0 for flowers...

As soon as the words fell, Hijikata Shishiro rushed towards Tang Yuan, and in an instant, the sword, the light of the sword, and the sword's energy surrounded Tang Yuan.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tang Yuan activated his demonization skill, white and blue light wrapped around Tang Yuan's body, and he was instantly demonized. The saber energy drew sparks on Tang Yuan's body, but it failed to hurt a single hair of Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan laughed loudly and said, "Is that all you have? Don't let me underestimate you!"

Hijikata Toshiro's voice was very cold: "You just wait, the ultimate move is still to come."

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Tang Yuan mocked: "But you must not disappoint me, otherwise I will regret accepting you into our organization.

"Hmph, you wait." Now Hijikata Toshiro's speed is getting faster and faster, and there is no one to see, only the voice is transmitted.

Suddenly, Hijikata Shirōro appeared from Tang Yuan's back, raised his samurai sword high, and shouted: "Mad Demon Dances." After speaking, he slashed down with the sword.

The sword qi slashed by Hijikata Toshiro instantly turned into a demon-like form, and towards Tang Yuan was a vicious tiger pouncing on it.

Tang Yuan turned around and went up to greet him, entangled|wrestled with which demon.

"Let's see if your demon is stronger, or my demon is stronger!" Tang Yuan shouted. The appearance of Tang Yuan after transforming is actually no different from that of a demon, they all look hideous.

Tang Yuan didn't use the crimson blade either, and directly started fighting the demon Si. After several rounds, Tang Yuan directly grabbed the demon and tore the demon to pieces.

After the demon was torn apart, Hijikata Toshirō spat out a mouthful of red blood, but he was still unconvinced and slashed at Tang Yuan several times in a row, several demons rushed towards Tang Yuan at once.

Tang Yuan felt a little impatient, and felt that this had no meaning at all, mainly because there was no murderous intent at all, it was meaningless, just picked up the crimson blade and swept away, instantly defeating those demons.

"Do you have any other tricks? These are boring! If not, surrender to me quickly, and I will have to pay for the medical expenses after I injured you later." Tang Yuan said a little depressed.


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