Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 77: The Phantom Sword Resurrection

"Are these swords real? No! Impossible. In this world, no one can violate the principles of physics. There won't be so many swords inside!" Kamui murmured, "But before Tang Yuan was wrapped How can you explain the green light that falls from the sky on your body and can instantly heal the wounds on your body?"

The swords in mid-air flew towards Kamui, one by one stuck at Kamui's feet, although the accuracy of these swords is a bit poor, but the advantage lies in the large number, you can't make every sword accurate here, which also makes Kamui knows that these swords are real, and each one can kill.

Every time the Judgment Blade flew over, a hole would be blown out on the ground, and gradually the whole land did not have a big hole, and a lot of smoke and dust were also created. The smoke and dust shrouded it, and there was no trace of Kamui .

But Tang Yuan didn't care about these, anyway, this sword is inexhaustible, it just consumes a little of his energy, and now that Tang Yuan is enveloped by the light of healing, his whole body is full of energy, as if it can't be used up, directing the judgment The blades flew towards Kamui one by one.

"Wow, this move is amazing." Wig watched Tang Yuan directing the swords and exclaimed.

The opponent has been overwhelmed by Tang Yuan's momentum, and Kamui has been beaten badly by Tang Yuan, the mainstay of his heart has fallen, and timidity has developed in his heart, and he is beaten back by wigs and Yinshi, so the two of them Only one is free to chat.

Yinshi also nodded and said: "If I have this trick, why worry about my not being famous in Wanshiwu! As long as the employer asks me to kill someone, I can just throw a sword and let this sword kill someone." Well, I just need to sit quietly at home and eat agendas.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't have any ambitions at all, no wonder you always stay in the house of everything, and you can't even pay the rent!" Wig said with a glance, eyes full of disdain!

"You're still talking about me!" Yinshi retorted, "If you had this ability, what would you do~?"

After thinking for a while, the wig said: "I'm definitely going to do it... Forget it, it's useless to say this, and I won't have this ability after talking about it. We'd better just watch the show quietly."

Kagura didn't speak, but bit his lip and looked worriedly at Kamui-side.

Tang Yuan kept throwing the sword, feeling that he had almost done it, so he stopped to see what Kamui was like now.

After the smoke cleared, Tang Yuan threw so many Judgment Blades, but he didn't die, he was just hit by the sword on his left shoulder, and he looked ashamed and embarrassed.

"Tsk, amazing!" Tang Yuan couldn't help clapping his hands and said, "I didn't expect you to be amazing! It's been so long that you've only been hit by a sword. I thought you'd already been turned into a hedgehog! "

"Hmph." Kamui grabbed the Judgment Blade stuck in his left shoulder, roared, and slowly pulled out the Judgment Blade. Despite such perseverance, Kamui was already sweating profusely, with bruised veins, obviously He is enduring inhuman pain.

Seeing Kamui like this, he couldn't help admiring him in his heart. Although Kamui was his opponent, just because of the way he gritted his teeth and didn't cry out, Kamui deserved Tang Xuan's respect.

If this Kamui is replaced by Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan knows that he can't do something like Kamui.

Kamui pulled out the Judgment Blade and threw it on the ground. The Judgment Blade disappeared instantly after reaching the ground, as if it had never appeared before. With a wave of Tang Yuan's hand, the Judgment Blade stuck on the ground flew into the air, turning into a flying Return to Tang Yuan's hand.

Tang Yuan stroked the Judgment Blade and said: "Kamui, I didn't expect you to be so powerful and able to evade so many moves from me. To be honest, I admire you a lot! Now I decide to let you live, you should leave here quickly. "

"Huh!" Kamui spit out a mouthful of blood foam towards the place, wiped his mouth fiercely, and said with a very pervert expression: "Why should I leave? I was worried about not being able to find an opponent before, but now I just met you , If I don't kill you, my heart will not be peaceful."

Looking at Kamui's two blood-red eyeballs, trembling muscles, and torch-like eyes, it feels like a different person, especially the eyes are like taking drugs.

Tang Yuan turned his head and asked, "Kagura, what's wrong with your brother? Why does he look like he's on drugs, is he sick?"

Kagura stared at Kamui closely and said: "It's not that he's taking drugs anymore, it's because the blood of our Yetu tribe has worked, as long as he becomes like this, unless he sees the blood of the enemy, or sees his own corpse , otherwise he wouldn't have stopped."

0 for flowers...

"Why do you have this kind of effect in the blood of the Yetu tribe?" Tang Yuan shook his head after thinking about it, and said with a look of disgust: "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you are really sick, otherwise how can normal people It's going to be like this!"

"Well, you're right, I'm sick, I actually have this kind of blood on my body, I don't want to kill, that's why I came to the earth to "join the city library." Kagura bit her lip and said.

"Tang Yuan, just let your horse come here and let you try my anger!" Kamui said, staring at Tang Yuan.

Seeing Kamui like this, Tang Yuan couldn't help becoming serious: "Okay! Then I'll let you die under my sword, I won't let you down.

Tang Yuan waved his wings and flew to Kamui's side in an instant, picked up the Judgment Blade and cut Kamui fiercely with seven or forty-eight swords!

But Kamui didn't seem to feel it, these few cuts were like chopping on someone else's flesh, he didn't know the pain at all, Tang Yuan was forced.

Kamui laughed and said, "You're done? Then it's my turn to do it now!"

Kamui punched Tang Yuan hard in the chest, knocking Tang Yuan into the air, and didn't stop until he smashed several walls.

Fortunately for Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan felt that something was wrong at the time. He immediately turned on the holy shield and was immune to all damage. Although the holy shield was turned on, Kamui's power had grown geometrically, and he still suffered some internal injuries, and the shield cracked. Several cracks.

Before Tang Yuan could react, Kamui rushed towards the broken wall and kept punching Tang Yuan.

Although Tang Yuan was protected by a shield in front of him, he couldn't stand Kamui's beating like this. The shield with some cracks, under Kamui's fist, the cracks became more and more dense, and it shattered with a bang.

Tang Yuan quickly summoned the armor to protect his body, otherwise no matter how powerful Tang Yuan is, he still can't stand the beating knife like a lunatic like Kamui!

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