Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 171: Silver Hour's Wailing

"Don't!" Yinshi wailed: "Please, don't leave me!"

Suddenly Gintoki looked at Kagura, and said to Kagura: "Little Kagura, let me sleep in the same room with you, I promise I won't do anything to you, even if you let me sleep on the ground, it doesn't matter. Just keep me away from the wig guy."

Kagura glanced at Yinshi and said: "Crazy! Let me tell you, this is impossible. I am still the eldest daughter of the Huang family. If outsiders know about you sleeping in my room , How can I get married? And there is Alisa by my side, so this thing is impossible.

After Kagura dropped these words, she grabbed Alisa's hand and turned back into the room, closing the door tightly.

Yinshi looked back, and found that the wig had already been covered by "Nine Six Three", and he waved to Yinshi in a charming posture and said, "Come on, master, come on, master, come and play!

Yinshi closed his eyes, he didn't dare to look at the picture with hot eyes, but all the quilts were in the wig, the weather is very cold at night, the autumn wind keeps blowing in, if there is no quilt, he will stay until dawn You will definitely have a cold and fever afterwards.

Yinshi had no choice but to be ruthless, gritted his teeth and got into the quilt covered by the wig. The wig sneered and said, "Little baby, let the uncle love you for a while!"

"Easy!" Yin Shi exclaimed coquettishly before being covered with a quilt by the wig.

The screen turned, and Tang Yuan was lying on Yinshi's bed happily, flipping through Yinshi's collection of comics, not to mention, these comics by Yinshi are really good-looking.

Looking at the manga in his hand, Tang Yuan didn't want to sleep, the time passed by, and it would be dawn soon, Tang Yuan rubbed his panda eyes and read the manga with relish, without feeling the slightest bit of fatigue , The more you read this manga, the more interesting it becomes. There are already dozens of copies under the bed, all of which have been read by Tang Yuan.

I don’t know how long I watched it, but Tang Yuan felt the urge to urinate in his stomach, so he reluctantly dropped the manga, went to a toilet, and found that Yinshi and the wig were sleeping in a strange way. This posture is not an ordinary person. It can be learned.

Tang Yuan touched his body and found that he didn't bring a mobile phone. It must be very interesting to take a picture of this picture.

But now the mobile phone is not with me, so I can only go to the bathroom annoyed.

Just as Tang Yuan came back from the toilet, he found that Xin Baji had also come, bringing a pot of soup with white mist floating on top of the soup, and the milky white soup looked particularly delicious.

Tang Yuan brought his nose closer and smelled it, and found that the taste was not bad, so he asked, "Xinbaji, is this the soup you made?"

Xin Baji shook his head and said: "No, how can I have such a great ability to cook soup! These are all cooked by my sister specially for you, and I have been cooking them since last night!"

"Wow, thank you sister, but you should save this soup, I'm not hungry now!" Tang Yuan waved his hand and said: "Thank you sister for me, I'll go back to my room to rest first .”

In fact, Tang Yuan's stomach was already growling with hunger, but when he thought of the food Shimura cooked before, he felt a lingering fear in his heart. For the sake of safety and his own safety, it is safer not to drink.

"No, my sister must let you drink it. If you don't drink it, I won't be able to do business when I go back." Xinbajidu Tang Yuan said.

"Although I know it's hard work for your sister to make a good soup, but Xinbaji, you should know your sister's craftsmanship. If you say this, don't you let me die?" Tang Yuan kept shaking his head and said.

"My sister's cooking skills are not good, I know that, but this time it's different, this soup tastes very good, I tried it myself, otherwise I wouldn't dare bring it over for you to drink!" Xin Baji poured the soup into Said behind the bowl.

"Are you sure?" Tang Yuan said after smelling the soup that had been poured into the bowl.

"I promise, it's really delicious, I can swear it to God." Xin Baji swore: "To thank you, my sister rescued me this time with such a big risk, so making a bowl of soup is a good thing. My sister's heart for you, in order to thank you for everything."

"We're all friends, don't need to say this, it's easy to hurt feelings!" Tang Yuan put the soup to his mouth and licked it with his tongue, and found that it was actually not as bad as he imagined, and he felt that it was still delicious Look, after Tang Yuan tried the taste, he let go of his heart and drank the soup..0

Tang Yuan quickly finished a thermos of soup, and Tang Yuan gave Xin Baji a thumbs up and said, "Don't tell me, this soup is really delicious. I didn't expect that your sister's cooking skills are so good." How good it is, but the skill of making soup is very good, thank you sister for me."

"You are too polite, my sister said, if it wasn't for you, his younger brother would be gone long ago, let alone know how to make this bowl of soup. "So I have to thank you for all of this!" Xin Baji said to Tang Yuan .

"Well, what do you eat? Why is it so delicious?" Yinshi asked as he walked to the dining table with his eyes closed.

"Please brother, you can't even open your eyes, you'd better go back to sleep, don't keep thinking about eating that and this, look, you're hallucinating, right? There's nothing to eat here, okay?" Tang Yuan said to Yinshi that he had already finished the soup anyway, so it didn't matter whether he knew it or not.

"No! There won't be any problem with my nose. I do smell delicious, and there is a smell of broth. Did you steal something behind my back?" Yin Shi closed his eyes. Eyes, but the words are very confident 2.0!

"It's like this, my sister made a bowl of soup with her own hands and asked me to bring it to Tang Yuan to drink. In order to thank him, she rescued me last time." Xin Baji explained to Yinshi.

"The soup cooked by Shimura?" Gintoki asked suspiciously: "But it tastes delicious, are you talking nonsense again? Did your sister buy it outside again? According to my memory, how did Shimura Could it be possible to cook such a fragrant soup? Are you framing me?"

"I didn't frame you! This is indeed my sister who cooked the soup. I have seen my sister cook it by herself since I went back." Although Yin Shi didn't believe it, Xin Baji didn't get angry, it was true that his sister made it. The food was terrible, and even he himself couldn't believe that she cooked the soup, it's normal for Yin Shi not to believe it. .

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