Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 114: Impulsive Okita Sougo

"Laozi doesn't care how much time you need, I'll give you an hour at most, or I'll kill people." The robber said, "Now you ask an ordinary person to drive the car to Laozi's side, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, don't be impulsive, we will drive to you now." The police shouted.

After discussion, the police decided to send someone to drive over to the robber. The car slowly drove over. Through the windshield, Tang Yuan saw a familiar figure. Tang Yuan burst out laughing. Isn't this person Does Okita Sou realize this kid?

Although Okita Sougo was wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down very low and a mustache sticking to his face, Tang Yuan could see clearly that this guy was Soutian Sougo.

Tang Yuan looked in the direction of the police, and sure enough Kondo Isao was talking with a policeman, Hijikata Toshiro was standing aside smoking a cigarette, and the rest of the Shinsengumi stood aside waiting for instructions.

I don't know when they came here, usually it's not up to Zhensengumi to take care of small things like robbery, maybe they found it when they passed by, after all, this matter is quite big, they are eating public meals, If you see it, you have to take care of it.

Chong 20 Tian Sougo drove to the robber's side, carefully observed, looking for the robber's loopholes, and subdued him at once.

But this robber was very smart, he kept using that girl as a shield, carefully watching Okita Sougo's movements.

Thirty seconds had passed, but who knew the crisis in it, Okita Sougo carefully observed the robber, but the robber was so smart that he didn't leave a single chance for Okita Sougo.

"Hey, what are you looking at, kid? Get the hell out of here before you drive over, be careful that I'll get a white knife in and a red knife out." The robber sternly cursed.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now, don't get excited!" Okita Sougo could only leave here in order to calm the robber's emotions and not make any moves to hurt the victim.

"Wait!" The robber stopped Sougo Okita: "After you go back, someone will deliver a natto rice, and you happen to be hungry."

"Well, okay, is there anything else you need?" Okita Sougo said softly, in fact, he had already scolded him to the bottom in his heart.

"Bring me those bottles of beer. The weather is too dry. After so long, my mouth is dry." The robber said after thinking about it.

"What about the lady next to you?" Okita Sougo asked cautiously.

The robber glanced at the woman next to him and said, "She doesn't need anything, let him be thirsty if she's thirsty, let him be hungry if she's hungry, it's none of my business? Damn it, you This bitch is just trying to steal something from you, yet you still dare to yell loudly, this is the consequence of making me angry.

"But... this lady is worried, her body will not be able to bear it for such a long time, and you don't want to drag a sick person as a hostage? Or let me replace him? After all, I will Driving, women rarely know how to drive." Okita Sougo said.

"Fuck off, Laozi has to let this woman be Laozi's hostage, don't you think I don't know you're a policeman because you're wearing plain clothes? Laozi's eyes are sharp, and he often deals with the police, you can't fool me. "

"Well, even if you said that, then I have nothing to say." Okita Sougo said while taking off his hat.

"Hmph, you kid still wants to lie to me, you should go back and practice for a few more years! Get out of here, don't stand here and block Laozi's eyes!" the robber sternly cursed.

"You..." Sougo Okita clenched his fists tightly. It seemed that he was already angry, and he was so angry that he couldn't help but rushed towards the robber.

"The snipers are already in place, but the robbers' counter-reconnaissance is very powerful. We can't find a gap, and we have no chance to strike." A voice came from the earphone.

"Wait first." Kondo Hoon replied.


Sougo Okita clenched his fist tighter and tighter, the skin on the joints had already turned white, and now he probably wanted to blow the robber's head off with one fist!

Fortunately, Kondo Hoon's eyes are better, knowing that Souten Sougo's condition is not very good, fearing that he will do something out of line, Kondo Hoon hurriedly shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Okita Sougo, don't be impulsive, come back to me immediately. "

"Director, I can't help it!" Okita Sougo said while clenching his fists.

"You can't help it, you can hold back and come back. Now is not the time to be stunned. He has a hostage in his hand. Don't be impulsive, or the hostage will be hurt." Kondo Hoon said sharply.

Isao Kondo was afraid that Sougo Okita would lose his temper again, and he regretted leaving this matter to Sougo Okita. He is too impulsive and easy to be led by the nose. If he were Toshiro Hijikata, he would definitely This kind of thing will not happen, Yamazaki is better than him.

Okita Sougo's face changed from white to blue, from blue to red, all because of the anger in his heart. Okita Sougo glanced at the robber and strode away from here.

Kondo Isao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hijikata Shiro come back, and cursed at Sougo Okita, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now? 730 Do you know what will happen if you do this? You can bear the consequences." ?"

"I know that if I did something just now, that hostage would definitely die, and I can't bear the consequences of causing someone else to lose their family." Chongtian Sougo lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I was impulsive and made you worry. "

Seeing Sougo Okita's appearance, Isao Kondo knew in his heart that he did this in order to complete the task as soon as possible so that they could go to Teramon Dori's concert. He felt uncomfortable and didn't blame too much.

"Okay, don't mention this matter." Kondo Hoon patted Congtian Zongwu's shoulder and comforted him: "By the way, what request did the robber make just now? I couldn't hear it very clearly from the intercom."

"He asked us to bring him beer and natto rice, and he said he was hungry." Okita Sougo replied.

Kondo Hsun nodded, and arranged for someone to do this, but he still couldn't figure out why the robbers wanted to eat natto rice. This stuff is so smelly, it's a bit unbearable to smell some noses, let alone eat it to death.

Kondo Hsun patted Congtian Zongwu's shoulder and said: "Go aside first and take a good rest. You worked hard just now. Remember what happened just now. This is your life experience. It will be of great help to you in the future." Great benefit."

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