"Well, I'm sure, it's definitely not our person! That person is wearing a leather jacket and wearing a pair of sunglasses. Looking at that look, he knows that he is very wretched. We don't have such wretched people!" The wig earphone righteousness Said rightly.

"Okay, I get it, don't act rashly, that person is very dangerous, you just have to watch every move here, and we'll take care of the rest." The wig told the earphones.

"Understood, we will definitely abide by what the boss said." The person in the headset assured the wig very solemnly.

After the wig took off the earphones, he said to Tang Yuan and Yinshi: "My people found a very suspicious person. It should be the pervert killer who used the bomb to bury us in the ruins that day."

"Then what do you want to do now?" Yin Shi asked.

"If we catch that pervert killer now, then the plan we just talked about is already half successful!" The middle-aged man with a wig asked, "So are we going to follow the plan now?"

After thinking for a while, Tang Yuan said: "Since there is money in our pockets, why don't we accept it! Let's do it according to the plan we said before!" 20 "Okay! Then I will go now!" Wig Nodding his head, he planned to arrange someone to catch that pervert killer together.

Tang Yuan stopped the wig: "Let Yinshi and you do this matter together, just the two of you, I'm afraid that the killer will be alert if there are too many people, after all, the opposite is a killer, the sense of smell must be right and wrong More than usual."

"That's right, as long as you mobs can play any role, it's better to let me handle it alone." Yin Shi said after glancing at the wig.

"Hehe, even if my people are useless, it's not your turn to talk, right?" Wig glanced at Yinshi and said, "Just let me do this by myself. I can go through it without you." to make!"

"Hmph! With your appearance, I'm afraid you will ruin the whole plan!" Yin Shixie smiled charmingly.

Seeing the two of them arguing, Tang Yuan couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Stop arguing, both of you, and follow my arrangement. You two go together, and I can handle it alone here!"

"Hmph, if I go with him, I'm afraid he will have a sudden convulsion and ruin my plan!" the wig said after glancing at Yin Shi.

"I don't want to be with you yet, I'm telling you that I'm so good at talking about myself! I despise people like you the most!" Gintoki said after glancing at the wig.

Tang Yuan sighed and said to Wig and Yinshi: "Have you two quarreled enough? Now the money has been transferred to Bai Xianglizi's account one minute later, and we lost a sum of money. Income, is money important or what is important?"

"Money is important!" Wig and Yinshi said in unison.

"Then you two go together!" Tang Yuan said firmly.

"For the sake of money, I will forcefully be in the same group as you this time!" Yin Shi said after glancing at the wig.

Tang Yuan watched Yinshi and the wig leaving the place while arguing, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "These two are really a pair of treasures!"

"Okay, Yinshi and the others have set off now. According to the strength of the two of them, it will take a matter of minutes to catch the pervert killer. The killer is playing with some bombs and the like. I think He doesn't have any skills, if Yin Shi and the wig go together, he can be regarded as worthy of him." Tang Xuan thought.

Tang Yuan put down his wine glass, clasped his fists and stretched, and said, "They've gone to work, so I'm going to start working too!"

Those people in the lobby were on the phone in a panic, urging their subordinates to transfer the money to Bai Xianglizi's Swiss bank, but because the Swiss bank is located abroad, if they want to transfer the money, they still have to think about it. It will take some time.

In contrast, Simentong is still relatively calm, and he didn't run around in fright because of this incident, but also, after experiencing so many things, no matter how weak the heart is, people will grow up slowly.

However, Alyssa and Kagura next to Teramondori are a little nervous, please people have already said that there is a bomb here, and the two of them are still eating and eating, and they don't take Baixiang Lizi at all. She took the threat seriously, but in Alisa's heart, she thought that as long as Tang Yuan was by her side, no matter what happened, Tang Yuan could solve it.

Even if Tang Yuan can't solve it, they can't help it. After all, the two of them don't have a dime on them, and there are 20 million transfers out there! Even if the bomb is going to explode, it doesn't matter, if you die, you have to be a full person Damn isn't it?

Tang Yuan walked towards Baixianglizi step by step, Baixianglizi didn't notice Tang Yuan approaching, probably thinking about the squandering life after getting the money, dreaming of a thousand years of dreams, after all, there are so many people here , If all the money is transferred to one card, not to mention more, there are still two to three hundred million.

"Tang Yuan!" Xin Baji couldn't help saying when he saw Tang Yuan approaching.

"Tang Yuan?" Bai Xianglizi heard Xin Baji's words, turned her head and looked back, and found Tang Yuan standing in front of him.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to dare to come here!" 200 Baixiang Lizi sneered, "But your vitality is as thick as your skin! Such a big bomb hasn't killed you yet, what is that? turtle?"

"Hehe, Baixiang Lizi! It's still too late to turn around now! As long as you look back now, I can consider letting your life go." Tang Yuan sneered.

"Heh, do you know who you are talking to now?" Baixiang Lizi shook her head and said, "You should be here soon, but it doesn't matter, I can say it again, this place has been filled with bombs , if you don’t want to die, get out now!”

"Then what if I don't leave? What can you do to me?" Tang Yuan asked back.

"Then you all go to die together!" Baixiang Lizi took out a remote control from her towering chest and said, "I'll ask you right now if you're afraid?"

"Scared!" Tang Yuan said without hesitation, which surprised Xin Baji and the others.

"If you are afraid, then you still don't get out!" Men Baixiang shouted aggressively.

Tang Yuan ignored Bai Xianglizi's threat, turned his head and shouted to those who were in a hurry to transfer money: "Let's discuss with you, let's do business now, as long as I subdue him, and let all of you To leave here safely, I only need five million, do you want to do it?"

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