"The life and death of the Night King are unknown now. I advise you to roll as far as you can before we have the intention to kill you, otherwise... hum."

Okita Sougo's laughter became thinner and thinner, and the way he looked at the big man gradually changed, and he felt a cold aura slowly emanating from his body.

Seeing Okita Sougo's expression, Hijikata Toshiro, who was often manipulated by Okita Sougo, shuddered involuntarily.

The big man didn't know what to say, and shouted with his neck stuck: "Don't try to lie to me, what about Lord Night King? He is the strongest man in the universe, he is my idol, I don't allow you to slander my idol like this , Just relying on how little you guys want to defeat the strongest man in history, aren’t you too naive? Do you really think I’m a child?”

"Heh, now it's up to you to believe it or not. I really think that if we lied to you, you can go in and inquire at any time to see if I lied to you!" Okita Sougo sneered: "Now the head of Yoshihara Taoxiang is The man in front of you, if you don't want to die, hurry up and beg for mercy, otherwise he will leave your bones without bones, leaving you without bones."

The big guy believed what Okita Sougo said, but he didn't believe that the Tang Yuan in front of him was so weak and looked so weak, how could he beat the tall, handsome and mighty Night King? 170 big guy The obsession with and blind trust in the Night King has already become terminally ill. He believes that the Night King will not be defeated, and even if he is defeated, he will not be defeated by the thin and small Tang Yuan in front of him who can be blown down by a gust of wind. of.

"Oh, what are you talking about with him? Why don't you just leave? If you're too angry, just beat him up. What kind of effort is wasted on him?

Really. " Tang Yuan said impatiently.

"Okay, since you've said that, let's go, anyway, arguing with this kind of watchdog will lower our status." Okita Sougo said.

When Tang Yuan and the others were just about to leave, the big man rushed up. He never believed that such a powerful person as the Night King would be defeated by Tang Yuan. dignity.

The big man rushed up, trying to grab Tang Yuan by the collar, but before he touched Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan turned his head and looked at the big man coldly, his cold eyes directly hit the big man's heart, the big man felt that he It feels like being stared at by Lion Majesty, and my whole heart is cold.

"You...what are you going to do?" the big man choked up, he was so frightened by Tang Yuan's aura that he almost peed his pants.

"Let me tell you, if you are pestering me, I will let you know how the Night King was defeated by me. I don't think you want to try this kind of taste, do you?" Tang Yuan looked at the big man coldly and said.

The big man swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and looked at Tang Yuan timidly, completely without the previous arrogance.

Tang Yuan would not get entangled with these punk-level people, after all, this would lower his identity, so Tang Yuan left here with the Xinbaji and Zhensengumi people.

Before leaving, Sougo Okita patted the big man on the shoulder and said: "Don't be arrogant, kid, you just don't believe me, now you know you were wrong, remember, if we come here in the future, you have to be careful , now Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is in charge of that man, you have to remember."

After Okita Sougo finished speaking, he left here with Hijikata Toshiro. The big man was still standing there quietly, as if he had been immobilized, and he hadn't recollected the situation just now.

"Hey, where is Hijikata Shirōro's car?" Tang Yuan turned around and asked.

Toshiro Hijikata replied, "What car?"

"Didn't you come here by car? What about the car?" Tang Yuan continued to ask.

"Please, how rich do you think our Shinsengumi is? There are also cars coming here, you think too much!" Hijikata Shishiro replied: "We all came here by the No. 11 bus, What do you want to do?"

"Hey..." Tang Yuan sighed and said (cabc): "You poor Shinsengumi who don't even have a car, have been forgotten by your shogunate, so what's the need for you to exist? ?It seems that we can only go back on foot. Thinking of the long way back, my heart feels cold."

"It doesn't matter, the headquarters of our Shinsengumi is nearby, you go slowly first, we will go back first!" Kondo Isao said to Tang Yuan in a down-to-earth way.

Tang Yuan spat and said: "Get out, don't block my eyes here.

Sougo Okita walked to Tang Yuan's side, and said meanly: "Then you go slowly, we're going back first, I really miss that hot spring a little bit, now I'm exhausted to death, imagine, later How comfortable it would be after soaking in it.

"I'll fuck you, Laozi, get out of here, get out as far as your ideals go!" Tang Yuan kicked Sougo Okita, but Sougo Okita avoided him

"Haha, let's go back, you guys go slowly!" Okita Sougo shouted while running.

"You dead head, don't be caught by me, or I'll wring your head off." Tang Yuan shouted at Sougo Okita viciously.

"Oh, don't be angry, they are just talking, don't be angry." Xin Baji said while playing cards.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said sadly: "I'm not angry with them, what I'm angry about is that they didn't invite the two of us even though they had a hot spring bath, it made me so sad.

"Hey, since you want to go to the hot spring so much..." Xin Baji gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, after Yinshi pays me my salary, I will take you to the top hot spring to take a bath." .”

Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji's serious expression, and thought about Yin Shi, a poor man, and lost the interest he had just raised in an instant.

Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji on the shoulder and said: "No, I thank you for your kindness, but forget it, I will pay you when I wait for the silver, I don't think I am in this world anymore

"Huh? You are not in this world? Then where else can you go?" Xin Baji asked very puzzled.

Tang Yuan thought for a while and said: "Let's tell you the truth, anyway, it's useless to hide it from you. In fact, I am a person from another world. I came here and picked a random place. "

"Oh, you said you are not from this planet, right? We all know this, you can't stay here for a long time, but you can come over to play with us once in a while, isn't that all right!" Xin Baji didn't care Said. .

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