Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 183 Conspiracy Theory

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't think they are so stupid, right? There are so many people here, and if something happens, the shogunate will definitely send troops to suppress it. There are so many rich people here. He is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he must have brought a lot of bodyguards with him, and these bodyguards can come in handy for us if there is any accident, these bodyguards must be the first to rush up."

Yin Shi nodded, gave a thumbs up and praised: "I didn't expect you, Tang Yuan, to be so smart that you would use the rich people here as a shield. This trick is really slippery!"

"What's so strange about this? As long as you stay with me, there are still many things waiting for you to learn." Tang Yuan said with a smile: "But what I'm most worried about now is that the pervert killer will use sniping from a distance Gun to kill Teramon Tong, if this is the case, then we are in trouble.

"There's nothing to worry about!" A very familiar voice came from behind Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan looked back, and found that the wig was standing in front of him, wearing a straight suit, smiling silly at Tang Yuan and Yinshi.

"Why did you 903 appear here? Didn't you say that you would not come to participate in such dangerous activities?" Yinshi sneered.

"That's right! That's what I said. There is no perfect solution. I won't waste my life in this kind of place." Wig said with a smile.

"Then why did you come here this time?" Yinshi sneered and said, "Could it be that you are afraid that we will say you are a coward? Because of this, you will take the risk to come here, right? But you can rest assured that I will not tell others that I am a coward." Those who know you will never mention a single word about you to others."

"Oh, you two don't fight anymore." Tang Yuan hurriedly put aside the grievances between Yin Shi and the wig, for fear that they would suddenly fight here.

What Tang Yuan said was more effective. As soon as Tang Yuan spoke, Yin Shi and the two of them immediately closed their mouths, and the two of them groaned in unison, and then stopped talking.

Tang Yuan said to the wig: Now, can you tell me why you appear here?"

The wig flicked his hair and said: "I'm not worried that you don't have enough manpower, so I (caeg) brought people over to support you."

"Hmph, what's the use of those fish bombers of yours? When someone drops a bomb, you'll all go to hell." Yin Shi mocked.

"You don't need to worry about this, but my people are not the miscellaneous fish and shrimp soldiers like you said, they also have their own strengths." Wig retorted coldly: "Also, I don't mind if you talk about me , But, please don't say that my subordinates, my subordinates, have no grievances or enmities with you."

"Huh!" Yin Shi snorted coldly and then stopped talking, perhaps because he felt a little regret for what he said wrong just now.

"What about your people?" Tang Yuan looked around and asked: "Is it true that the people here are all your people? These people look like dignitaries [I think it should be impossible?"

"Of course it's impossible. If my subordinates were really so rich, I would have recruited troops to overthrow the shogunate without saying a word." The wig smiled and said, "My people are all hidden in the surrounding buildings to prevent you just now. the situations mentioned.

Tang Yuan poured divine power into his eyes, and suddenly saw that there were indeed many people on the building not far away. There was a person standing at each window, with a white gauze tied on his head, and each of them was holding a dick in their hands. , carefully observing the surrounding situation with a telescope.

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "I took a look just now, and there are indeed many people standing at the window, with weapons in their hands and binoculars in the other hand, looking around, with white gauze tied on their heads , I think this is your person."

Wig looked at Tang Yuan in shock. He didn't expect Tang Yuan to be able to see the men he set up from such a long distance, and he even explained these details clearly. But when he thought that this was Tang Yuan, I felt relieved, after all, they were able to rescue them from the explosion of a building safely, and with this kind of strength, it was only normal to want to see these people.

"It seems that you have done a more intelligent thing." Yinshi sneered, "But are your people reliable? I'm not saying that your people will betray you, but that they are not strong enough to be defeated by that pervert." The killer hangs and beats."

"Don't worry about this. The people I send are all carefully selected by me. Although their strength is inferior to mine, they are still capable of acting on their own when they are released, so you don't need to worry about this at all." Wig Said swearingly.

At this time, it was time for Simentong's company to hold a meeting. There was a big long table surrounded by people. These people were famous stars, and these famous stars were surrounded by a fat bald head, sitting at the table. in the chief position.

This bald boss always feeds them. If there was no bald man, maybe they wouldn't be sitting here so glamorously, drinking high-end red wine and eating food imported from France.

And the boss that Simentong mentioned before could only sit under the bald head, and the lady boss didn't dare to speak when she saw the bald head, and she didn't have the arrogant and domineering look just now.

The whole venue seemed very quiet, not as chaotic as before. Perhaps it was the aura of the bald man that suppressed them all.

"Everyone sit down! Sit down quickly, don't be so restrained, you should eat and drink, don't mind, I'm here." The bald man said kindly: "This is just the company's normal quarterly meeting, it's nothing The big deal is just to talk about the status of each department."

Even though the bald man talked like this, the people around him still didn't dare to move. They could only drink the wine in their hands, and they didn't even dare to move their chopsticks. Don't dare to look around.

"Then let the accounting department report the situation of the past few months now!" The bald man looked at the proprietress of Simentong and said, "Daughter, you should report the situation of your department truthfully now."

It turns out that the wife of the boss of Simentong is the daughter of the bald man. No wonder the wife of the boss dared to yell at her husband so loudly. It turns out that his father is also a great person! Looking at that, he should be a generation of heroes when he was young. . .

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