Tang Yuan was shamelessly obsessed: "But this face looks good on a girl, but it feels a bit bitch on a man. It doesn't have any manliness at all. It's really annoying... It looks like it's long. It's not a good thing to look good!"

After Tang Yuan changed into Yinshi's clothes, he threw the changed armor into the void. Tang Yuan vowed that he would never wear this suit again in the future. It was too heavy. After wearing this suit, let alone There was a fight, my family was a little tired from walking, and I couldn't spread my wings casually.

Yinshi's clothes seemed to fit quite well. Tang Yuan came out from the toilet and said to Alisa, "How is it? Does it look good?"

After seeing Tang Yuan, the living people in the whole house were immediately speechless.

Yinshi looked at Tang Yuan coming out empty-handed and asked "Zero Twenty" with some disappointment, "Where is your armor? Did you leave it in the toilet? It can't be done like this. Putting it in the toilet will hurt you." It stinks, Kagura poop is particularly stinky, I'd better keep it for you.

"Yin-sang, why does the toilet smell bad when I go to the toilet? Don't spit blood!" Kagura retorted with a blushing face.

Tang Yuan said to Yinshi: "I think that armor is too heavy. I threw it into the space, so I don't need to trouble you. After all, this armor is too obstructive to put here."

"Okay then!" Yinshi looked at Tang Yuan disappointedly, and then looked at the toilet, regretting that he lent Tang Yuan his clothes.

The wig looked at Tang Yuan and sighed: "Perfect, beautiful, so beautiful, you can see it as a work of art, by the way, what about your wings? What if you put the wings?"

"Wings? I put them away, what's wrong?" Tang Yuan said.

"If you spread your wings, you are like a work of art. If you stand in front of those so-called national treasures, you will be eclipsed. After all, there is "nothing as perfect as you in this world." Wig sighed .

"Is it true? Am I as good-looking as you say? I'm a big man and I look like a work of art. Are you praising me or hurting me!" Tang Yuan put on a serious face Said.

Although Tang Yuan said so, he was very happy to hear the wig compliment him. After all, someone said you look good, can you not be happy?

"Tang Yuan, do all the people on your planet look so good-looking?" Wig asked.

Tang Yuan thought for a while and said: "That's necessary, I'm the ugliest one in our planet, otherwise I wouldn't run out to wander.

"Wow, hearing what you said, then I should go to your planet to see, even a man looks so good-looking. "What about a woman? How beautiful!" Wig exclaimed.

Tang Yuan looked at the obsessed look of the wig, and complained: "Hurry up and wipe your saliva, don't even think about going to our planet, I can't find my way back."

"Hey, that's such a pity, maybe this will be the regret of my life." The wig lamented the impermanence of the world.

"It's not good-looking, it's not good-looking, and what you say is not good-looking!" Alisa pouted and said, seeing him like that, she already knew that she was jealous.

Tang Yuan walked coquettishly in front of Alisa, put up an index finger and tapped Alisa's lips, and said softly: "You are right, I feel that in this world , you are the most beautiful person, no matter what it is, compared with you, it is like a piece of shit!"

"Really? Do you really think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world?" Alisa opened her big watery eyes, looking forward to Tang Xuan's answer.

Tang Yuan held Alisa's face seriously and said: "Well, of course, at least in my heart, you are the most beautiful woman, and no one can compare to you."

"Ouch...you two are enough, these words are so disgusting, goosebumps have already arisen." Kagura rubbed his arms vigorously and said, shivering from time to time

"Hmph, that's how we are, why? Do you have an opinion?" Alyssa held Tang Yuan's arm and said, looking at Kagura with provocative eyes.

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend you two." Kagura flashed to Yinshi and sat down and said, "It's okay for me to stay away from you!"

"Hmph..." Alisa pouted and said, "You still have self-knowledge."

"Hey, you two should pay attention to the influence. After all, Kagura is still underage. After all, you two are just brothers and sisters. Why are you so close!" Wig said to Tang Yuan and the others very rudely Two said..0

"What do you care about so much, you don't have close friends and no brothers and sisters, do you understand? A person like you who doesn't have a sister, you will never understand!" Tang Yuan slapped the wig mercilessly.

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend you." The wig said weakly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Yin Shi's whole body immediately cheered up, and whispered to Tang Yuan and the others: "Don't talk to the leaders, pretend to be guests here, maybe there is business coming, Xinbaji, go and open the door."

Wig and Yinshi and the others cooperated very well, and when everything was ready, Xin Baji ran to open the door.

A woman with cat ears stood at the door and asked Xin aggressively: "Where is Yinshi? Hurry up and ask him to come out and pay the rent. He has owed the rent for several months. Grandma Dengshi said that if you don't pay the rent again If you do, I will drive you all out."

"Hey, it's Guy Celine, who did I think it was? By the way, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, do you want to come in and eat together? By the way, Xinbaji hasn't cooked yet, Xinbaji hurry up Go cook." Yinshi instructed Xin Baji.

"No need, I've already eaten at Granny Dengshi's 4.7 restaurant, you don't have to please me, you can do whatever you want to please me, and you still have to pay the rent." Guy Celine said very rudely, as if she had You can already see the colorful intestines in Tang Yuan's stomach.

Yinshi murmured in a low voice: "That's just a saving, it can save one person's food, and it happens that there is not much food in the family."

"What? What did you just say?" Guy Celine put her hands on her hips and said aggressively, "Don't speak ill of me behind my back. My ears are fine. Pay the money quickly and stop talking so much nonsense. Gotta get back to work, don't waste my time."

"This catwoman looks really bad. The catwoman I've seen is all very good-looking, a hundred times more beautiful than this one. I don't know if she touched the ground face first when she was reincarnated." Wig Said to Tang Yuan. .

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