Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 103: Infinite Charm

"Well, I'm not very attractive, are you? Jealous of me? How can I say that I am also a handsome and handsome man. It is normal for a girl to fall in love with me." Tang Yuan said solemnly.

The wig glanced at Tang Yuan and said: "Come on, you, just like you, yes, I admit that you look like a person, and your strength is very powerful, but you don't have to be so narcissistic, right? You put yourself Doesn't your face feel hot when you say it like this?"

"Looking at you like this, I know that you are envious and jealous, and you can't get a beautiful face like mine, so you try to try to slander me." Tang Yuan lifted up his bangs and said, "But I can understand you , After all, everyone has the heart to love beauty, even a saint would be jealous, so I can understand how you feel right now."

"Eight Seven Seven" "Cut, I won't tell you this anymore, the more I say it, the more outrageous it is, and I'm jealous of you, I'm not bad in looks, okay?" the wig complained.

"Hey, Tang Yuan put his arms around the wig's shoulders and said: "Yes, yes, you are not bad, but compared with me, you are still a little bit worse, but don't be disappointed, after all, this appearance is born and cannot be changed Yes, except for plastic surgery. "

"Go, go, no matter how bad I am, I won't go for plastic surgery, okay? What's the point of being so sissy? I don't have any manliness at all. What I look down on most are people who have plastic surgery, and they say plastic surgery That’s not called plastic surgery, that’s called micro-surgery.” The wig scolded: “Go to hell, the entire jawbone is pinned, this is still micro-surgery? Is this fucking bullying us blind?”

"Yes, yes, what you said about wigs makes sense." Yinshi said: "Nowadays, many girls, even men, like to wear this set. Girls can understand that they love beauty, but a big man What are you guys doing plastic surgery for? There is no masculinity at all, and the speech has become sissy. I wonder if they cut off the bottom while doing the facelift?"

"Okay, okay, that's enough for the two of you. Those who have undergone plastic surgery will feel ashamed. Let's go back as soon as possible. Now that the sun is shining, I'm burning hot. I'll take care of my delicate skin later. It's not good to get sunburned." Tang Yuan looked at the sun in the distance and said.

"I'm going, just finished talking about this bitch, and you've become like this again..." The wig sighed and said, "Tang Yuan, if you're like this, we can't even be friends, because you too disgusting."

"Really? Why don't I feel how disgusting I am?" Tang Yuan shrugged and said.

"Let's go, go back, go back to sleep." Tang Yuan stretched and said lazily.

After walking for a while, I walked back. Although it is autumn now, the daytime is no different from summer. The sun is still hot. After walking such a short distance, they are already sweating profusely. It seems that they will be in a few days. Moon might be better.

The vendors on the side of the road are selling their products, and the smell of food from the surrounding restaurants makes people hang down the curtains, but they can't arouse Tang Yuan's interest at all. The only thing they want to do now is to hurry back to the house. Blowing on the fan, eating popsicles and watching the crush on the TV.

During a painful journey, the heart of internal and external oppression was under the scorching sun, and finally came to the house of all things, and several people collapsed to the ground as soon as they walked in.

"Phew, I'm finally back, but I'm exhausting Laozi." Yinshi didn't even sit on the sofa, and just slumped on the ground and leaned on the sofa, sighing.

Tang Yuan tossed and tossed in the refrigerator for a long time before he took out a popsicle from it. He ate it so happily that the wig was drooling while watching.

The wig watched Tang Yuan eating with gusto, and suddenly felt his mouth was extremely dry, as if being blown by the strong wind in the desert for three days and three Yoruichi.

The wig turned over and ran to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door and stuck his head in to search for a while, Yinshi said to the wig weakly: "Don't bother, there is only one popsicle left in the refrigerator .”

"Fuck me, are you so poor? A refrigerator of this size is consuming electricity, but there is nothing in it. You are really rich." Wig said to Yin Shi with a thumbs up.

Yinshi glanced at the wig and said, "Your uncle, I've shown mercy by letting you stay here. You're still rambling about what's going on with me now, don't you have any clues in your mind?" ?”

"Hey..." The wig sighed, and looked at Tang Yuan who was licking the popsicle happily, and leaned over shamelessly and asked, "Then what is this thing good for?"

Tang Yuan glanced at the wig and said, "It's very tasty, very delicious, what do you want?"

"I didn't think about what to do. Seeing that your food is so delicious, I just asked casually..0" the wig said timidly: "By the way, what does this taste like? Can you give me a taste of it? what?"

"No, this is mine. If you want to eat it, go buy it yourself. If you want to eat this from me, it's a good idea!" Tang Yuan glanced at the wig and said to the wig, licking the popsicle happily , did not take into account the feeling of the wig at all.

Xin Baji looked around, feeling very puzzled: "Hey, didn't Alisa and the others come back a long time ago? Why didn't anyone come out?"

"Yeah, I think so too. They came back much earlier than us, and according to Kagura's character, they've already been making a fuss. They won't be as quiet as they are now. Could it be that they haven't come back?" Silver A question mark appeared above his head.

False 3.7 looked at Yin Shi very puzzled and said: "Where can the two girls go? Although it is broad daylight, they stayed up all night just like us

Normal people will feel tired, I think they must have slept in the room, Tang Yuan, what do you think?"

The wig turned to look at Tang Yuan, unexpectedly, Tang Yuan ate and licked the popsicle, leaned on the sofa and fell asleep after licking it.

Yinshi and the others didn't wake Tang Yuan up when they saw him asleep. After all, he was basically fighting by himself in yesterday's battle. Even Iron Man couldn't bear it, and he suffered a lot of injuries. There is self-healing ability, but this self-healing ability is not omnipotent. If you want to completely heal your injuries, you need to rest more.

Tang Yuan slept for a very long time, until the fifth day early.

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