Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 108: Dark Cuisine

Shimura looked at Tang Yuan and the others with loving eyes, and she exuded the light of love, as if they were just a group of children waiting to be fed. They urgently needed her to warm and influence them with maternal love. Feed them well.

Seeing this situation, Xin Baji and Kagura cast resentful looks at Tang Yuan, expressing that they have the ability not to leave after school, and promise not to kill you, if it weren't for your stupid mouth, it would make big Did my sister become like this? I don’t know where the big sister’s self-confidence comes from. When I think about eating the meals made by the big sister every day, I just think about it for the rest of my life.

Tang Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't care, and smiled gloatingly, anyway, he wouldn't stay here for long, so let them enjoy this kind of happy thing slowly.

"Okay, this matter will be decided "four-five-three". From now on, I will come here every day when I have time, and I guarantee that you can eat my handicraft every day. Although it is delicious, you have to be careful. Tongue, please don't swallow it." Shimura vowed.

Finally, when Shimura picked up the basket and was about to leave, Xinbaji and Kagura immediately stood up to send Shimura farewell, and Shimura left here with Tang Yuan's praise and fantasy.

After Shimura left, Xinbaji and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. They sat down on the chair and collapsed. They looked at the ceiling weakly and didn't know what they were thinking.

Tang Yuan pointed to the two of them and said to Alyssa: "Look at the two of them, they are so happy that they have no energy. I guess they are imagining how happy life will be in the future. It is also a good thing to have a sister who cooks and eats every day." Pretty good thing."

"Shall we try changing it? Let's make you happy too?" Xin Baji said feebly: "You just eat one bite now, but if you eat it often in the future, I guarantee you will be full of happiness .”

"That's right, when we usually go to Xin Baji's house as guests, no matter what, we can't let the big sister head cook, and Xin Baji must cook the food himself. You're good, you've praised the big sister head to the sky, and now you can do it You have to be responsible for this situation!" Kagura accused Tang Yuan.

"It's not my fault. If I didn't praise Shimura at the time, I would say it was disgusting on the spot. From the looks of it, she is a stubborn person. She will definitely not admit defeat. Then why don't you bring food every day to bring you Do experiments like guinea pigs?" Tang Yuan shrugged.

"But..." Before Xin Baji could finish speaking, the door opened with a bang, and Yin Shi and the wig walked in with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Why did you come back like this?" Xin Baji hurriedly found the medicine box from the room and came out to treat the wounds of the two of them.

"Hmph, it's not this kid who insists on provoking me and fighting with me. This is what happens now." Yinshi said bullishly, "Hiss, take it easy, it hurts me to death." Yinshi glanced at the helper He's dealing with the wound's new paw.

"Okay, okay, don't blow it up, you won't get better." Xin Baji handled it carefully and said: "Be patient, it might hurt a lot later."

Kagura and Alisa were not idle either, and they also took medical cotton and alcohol to help the wig with wounds.

"I don't know who stabbed me in the back and threw a banana peel on the ground, causing me to fall down. "Otherwise you would have been defeated by me long ago." Wig said with his teeth bared.

"Hmph, what do you know? This is called tactics. You should learn it!" Yinshi turned his head after he finished speaking, and simply stopped looking at the wig.

Although Alisa and Kagura have been very careful, but because they have no experience, they made the wig very painful. The wig gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, tactics are farts, I don't know where you learned them from." The little punks play like that, trying their best to do their best."

Tang Yuan picked up the green tea on the table, blew on it, took a sip, and said to the two of them, "Okay, ok, you two stop blowing, tell me, who won."

"Nonsense, look at him being beaten like this, of course I won!" Yin Shi said to Tang Yuan after glancing at the wig.

"What the fuck, it's obvious that we're both hurt, okay, and I'm still better than you? After all, my nose isn't bleeding." The wig pointed at Yin Shi's nose and smiled.

"Oh, it's true, Yinshi, did you suffer from an internal injury? Why did you suddenly have a nosebleed?" Xin Baji said to Yinshi while treating the wound: "Hurry up and wipe it with something to stop the bleeding. I'm helping you deal with it."

"Don't worry about this!" Yinshi picked up a tissue and said to Xin Baji: "Wig, I'll tell you, mine turned into a wig because I got angry recently and ate too many beef balls. With this appearance, don't think that I will be injured internally by you, don't think too much."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the dead duck has a hard mouth, and you are talking about people like you." The wig glanced at Yin Shi and said to Tang Yuan: "Don't believe what Yin Shi said just now, this bastard is a big talker, look It’s a situation where I’m clearly winning.”

"Yeah." Tang Yuan circled around the two of them, pondered for a while and said: "Your injuries are similar, I can't tell from the outside who wins and who loses, or you two are fighting now? So that I can see clearly, I guarantee that you will be able to tell the winner this time."

"Fuck you, you just want to watch a show, don't think we will be fooled." Yin Shi and the wig said in unison.

"Hehe, it's so boring that you guys noticed it. I'm going to let Xin Baji go buy popcorn and come back to watch a movie." Tang Yuan said with a little regret.

"Get out, go play in the mud!" Yinshi and Wig said in unison again, and now both of them were puzzled.

"Let me tell you, don't learn how to speak from me, you don't have to think that you can be as strong as me if you learn how to speak from me." Yin Shi said after glancing at the wig.

Wig looked at Yin Shi with the eyes of a mentally handicapped child and said, "Are you stupid? It's obvious that I said it first before you answered, okay? You're imitating me, do you understand?"

Tang Yuan watched the two quarreling again, and instantly felt more and more interesting. It seems that the good show he wants to watch is about to debut!

"Oh, stop arguing, both of you. How many years have you been arguing and you still haven't gotten tired of arguing? It's time to put it away." Xin Baji couldn't stand it, and said a few words: "Can you say the same sentence in unison? If you say that, it proves that you have a tacit understanding. Two people with such a tacit understanding should not become enemies, right? I think you should shake hands and make peace.

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