But in Tang Yuan's eyes, the speed he thought was very fast was just a joke.

When she thought that a light swipe of her hand could kill Tang Yuan, but who would have thought that Tang Yuan had already raised the Judgment Blade to her throat.

The woman looked at the sword against her throat in surprise, she couldn't figure out why the man's hand was so fast, and she didn't react at all.

Tang Yuan glanced at the woman, and said to Baihua Yueyong with a sneer: "What do you mean by this? Let us go on the surface, but are you going to stab us behind the scenes?"

Baihua Yueyong also couldn't figure out why her people would attack Tang Yuan and the others after she gave the order.

Rilun asked: "What's the matter with you? Why did you assassinate this gentleman? Have you already said to let them go without seeing me? Are you taking my words as wind on your ears?"

What Ling Rilun and Baihua Yueyong did not expect was that the woman sneered and said: "Heh, this is not your territory, but this is the place of Lord Ye Wang. Our duty is to protect the safety of Jiyuan Taoyuan Township. Just follow orders Lord Night King, your orders are useless to me."

Tang Yuan looked on coldly, this matter is a bit interesting, Tang Yuan wants to see how this beautiful woman solves this matter, and wants to see if the sun wheel is a vase.

"You..." Baihua Yueyong pointed at the woman, from the trembling hands, she was very angry, this woman is the person she trusts the most!

The woman looked at Baihua Yueyong coldly and said: "Captain, you don't need to say anything, I have already guessed what you want to say, you want to ask me why I became like this?"

Baihua Yueyong also calmed down when she heard him say this, and wanted to hear what she was.

The woman said to Baihua Yueyong: "Captain, I am here to save you. If you let them leave here with these people, Lord Yewang will definitely punish you. You will be the one who will suffer! You know not understand"?"

"For my own good?" Baihua Yueyong smiled, matching her crippled eyes, she looked terrified: "I don't think you are doing it for good? You are the undercover agent arranged by the Night King among us, as long as we Whatever you do, you can come out and stop me immediately!"

"Well, Captain, you are right. I am indeed an undercover agent inserted by the Night King, but it's not just me who was placed in." The woman seemed a little guilty.

Baihua Yueyong let out a miserable laugh, looked at her subordinates and said, "Who else? Come forward, there's no point in being timid."

After Baihua Yueyong finished speaking, there were whispers in the whole team, and not long after, at least half of them stood up.

Baihua Yueyong looked at these people who stood up, they were all her confidantes, she once treated them like her own sisters, but she never thought that they would betray her.

The more Baihua Yueyong thought about it, the more excited she became. Her body, which was already seriously injured, was once again hit by this incident, her face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The blood on the ground was red and bloody.

The people who stood up said to Baihua Yueyong guiltily: "Captain, we don't want to do this either, as long as you work hard for the Night King, we will not betray you.

"Heh, what's the use of talking about it now." Baihua Yueyong said coldly with her pale lips: "We have nothing to do with each other now, we have cut off all ties, and you don't need to call me captain anymore, I am not worthy With your men."

"Captain...you have to take care of yourself!" The people who stood up had a lot to do with Baihua Yueyong, so one can imagine how Baihua Yueyong treated them before.

But the matter is not so simple, the person who pushed the sun wheel came out also took out the short blade, put it against the neck of the sun wheel and said: "Master sun wheel, I'm sorry, I am also the person arranged by the night king."

Rilun was shocked for a moment, and soon regained his composure, and said calmly: "It seems that the minions of the Night King have reached out to us, but we still foolishly regard you as the best sisters, it seems that I Blind."

"I'm sorry..." said the woman against the sun wheel.

Ri Lun smiled, like a ten-mile peach blossom, as the spring breeze blows: "Ferry to Qingchuan, don't say I'm sorry, each is his own, you have your reasons, you don't need to apologize to me."

"Then please put down your weapons now, we don't want to be violent." Ferry Qingchuan said.

Bai Huayue sighed and said: "Now Master Rilun is in your hands, you can do whatever you want, but please don't hurt Master Rilun

Don't worry, Lord Rilun won't be hurt at all, after all, she is the Night King's woman. "Ferry Qingchuan said.

"Hey, hey, you don't take us too seriously, don't you? We are not with them, and your threat has no effect on us." Tang Yuan said with his ears pressed.

Tang Yuan has long been tired of watching these bloody dramas. In the past, his mother and sister always snatched the remote control and turned off his favorite cartoons, just to watch these bloody TV dramas.

"Let me tell you, Lord Rilun is in our hands. If you don't want any accidents to happen to her, I advise you to put down your weapons obediently." Ferry Qingchuan said coldly, the knife in his hand was close to the neck of Rilun A little sharp blade has already drawn a bloodstain on the neck of the sun wheel.

Tang Yuan looked at Ferry Qingchuan as if looking at a fool and said (Hao Hao Zhao): "I said, do you have a problem with your ears? I think you are going to see a doctor. I only met her a few days ago. It's only a minute, what you want to do with him has nothing to do with me, okay?"

"You... Let me tell you, I'm not joking, I will really do it!" Ferry Qingchuan threatened He.

Qingtai was worried about her mother being hurt, so she quietly walked to Tang Yuan's side, tugged on Tang Yuan's clothes, her eyes were full of worry.

Tang Yuan gave Qingta a reassuring look, telling him not to worry.

Tang Yuan said to Ferry Qingchuan: "Let me tell you, I also have a hostage in my hand. If you don't let me get out of the way, I will kill her. By the way, don't threaten me with the sun wheel, you Didn’t you just say that Rilun is the Night King’s favorite woman, do you think if you kill Rilun, you can still live?”.

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