Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 85: The Plan Of The Sun

Tang Yuan waved his wings, those arrows seemed to have eyes, and they would disperse automatically after meeting Tang Yuan, posing no threat to Tang Yuan at all, after all, these were summoned by Tang Yuan, if they could cause danger to Tang Yuan, then wouldn't it? It's not that you hurt yourself by eight hundred, you don't know if you hurt the enemy.

Tang Yuan waved his wings, followed the steps just now, and walked in front of the Night King, raised the Judgment Blade high and said to the Night King: "Enough is enough, it's time to end."

Night King was shocked when he saw Tang Yuan suddenly appearing beside him. Although he knew in his heart that Tang Yuan would definitely choose this opportunity to strike, he did not expect to come from the front

Tang Yuan slashed at Ye Wang with the blade of judgment, and shouted: "Ye Wang Fengxian, you have lived long enough, it's time to go to hell and let Hades count your sins for you."

At that time, the night king was still thinking about who is the king of Hades that Tang Yuan said? How can he count the sins on my body? Tang Yuan's sword has already reached the night king.

The Night King's pupils reflected the Judgment Blade, and slowly enlarged bit by bit. At this critical juncture, the Night King immediately put away Fang Tian's painting halberd to block Tang Yuan's attack without saying a word.

Although the Night King blocked Tang Yuan's fatal attack, he was also stabbed by the rain of arrows falling from the sky, and his left shoulder and right leg were hit by arrows. Although the injuries were not serious, they hindered his activities.

Although the Night King blocked Tang Yuan's attack, the arrows from the sky kept falling. Because his men couldn't escape, they were all stabbed into hedgehogs and stuck on the city wall, which looked horrible.

The Night King couldn't find a place to hide for a while, so he could only wave Fang Tian's painted halberd again, resisting the rain of arrows in the sky, while looking for a place to hide.

The Night King looked at his palace. This is the place he spent a lot of money to build. The whole house was built with a lot of money. It can basically withstand the artillery attack of a battleship. If you want to avoid the rain of arrows, it should be a good place to go.

Thinking this way, the Night King rushed towards that side, Tang Yuan also followed the Night King's pace when he saw this, and attacked the Night King, but the strength of the Night King should not be underestimated, so Tang Yuan continued to attack, but Except for a little flesh wound, the Night King didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Finally the Night King will come to his so-called palace, and now there is no need to worry about the rain of arrows in the sky.

The Night King stood in front of his throne, grabbed the arrows stuck in his body, gritted his teeth, and pulled out the arrows one by one without changing his face.

Tang Yuan didn't bother, after all, a man's battle must be upright.

After pulling out the arrow on his body, the Night King took off his clothes and bandaged it. Although the Night King was a bit older, the muscles exposed on his body were still one by one, with distinct water chestnuts, and he looked particularly strong. He didn't want to be him at all. This age should have.

When the Night King was still bandaging his wounds, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the back door, and the Night King frowned and shouted: "Who is where? Get out of here."

Tang Yuan's pupils constricted, and it was none other than the sun wheel and Baihua Yueyong who came out of the side door, and Baihua Yueyong was pushing the sun wheel out.

"Why are they here? Although they said they want to keep this place, they shouldn't appear here. It's too dangerous." Tang Yuan thought to himself: "But I haven't figured out what they mean, or Just wait and see."

When the Night King saw that the person who came out was the sun wheel, he breathed a sigh of relief, but his tone was still cold: "What are you doing out here? Why don't you go back quickly."

Ri Lun smiled and came to Night King's side, and said softly: "Master Night King is injured, as your woman, why don't I come out to help you bandage the wound, men like you have rough hands and feet, the wound must be It won't wrap well."

"My woman?" The Night King was puzzled for a moment, but soon became excited again: "Have you finally decided to be my woman?"

Ri Lun half covered his mouth and said, "Well, I've already thought it over clearly, for a man as powerful as Lord Night King, I won't suffer from being your woman."

"But your previous attitude was not like this." The Night King looked at the sun wheel in doubt and said, adding a layer of defense secretly.

Baihua Yueyong attached and said: "Lord Ye Wang, Lord Rilun has already thought it through, Lord Rilun just told me that Lord Yewang's fighting posture just now beat that boy named Tang Yuan to death , suddenly fell in love with you.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder you suddenly came out to bandage my wound." The Night King laughed loudly and said, "It doesn't matter that my woman wants to bandage me.

The Night King spread his hands, allowing the sun wheel to bandage the wound on his body, as if he completely trusted the sun wheel, with a smile on his face.

Tang Yuan didn't understand what Rilun and the others meant for a while, and he didn't dare to make a move now, but just watched quietly from the sidelines.

The sun wheel gently caressed the wound on Ye Wang's body, and the night king's painful face twitched, looking very painful, but the night king still stood there quietly, letting the sun wheel bandage the wound.

Rilun was bandaging it very seriously, but suddenly his expression changed, he pulled out a dagger from behind his waist, and stabbed at Night King's waist, Baihua Yueyong rushed forward with Kunai in his hand, which was the same as before. style is completely different.

Night King felt a stabbing pain in his lower back and back, turned his head to see that Rilun was still holding a bloody dagger in his hand, and immediately burned with anger, he harassed Rilun and Baihua Yueyong with his palm.

Even though the Night King was severely injured by Sun Wheel and Baihua Yueyong, the strength in his hands did not weaken at all, and he directly flew Baihua Yueyong and Sun Wheel to the wall before falling down, yelling non-stop. in blood.

Yewangyi (Li Mohao) looked at the sun wheel with a very sad expression and said, "Why, why did you treat me like this? I have treated you so well, why did you do this!"

Rilun spat out a mouthful of blood, stared at the Night King closely, his eyes were full of resentment, and suddenly grinned and said: "You treat me well? Who put me under house arrest in this dark place? Who kept me from leaving? , break all my hamstrings?"

"I'm doing this for you, in order not to let you leave my side. You should know how I treat you these years. I wear the best, use the best, and live in the best. You said I still Where did I treat you badly?" The Night King's face was gloomy, and he told what he had done all these years.

"Heh!" Rilun sneered and said, "You are doing it for my own good? Aren't you trying to satisfy the pervert in your heart and have a sense of conquest? Don't you want me to surrender to you?"

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