Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 143 Interrogation

"Who are those people over there?" A few policemen saw that Tang Yuan and the others were suspicious, and walked towards Tang Yuan and the others with guns, ready to conduct a thorough investigation.

Gintoki's body is full of Bloodline, and the umbrella in Kagura's hand that can shoot bullets, if those policemen find out, although nothing will happen, it will be very troublesome

Tang Yuan looked around anxiously, wanting to find a place to escape from here. When Tang Yuan saw the figure of Hijikata Shiro, he was relieved. There was a shooting here. According to this, this is a very serious case. It is impossible for the group not to move.

If Hijikata Shirō was around, everything would be much easier to solve. Tang Yuan took out a strangely shaped whistle from his pocket. He had previously agreed with Hijikata Shirō that as a member of the Twilight Brigade, as long as he heard this Whistle, no matter what it is, do your best to help.

Only Toshiro Hijikata could hear the sound of this strangely shaped whistle. Toshiro Hijikata didn't take it seriously when he heard the sound, thinking it was the sound of a bird, and he didn't pay attention to it.

Seeing that Hijikata Shishirō didn't respond, Tang Yuan hurriedly blew his whistle a few more times. Now Hijikata Shirōro finally remembered that this voice was agreed between Tang Yuan and him. As long as he heard this voice, he must Go all out to help.

"Now in this country, only Tang Yuan has this whistle. When this whistle sounds, is there something that Tang Yuan can't solve?" Hijikata Toshiro thought.

Hijikata Toshiro looked around, and finally saw Tang Yuan who was waving to him.

Toshiro Hijikata was a little confused. Didn't he stand there safely? Why did he blow the whistle all of a sudden? Could it be because he was bored?

Although he was a bit puzzled, Hijikata Shishiro went over and took a look, and found that Tang Yuan and the people from Wanshiwu were interrogated by the police, and the assistant of Teramon Tong was standing beside him. What is going on? ?

As soon as Baixiang Lizi saw the police, she wanted to see a savior and rushed towards one of the little policemen, crying with tears and snot about what happened above, and said that the umbrella in Kagura's hand would shoot out The bullet thing.

Tang Yuan frowned and looked at Baixiang Lizi, thinking: "Is this woman a fool? Can you tell the police about these things~~?"

When the policemen heard that Tang Yuan and the others had weapons capable of firing bullets, they hurriedly pointed their guns at Tang Yuan and the others. This country has even issued an order to abolish knives, let alone these hot weapons. People surrounded him and asked Kagura to hand over the umbrella.

Kagura's umbrella has been with Kagura for many years, no matter where he goes, he must take it with him. For Kagura, this umbrella is extremely precious. It was given to her by his mother. It is impossible to take such an important umbrella Something for those cops.

Seeing that Kagura refused to hand over the weapon, the police immediately pointed a gun at Kagura and threatened, "Take you to hand over the weapon quickly, or we will be impolite."

"I don't! This is my thing, you have no right to take it away from me." Kagura shouted after putting the umbrella back.

"It seems that you are toasting instead of eating and drinking!" One of the little policemen said to the walkie-talkie: "There are a few very suspicious people here, and there are weapons in their hands, please send someone over! Owr!"

At this moment Shirō Hijikata finally arrived, patted the little policeman on the shoulder lightly and said, "I know these people, they won't do anything, there is no need to send someone over."

"But..." The little policeman hesitated for a moment. Although Hijikata Toshiro was his most admired idol, this did not conform to the police procedure, and it was very unreasonable to do so.

"It's nothing, don't you believe me?" Hijikata Shiro said after lighting a cigarette.

One of the older policemen, who is more tactful, saw the little policeman still hesitating, slapped him on the head and said, "You don't believe the Shinsengumi? Let's withdraw quickly, and Mr. Shishiro will handle it." Here it is.

"Oh!" The little policeman was a little dazed by the slap, but he brought his master and said so, and he couldn't say anything, so he withdrew with them.

"It's a good thing you're here, otherwise it would be dangerous!" Wig said with a sigh of relief.

"What are you afraid of!" Hijikata Shirō said after glancing at the wig. Hijikata Shirō had always doubted the identity of the wig, because he looked at the wig and felt familiar, but he couldn't tell where it was. He always felt that he knew this person. of.

"By the way, why did you guys appear here? Why are there so many Bloodlines on Gintoki's body? Could it be that the shooting above has something to do with you?" Hijikata Shishiro's eyes were very sharp. He saw the Bloodline on Yinshi's body.

Well, the shooting incident above is indeed related to us. " Tang Yuan readily admitted.

"Why?" Hijikata Shishiro didn't believe that Tang Yuan had anything to do with this matter. After all, with Tang Yuan's strength, he didn't need such a trivial thing as a gun.

"Look who this is?" Tang Yuan pulled Simentong out. Simentong wore a peaked cap on his head. It was difficult to recognize who it was in the dim scene.

Tang Yuan said to Hijikata Shishiro: "This shooting is related to Teramon Dori. Do you remember that time at the concert? It was the killer who shot at Teramon Dori from a place we don't know. In order to save Simentong, Yinshi stepped forward and blocked a bullet."

"So it looks like this!" Hijikata Toshiro said after flicking the cigarette ash, "What about the killer? Have you seen his appearance?"

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: (Qianqian is good) "No, when Kagura saw Yinshi was injured, he stood up impulsively, picked up the umbrella in his hand and shot around, maybe the killer had already escaped Alright."

"Well, it's a little troublesome." Hijikata Toshiro said after a while of contemplation: "Then what do you want to do now? The killer will attack you again at any time, I think it will not be so simple next time."

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "I think so too, I'm planning to take them back to the master house to hide for a while, and let them come out after we catch the killer.

"That's a good idea, but is Wanshiwu safe enough?" Hijikata Shishiro asked Uncle.

"To be honest, I don't know." The wig patted the wig's shoulder, motioning for him to let the wig down. Although the wound on Yinshi's thigh has been healed by Tang Yuan, there will still be some pain. .

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