Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 79: The Night King's Hand

"Tang Yuan continued: "I hate trouble the most. You said that I won't let you two go now, and kill you two here on the spot. Does it mean that nothing will happen in the future?"

"Hmph, you can kill us if you want, but I have to tell you one thing. If you kill us, you will definitely receive Chun Yu's revenge. No one or a group will be able to withstand Chun Yu's violent revenge." Ah After Fu Tu finished speaking, his face was filled with a sense of pride, proud of being in Chun Yu's group.

Tang Yuan is the person who can't stand others threatening him the most, especially now that a defeated general like Afutu has no strength at all, and he can speak harsh words like this, this kind of person is simply disgusting to the ultimate.

Tang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "I don't care if your backstage is the space pirate Chun Yu or whoever, if Laozi wants to kill, I will definitely prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow! Our Twilight Brigade is not vegetarian either."

After Afutu heard what Tang Yuan said, his complexion was pale and pale, like a woman applying rouge on her 20s. Organization, the name of the Twilight Brigade sounds like a powerful one.

"Afutu, what are you two talking about? If you don't take Kamui to the rescue immediately, he will definitely die. "Your hands can't even imagine!" Night King looked down at Afutu Said.

In fact, the Night King is more concerned about Kamui's life and death. After all, Kamui was brought out by him. If Kamui dies, it is inevitable that he will be sad, and Kamui's potential is very great. If he is allowed to live, maybe the future Achievements will also be high.

"Okay, I'll take him away now!" Afutu agreed, and wanted to put Kamui in his arms.

Tang Yuan pointed at Afutu with his sword and shouted, "Did I let you go?"

"Hmph, ignorant boy, don't think that you can be so arrogant because you know a little crooked ways." The Night King snorted coldly, jumped from the roof to the corridor, leaned on the guardrail and said, "I, the Night King, let whoever I want go go." , no one can stop it!"

"Hmph, I really want to try it out, to see if you have the ability." Tang Yuan said, staring at the Night King with fiery eyes.

"Hey..." The Night King said with a sigh: "Now it's your young people's world, I'm old and I can't move anymore, I still use these outdated technologies to greet you

The Night King waved his hand, and artillery appeared all around, surrounding Tang Yuan and the others heavily. Even the sky was covered with a thick layer of fishing nets to prevent Tang Yuan and the others from escaping from the air.

Although these cannons can't do much harm to Tang Yuan, there are Alyssa and a group of unarmed girls behind him. If they are hit by the cannons, there will be no bones left, so Tang Yuan can't take a step back. These poor children cannot be turned into cannon fodder.

Looking at the cannons surrounding them, Tang Yuan sneered and said, "Do you think that this kind of thing can kill me? Are you too whimsical? Why don't you use the guns used in ancient wars?" Take out the musket and use it?"

"Haha, I also think about this thing, but I don't have it on hand, so I can only use these." Ye Wang laughed loudly, waved his hand again, and instantly countless machine guns appeared in front of Tang Wan's eyes . "

The Night King laughed and said: "I know these things can't do you any harm, but if they can cause trouble to you, they have already exerted the greatest power. My main purpose is to kill the people behind you. They are my food. , how could I let the food slip away before my eyes."

The Night King glanced at the girl below with perverted eyes, his eyes were naked and undisguised.

The Night King looked at Tang Yuan with this look, and his heart was a little creepy, let alone those tortured children behind him.

Alisa didn't know if she was stimulated by the Night King's eyes, or couldn't stand his perverted eyes, and stood in front of her.

Pointing at the Night King with his middle finger, he cursed: "You pervert, why don't you die? You don't know that you are wasting land and air in this world. What else do you have besides being cast aside? Use, do you know that they were arrested by you when they were young, is it a pitiful thing to have no love from parents since childhood? It’s fine if you bring them here and let them suffer all kinds of torture After they see the dawn of hope, they still want to step on it hard?"

Alyssa suddenly ran out of words after cursing and cursing. She held back for a long time before saying: "I'm sorry, I have never scolded anyone before, and I don't know what words to describe you. I really can't think of it."

Tang Yuan also didn't expect that Alisa would curse for so long in one breath, and especially the middle finger, this Tang Yuan can guarantee that he didn't teach Alisa to do these movements, and he didn't know where he learned them.

However, Alisa can stand up and scold the Night King at this juncture, which is also very powerful. This is also about Tang Yuan's relationship here. Who made Tang Yuan always be his big backer.

After listening to what Alisa scolded him, the Night King was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "It's amazing, the little girl's mouth is very powerful, you can talk like that, but I don't know if your tongue is good or not, it seems Try it!"

After the Night King finished speaking, he licked his tongue [that look is as pervert as it is changeable.

When Tang Yuan heard this, he couldn't sit still. Alyssa has always been his sweetheart, he is not willing to be beaten or scolded, and he is usually cared for like a cherished toy. these words!

The more Tang Yuan thought about it, the more unhappy he felt, and his anger suddenly soared, reaching its peak. There was only one thought in his mind, which was to let the Night King die.

Tang Yuan stretched out his left hand, and a large bow made of flames appeared in his hand. When he grabbed it with his right hand, the Judgment Blade turned into an arrow and appeared in his hand.

The arrow in Tang Yuan's right hand rested on the bow in his left hand, an aura emanated from Tang Yuan's body, and the arrow aimed at the Night King.

The Night King was targeted by Tang Yuan, a dangerous aura filled his body, his hairs stood up, and goose bumps all over his body. He relied on this feeling to survive so many battles, big and small. Come down to get to this location.

Tang Yuan released the fingers hooking the bowstring in his right hand, and sparks appeared from the bow and arrow turned from Judgment Blade, and a fiery red afterimage flew towards the Night King. .

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