Tang Yuan drove the power, and the Judgment Blade was instantly covered with fierce flames. When the wig and silver saw the azure blue flames on the blade, their hearts trembled. They saw these people burnt by the flames with their own eyes, and they couldn't be worse. Die, appalling.

"Come on!" Tang Yuan rushed towards Kamui: "Let you feel what power is."

At this time, Tang Yuan didn't plan to attack Kamui's weakness, but chose Gang who was directly opposite.

Kamui made a tiger paw gesture and looked at Tang Yuan cautiously, he knew very well in his heart that he could feel the aura emanating from Tang Yuan, if he didn't deal with it carefully, he would be the one who died!

Sooner or later, the two people came into contact with each other, and their auras rushed together. With a bang, a whirlwind circled around the two people. A large pit appeared at the feet of Kamui and Tang Yuan, and the two people stood still. inside.

But the two of them didn't feel the abnormality in the outside world at all, and they focused on looking at the person in front of them, because they both knew that as long as one of them had a loophole [the other would kill him without hesitation]

The two of them just fought for a few seconds, but only the two of them knew the danger. It was simply a death penalty, leaving no room for it.

Finally Tang Yuan found a gap in Kamui during the battle, he was overjoyed, and charged up his right hand to slap Kamui's chest.

When Kamui saw this slap coming, he thought badly, but Kamui's reaction was so fast that I couldn't dodge it, so I can't make you feel better! He also slapped Tang Yuan, right on his left shoulder .

The strength of these two people is really too strong, if anyone takes one of the palms, they will not be able to last for three seconds, and they will die on the spot!

Tang Yuan and Kamui separated immediately, Kamui knelt down on the ground and vomited blood, Tang Yuan was not much better, although he was only hit on his left shoulder, but he was seriously injured, his stomach was already turned upside down, But he held back the blood that he wanted to spit out.

"Ahem, I didn't expect your strength to be quite good. It seems that I underestimated you." " Kamui looked at Tang Yuan with bright eyes and said, as if he was happy to find an opponent for himself.

"Hehe, you are not bad, you can still talk after being hit by me!" Tang Yuan looked at Kamui and said. Kamui's power aroused Tang Yuan's fighting spirit.

Both of them tried their best to recover their strength. After resting for a while, the two fought together again, but this time there were not many moves. For masters, the gorgeous moves are all false moves, and they are not necessary.

The two fought for a long time, just like street punks fighting.

While Tang Yuan fights Kamui, the Night King appears!

The Night King stood on the high roof and shouted to the crowd below: "What are you waiting for? Kill them all! Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is up to you! Leave these children to me, today Do the Manchu Banquet tonight!"

The crowd below looked around and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, give it to me! As long as we get rid of them all, we can do whatever we want here!"

"Come on!" The other shouted excitedly: "I've been interested in a woman for a long time, but I don't have any money, now I have such a good opportunity, I can do it without spending any money!"

A large group of Wuyang Wuyang's crowd rushed towards Yinshi and them, but they didn't dare to step into Kamui and Tang Yuan's battle circle.

Kamui took advantage of the gap and yelled at the Night King: "What do you mean? This is my battle, I don't allow others to get involved!"

"Hehe, this place belongs to me. As long as you stand here, you must obey my command. Besides, I am your former regiment leader. Don't you obey this order?" Night King said with a sneer.

"Bah, you're just an old bastard who is afraid of the light and death!" Kamui spat.

"It seems that the conflict between the two of you is quite big!" Tang Yuan said, holding his arms and watching a movie.

Kamui punched Tang Yuan in the face and said: "What do you care about so much, you should concentrate on fighting me!"

Tang Yuan spat a mouthful of blood on the ground and said, "Huh, I'll show you how good I am!" Tang Yuan hit Kamui in the abdomen with his fist.

Kamui was hit in the stomach by Tang Yuan, this fist was uncomfortable, the pain in the stomach was terribly painful, as if the intestines were about to be broken.

Tang Yuan looked at Alyssa very disturbedly. Now there are a group of people surrounding the two of them. Kagura's kung fu is better, so they can't attack for a while, and Xin Baji doesn't know where to pick one. The sword, helping Kagura, resisted their attacks.

Wig and Yinshi occasionally come over to help, but they still have a large group of girls to protect, which is also very difficult.

The screams of the girl Tang Yuan and the others had just rescued could be heard constantly in their ears, but they were also very strong and resisted desperately, because they were afraid of going back to that dark room again.

Although they tried their best to resist, but because of malnutrition, there was still nothing they could do about the men with strong upper bodies, and they were all taken away.

"... `Ah! Let me go, let me go! I want to get out of here!" Qing Shengyue's scream came from not far away.

Qing Shengyue was now held on the shoulder by a man, and she let out a lewd laugh and said: "Hey, little girl, stop screaming, even if you scream, no one will save you, if I kill you If you catch it, I can play here to my heart's content!"

"You bastard! Let me tell you, the angel big brother is very powerful (Wang Haohao), if you take me away, you will definitely die a horrible death." Qing Shengyue said harshly, she Now there is no other way but to rely on Tang Yuan to bring her hope.

Now that Wig and Yinshi have met their opponents, there is no way to get out to save Shengyue.

"Hey! If you have the ability, go and ask your angel big brother to save you first!" The man said with a wicked smile, he knew Kamui's strength well, Tang Yuan was fighting with Kamui, and he didn't have time to get out to save him, so He said it so reassuringly.

Seeing Qing Shengyue's haggard face and pear blossoms covered with rain, Tang Yuan couldn't bear it, and risked being seriously injured by Kamui, he picked up the Judgment Blade and threw it at the man

The man was still having fun, thinking about what to do after taking Qing Shengyue back, but who would have thought that there was a sword aiming at his back and flying past!.

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