Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 162: A Kind Person

Tang Yuan crossed a field and finally saw the road. Tang Yuan climbed up the road slowly, wanting those cars to take him casually, but when the headlights shone on him, the driver saw that he was covered in blood, Thinking that they met a ghost at night, they drove the car very fast one by one, not daring to stop at all.

"Did you see a dead person? You drove so fast! Hurry to die?" Tang Yuan couldn't help scolding from behind: "What era is this? The traditional virtue of helping people has disappeared eh? You sinners!"

After Tang Yuan yelled at him, people didn't dare to stop the car, thinking that it was a ghost asking for their lives, as long as anyone stopped the car, his life would be taken away by him.

Tang Yuan sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll go on my own. It's better to ask for help than to ask for yourself. Besides, my No. 11 bus has not stopped. Hey, people! It's better to be self-reliant!"

Tang Yuan doesn't know the direction of Kabuki Ding, she just walks on the road according to her own feeling, yes, anyway, she thinks that as long as she walks to a crowded place, she can definitely find out the direction, and then 20 hail a taxi at will. You can go to the master house.

After walking for about an hour, Tang Ren's foot was almost broken, and he still didn't see any place where people lived. His body was painful and itchy. The pain was the part where the wound had not been repaired. The itchy part was that the wound had slowly begun to heal. , This kind of feeling makes Tang Yuan extremely irritated.

"Fuck, I won't go in the wrong direction, right? Why haven't I seen anyone for so long? Could it be that my sense of direction has failed?" Just as Tang Yuan was thinking this way, there was a sound of sudden braking, and a car Stop at Tang Yuan's side.

The sound of the sudden brakes startled Tang Ye a lot, and he wanted to turn his head and yell at the driver, would the driver know how to drive? He found that the window was rolled down slowly, and there was a pretty girl sitting in the car, saying: You What's the matter? Are you lost? Do you want me to take you for a ride?"

Tang Yuan was overjoyed by this voice, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, then thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." The beautiful girl said with a smile, "By the way, where are you going?"

Sitting in the co-pilot, Tang Yuan said to the pretty girl, "I'm planning to go to Kabuki Ding." But I still haven't arrived after ten hours of walking. y

This sentence made the driving girl laugh half to death, covering her mouth and laughing non-stop.

Tang Yuan frowned and said, "Hey, don't laugh, what makes you laugh so happily?"

The pretty girl didn't speak, but just kept laughing, Tang Yuan didn't interrupt the girl, after all, he was sitting in someone's car now, so it was hard for him to say anything.

After about half a minute, the pretty girl stopped laughing slowly, pointed to the front of the road and said, "You're going in the wrong direction, no wonder you haven't walked there for an hour, I happen to be going there too , let me take you along the way."

After the beautiful girl finished speaking, she started the car and drove slowly towards the front.

The girl looked at Tang Yuan while driving, and found that Tang Yuan's body was covered with bloodline, which was not very obvious in the dark just now, until the light of the car coming from the opposite side shone on Tang Yuan's body. I broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that I had pulled a murderer.

"By the way, why did you appear here?" The girl asked cautiously: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Um, can I say that I was blown here by a bomb?" But others can only think about these words in their hearts. After all, if these words are said, they will definitely scare the girl half to death.

Tang Yuan said to the girl: "My name is Tang Yuan, and I don't know why I appear here."

"Then...then what's the matter with the Bloodline on your body? Have you encountered any danger?" The beautiful girl asked cautiously, his hand couldn't help grabbing the phone, as long as Tang Yuan's answer was not realistic , call the police immediately.

Tang Yuan found out what the girl was doing, and thought he could just make up a lie: "It's like this, I vaguely remember that I seemed to be walking on the road here, and suddenly I found a light up in front of my eyes." There was a white light, and then I didn't know what happened, the Bloodline Madara Madara's body was covered with cuts and bruises everywhere."

"Oh, so it's like this? According to what you said, you may have been in a car accident." The beautiful girl said with a sigh of relief: "Then do you still remember the license plate of the car that hit you?"

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't remember, I even forgot why I came to this road."

"It seems that you have been hit and lost your memory, right?" The beautiful girl said: "Well, I will take you to the hospital. After all, I feel that your injuries are quite serious. It is better to go to the hospital."

Tang Yuan waved his hand and said, "No, no, you can just send me to Kabukicho, the Master House is fine, my friends are over there, I just need to go find them, and it's fine if they send me to the hospital , don't bother you."

The girl shook her head and said, "No, this matter happened to me, so I have to take care of it."

Tang Yun looked at the 670 girls with some doubts, and thought to herself: "I'll go, this matter has nothing to do with her, why does he care about this? Just send me to Kabuki Ding Now, you don't have to worry about other things at all!"

I saw the girl reached into her pocket and took out a black certificate and handed it to Tang Yuan, and said to Tang Yuan: "Actually, I am a policeman. In my car last year, there was a victim who was injured in an accident. Or, I can't ignore this matter, so you should go to the hospital with me later, and then make a record."

"Ah?" Tang Yuan looked at the girl in surprise and said, "Don't worry, I didn't suffer any serious injuries, let's forget it? And I have some urgent matters to deal with."

"No." The girl said decisively: "This matter must be dealt with, otherwise everyone will think that if they hit someone else, as long as they drive away immediately, there will be no crime. I must stop this kind of thinking immediately, and I must kill him." Show the chicken to the monkey and show those who don't drive well, and see what the consequences of a hit-and-run are!"

Tang Yuan sighed and said, "Okay? Well, you can do whatever you want! As long as you are happy! As long as you send me to the Kabuki hall, how about it? It's up to you.".

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