Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 65: A Wave In A Wave

"Tell me about you. I knew this was the case, so I wouldn't take you out. Yin Shi frowned while accusing Xin, and said to the big man, "What is the ticket price? We must pay it according to the price!"

The big man smiled more and more happily, and stretched out a palm to Yinshi.

Yinshi happily took out the money and handed it to the big man, saying, "Five hundred, right? Here it is for you."

Unexpectedly, the big man knocked out the money in Yinshi's hand with a wave of his hand, and said fiercely: "Laozi said five thousand. Are you sending the five hundred yuan to beggars?"

Yinshi was very angry, but for the sake of the mission and rent, he decided to endure it, took out 5,000 yuan and said to the big man, "Is this enough?"

The big man nodded and said, "Okay, let's go in!"

The 5,000 yuan is Yinshi's net worth. If this task cannot be completed, they will really eat dirt.

After walking away, Xinbaji bowed deeply to Tang Yuan20 and the others in apology: "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have spent so much money. I can tell that the big guy saw me This is the only way to start the price."

Yinshi patted Xin Baji on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, but fortunately the wig responds quickly, otherwise we really have to reveal our secrets. I'll just deduct your salary after I go back!"

"Okay!" Xin Baji murmured, "Anyway, you haven't paid me a salary, so deduct it as you like."

"We have come in now, where is the place agreed by the employer?" Wig asked.

Yin Shi pinched his nostrils and said: "I don't know either, let's go shopping first, I haven't been here yet."

"I'm going, I feel that I regret coming here a little bit. The wig looked at Yinshi resentfully and said, "What kind of guide is this? He even said he would take us on a mission, but now we can't even find the target point." , what is this!"

"Oh, don't worry about this, anyway, we are all in now, so we can't have a good time, I'm sorry for the five thousand oceans I spent!" Yin Shi shouted. Don't care about other people's eyes.

Tang Yuan suddenly saw people walking in a row, with black hats on their heads and a black cloth covering their faces, completely incompatible with the coquettish women accompanying the guests.

Tang Yuan approached the wig, pointed at the group of women in a low voice and asked, "Who are those people?"

The wig looked at it and said: "I don't know very well, but it seems to be the patrol team here, but I don't know why it is a woman."

"I know this!" Xin Baji said suddenly: "These women have been specially trained to defend Jiyuan Taoyuan Township, because Yewang Fengxian doesn't want those men here to tarnish this place, so they arranged it like this."

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be very professional. It seems that you have done your homework in advance." Tang Yuan praised Xinbaji.

Xin Baji stroked his hair in embarrassment and said, "I'm not as good at fighting as you are, so I can only mention to do a little review, which is what my sister told me.

"Your sister? Why did your sister come here?" Yinshi asked suspiciously.

Xin Baji replied: "My sister came here with the guests. At that time, she was also very curious and asked why they had women patrolling. Then the guest answered her in this way."

"Oh, that's how it is." Yinshi suddenly realized: "Okay, don't talk about this, we should go and relax now, but there is no free time for you to play later.

"Then shall we go wandering?" Tang Yuan asked.

Yinshi nodded and shouted: "Let's go! Go to the waves."

Yinshi and the others got into a tavern, Yinshi and Wig hugged a woman and ran to the side to drink, only Xin Moan and Tang Xuan had no one around.

Tang Yuan asked suspiciously: "Xinbaji, why aren't you like Yinshi and the others? Let's play with a woman in your arms."

Xin Baji said shyly: "I'm a man who is well-versed in the temple, so I can't go around behind her back like this."

"Yo, I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend. You're amazing. I admire you when you come to this kind of place for your girlfriend. I admire you." Tang Yuan praised with a thumbs up.

"Where do I have a girlfriend, Simentong is my idol, she is a big star, she is like the moon hanging high, an untouchable woman, but I am willing to defend her body and jade. "Xin Baji's face flushed red when he mentioned Simentong.

Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji speechlessly, "I can't imagine that someone would do such an incredible thing for ten stars.

"By the way, how about you, why don't you find someone to accompany you for a drink?" Xin Baji asked: "It's impossible for a handsome person like you to find someone to accompany you?"

Xin Baji saw that many women saw Tang Yuan, and they all ran over like a nympho and said they wanted to accompany him! But Tang Yuan rejected them all, and Xin Baji couldn't figure it out.

After Tang Yuan heard Xin Baji's question, he said lightly: "I'm not interested in this kind of rouge vulgar fan."

Now it's Xin Baji's turn to be surprised, thinking secretly: "Please, the women here are the most perfect, even the women here don't like it, do you want a fairy in the sky?"

Suddenly, a child quietly touched Yinshi's side, and gently tugged at the corner of his clothes. Yinshi had just drank some wine, and then he became a little interested. Suddenly, another child interrupted him, and he was very dissatisfied. Said: "The child is playing in the mud to [stab and disturb me."

"Are you the owner of Wanshiwu?" the child asked timidly.

"Huh? You are?" Yinshi asked suspiciously. He couldn't figure out how a child would know that he was the boss of Wanshiwu.

"Could this kid be the employer?" Wig cast a puzzled look at Gintoki.

"I don't know, it's a woman's voice who called me, but let's find out first." Yinshi said to the wig after letting the girls leave.

Yinshi said to the child: "Who are you? How do you know that I am the owner of Wanshiwu?"

The child said timidly: "My sister called you when no one was around. Please help me. My sister is currently detained in a room. He asked me to come out and find you."

"Oh, so it looks like this, so your sister wants to ask us to rescue him?" Yin Shi asked.

"You guys come with me first, it's not convenient to talk here, and there are many eyes and ears here, if I get caught, it will be troublesome." The child explained to Yinshi.

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