Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 189: From The Heart

"Tsk tsk tsk. Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "Well, you can do whatever you want, but when you get fat in the future, don't complain to me that I didn't warn you.

"Hey, it's time to talk." Alyssa hugged Tang Yuan's arm and said affectionately.

Tang Yuan sighed and reached out to hail a taxi, and as soon as he got in the car, he drove directly in the direction of Wanshiwu.

Looking at the direction the driver was driving, Tang Yuan realized that they were taking the opposite direction before. The farther they walked, the farther they were from the direction of Wanshiwu. Tang Yuan regretted it on the spot, why should he believe it? Kagura is a confused road idiot! Isn't this just for me to find something to do!

Sitting in the car was fast, and within a few minutes, he had already arrived in front of Grandma Dengshi's tavern. Tang Yuan paid for the car with the money left over from buying ice cream for Alisa and Kagura Afterwards, several people climbed up the stairs and walked in towards the master house.

Before they got to the door, they found that Yinshi and Wig had already sat on the sofa and looked at the bill from the bank happily. The two of them counted the numbers on it happily and discussed how to spend the money in the future.

Tang Yuan walked up to Yinshi's side and sat down, Alisa and Kagura also sat down unceremoniously, Kagura sighed: "It's still comfortable at home, after standing outside all day, But it's exhausting me."

"Yes! Yes!" Alisa touched her calf and said: "After standing for a day, I feel my calf swell. Do you think my legs will become thicker? What if they become thicker? You won't look good in any clothes with thick legs."

Don't be afraid, you are so beautiful, even if you have thick legs, there are many people who like you, now is the age of looking at your face, you don't need to worry at all. Kagura comforted Alisa from the side.

"You can comfort yourself now, you will regret it on that day." Tang Yuan was still sneering.

"Oh, Tang Yuan, please don't say a few words. They are now growing their bodies at this age. It is normal to eat more. The body needs to take in more nutrients. The stomach must always be hungry. Eat more It's normal." As soon as Xin Baji came back, he heard Tang Yuan mocking Kagura and Alyssa couldn't help but say a few words about Tang Yuan.

"Have you heard that? That's the truth!" As soon as Alisa heard someone speak for them, her back stiffened instantly, and her tone of voice was different from Tang Yuan's.

"Cut!" Tang Yuan glanced at Alisa and stopped talking.

Tang Yuan also felt that what Xin Baji said was true. It is normal for the two of them to eat more food at their age, but Tang Yuan couldn't help it when he saw the two of them eating food like pigs. Tucao up.

"Why did you come back so soon? Don't you want to chat with your goddess?" Wig looked at Xin Baji suspiciously and asked.

"Ah! I just left after I sent Miss Simentong to his residence!" Xin Baji took out a check from his pocket and threw it on the table and said to Yin: "This is Miss Simentong. I entrusted it to you, this is the entrusted money this time."

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not. You can ask for it later, but why did you come back so soon? Why don't you have a good chat with Simen Tong? Even if it's to improve some relationships!" Yin Shi took After picking up the check on the table and blowing it, he said regretfully.

"Hey, new shit! I can't bear to talk about you anymore, you wasted this opportunity for nothing, do you know why we are so desperate to protect Simentong?" Wig sighed and said: "We are Create an opportunity for you! It will allow you to get along well with the lover of your dreams! Maybe the two of you will be together!"

Xin Baji's face seemed to be blushing because of embarrassment, and he quickly waved his hands and said: "The relationship between me and Simentong is not what you imagined, we are just ordinary friends, or in other words, he is an idol, and I am just an obsessed Her fans are just her fans, even if I sacrifice my life for a positive idol, I think this is what I should do!"

"Hey, what a coward, you don't even dare to realize your own thoughts, coward." The wig sighed and said: "Thanks to you being a member of the house of all things, if you were us patriots, you would be so timid. I don't know where I kicked him for a long time."

0 looking for flowers......

"What a disgrace to our Wanshiwu! The family is unlucky!" Yin Shi kept hanging his head down, making Xin Baji not know what to say.

"Oh, you people, can't you say something nice? You don't care whether Xin Baji agrees or not, you just want to match Xin Baji and Simen Tong together. Can you think about Xin Baji's feelings! Maybe he just wants to maintain a pure friendship with Simentong? Isn't platonic love good?" Alyssa saw the men in front of her constantly beating Xin Baji, and she couldn't help but speak up for Xin Baji .

"The question is, will there really be platonic love between men and women? Or pure friendship, you can ask Xin Baji, and see if he thinks so?" Yin Shi glanced at Alisa Said.

"Hurry up and express what you mean. I've said so much for you and the rest is up to you to fight for." Alyssa urged Xin Baji to speak his mind quickly.

Xin Baji's old face turned red again, and he held his hands together and said, "Actually, I think the same as them, but I don't dare to take that step.

At this point, Xinbaji stopped suddenly, and Yinshi urged Xinbaji: "Xinbaji! Don't be afraid, speak out boldly, just like squeezing toothpaste, boldly say what you want to say! "

Xin Baji seemed to be cheering for himself, the sound of rapid breathing was expressing the tension of Xin Baji, Tang Yuan and Yinshi Wig, the men kept cheering for Xin Baji.

"Actually, I want to be with Ms. Simentong, get married and have children, and then have a litter of babies!" Xin Baji said these words in a breath, and his whole body became limp, as if all these words were exhausted. As much as he had spent his whole life.

"Okay! New Baji did a great job! You speak out what you think, that's how you are a man, it's not our style to cover up as men [We are proud of you!" Yin Shi stretched out his palm and slapped Xin Baji head.


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