"What's wrong with me? Is there something on my face?" Tang Yuan asked anxiously.

After all, this is a face. If you transform into an ugly monster this time, you will be left with a shadow for the rest of your life. Besides, Tang Yuan, the hero of Judgment Angel, has never seen her take off the mask, so he doesn't know Guy What does Er look like.

Tang Yuan stroked his face, it was very smooth and soft, like a freshly peeled egg, it was very comfortable to touch.

This feeling made Tang Yuan even more confused. He didn't know what his face would look like, and he was so nervous that he was dying.

Kagura couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he took out a small mirror from his pocket and handed it to Tang Yuan, saying, "Look for yourself!"

"What does a big man look so good-looking for? It's not about getting married!" God "Qi Liu Qi" muttered happily.

Kagura has already started to be jealous, no girl can see someone who is prettier than herself, and it is impossible not to be jealous, besides Tang Yuan is still a man, this makes Kagura even more unbearable.

Tang Yuan looked at it with a mirror, and a peerless and beautiful face appeared in front of him, Tang Yuan couldn't believe that this was himself, thinking it was a dream, how could there be such a beautiful face in this world, but the feedback from his hands The feeling told him that this was his own face, he was not dreaming, all this was real.

"Hmph, I don't like you anymore. You have become so beautiful and your skin is so good. I don't want to be with you anymore." Alyssa pouted and said, from the tone of her voice, she was just jealous.

When Tang Yuan saw that Alisa was angry, he was in a state of disarray, and quickly coaxed: "I didn't know I would become like this. This person has always been wearing a mask. If I knew that she is so beautiful Alone, I definitely won't become like her, I would have become an old man if I knew I would, so you won't hate me, but it's just a little troublesome, you have to support me when walking .”

"Why should I support you? Can't I walk?" Alyssa pouted and said.

Tang Yuan joked: "Because I am an old man, respecting the old and loving the young are the noble virtues of everyone. I believe that my cutest Alisa will not help me as an old man."

"Pfft." The words Tang Yuan said made Alisa couldn't help laughing, and even blew out the snot bubbles.

"You are so bad!" Alyssa said shyly, beating Tang Yuan's chest.

"Hey, men are not bad, but women don't love them." Tang Yuan said with a smile.

"Hi, may I ask you for your contact information? I want to make friends with you." Kondo Hoon ran over with a blushing face and asked.

Tang Yuan spat directly on Kondo Hoon and said, "Are you alright? Laozi is a man, straighter than a steel bar. Even if I like Nan Feng, I also like those handsome boys. Are you still Forget it, I think Okita Sougo is a good kid, you can think about it."

Okita Sougo quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't, I don't have that hobby either, so don't look for me, I think Shirakata Shiro is also pretty good, although he is a heavy smoker, but his appearance is quite in line with your preferences, Director of."

"Hey, all of you talk about it, don't drag me into the water, I also like girls." Hijikata Toshiro quickly retorted, for fear that Kondo Isao would do something out of the ordinary to him.

"I'll go, what are you all thinking about? Laozi also likes girls. I want to ask him for a contact information. Seeing that he looks pretty good, although he is a bitch, but girls like it. I plan to send him Introduced to my niece." Kondo Xun rolled his eyes and explained.

"So that's the case. You said this earlier. I was shocked! It turned out to be a false alarm." Tang Yuan patted his chest and said.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you, is your niece good-looking? Is she in good shape?" Tang Yuan asked lewdly, completely ignoring Alisa's feelings.

"That's a must. My niece's face and figure don't have to be said. She is simply stunning. If she wasn't my cousin, I would have introduced her to you? I would have gone after her myself." Kondo Hoon said proudly.

Alisa stepped on Tang Yuan's feet fiercely, but Tang Yuan's shoes were not made of ordinary materials, but made of gold and other very hard materials..0

Alisa's kick, not only did not cause any harm to Tang Yuan, but also made her feet hurt. The hot Alisa hurriedly pulled Kagura away.

The wig walked to Tang Yuan's side and said, "What? Don't coax your sister? I think she looks very angry."

Tang Yuan waved his hand and said, "No, she'll calm down later. I'm saying, I don't bother to coax her for being unreasonable. She stepped on me and ran away angrily. It’s not enough to give her face.”

The wig shook his head and said, "Well, as long as you're happy."

Tang Yuan, a straight male cancer patient, didn't understand what Alyssa meant. He thought she was still angry just now, so he ignored her. In Tang Yuan's opinion, although girls are meant to be coaxed, they are unreasonable. There is no need to bother with it.

"Let me go, Director, are you right? Even your niece is considered to be in good shape?" Okita Sougo asked in surprise: "Just the one who is five big and three thick, and whose arms are thicker than my waist, does this mean that she has a good figure? A face with pimples and a pie face is considered beautiful? Director, are you not blind?"

Tang Yuan was startled when he heard this, and I went [Isn’t this the legendary dinosaur?

"Oh, you can't only see the shortcomings of others, you should pay more attention to the strengths of others. I think my niece is pretty good., She's a pretty good 4.6 person." Kondo Hoon said.

"It's better to forget it, such a good girl, your family should keep her well, and don't let her out to harm people!" Okita Sougo continued, these words are like a steel knife. Into the heart of Kondo Hsun.

"That's right, a woman who can eat five big bowls of rice for a meal, plus five steamed buns, and barely enough for a table, should not be released to harm us men." Shirō Hijikata added another knife and said : "Hey, it is born from the same root, so why rush to fry each other?"

"Go, go, you two are playing in the mud, you just don't like it, but it doesn't mean Tang Yuan doesn't like it, right?" Kondo Hoon said with dancing, using body language to explain how much her niece is charming. .

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