"Yeah! I don't think Yinshi would do such stupid things, because I have been working here for so long. I know who he is. He won't make such a prank. I can use personality Come to guarantee." Xin Baji testified for Yinshi: "But I didn't plan to give away this bottle of perfume at first, just use it after you use it, it's nothing!

"Yes, this perfume is indeed yours, but now a person has been involved, so some things must be explained clearly, otherwise, what should be done with another innocent person?" Alisa said righteously: " Although this is just a prank, it is a matter of honesty, a person must be honest in order to gain a foothold, otherwise, how will he stand in this society?"

"Well, although what you said is reasonable, we are all friends. In fact, we don't need to be so stiff. After all, it is better not to know some things, and what can we do if we know? I don't know if there is something that can be lost. What about it?" Xin Baji said to Alisa.

"I think so too, I think Xin Baji is right." Kagura also agrees with Xin Baji's statement!

"But don't you think that finding the murderer is what we should do? If everyone is like you, then why use the police? Why use the prison? It's better to go home and raise pigs." Ai Lisa said to Xinbaji and Kagura.

Tang Yuan listened to the conversation between Alyssa and Xin Baji, and suddenly said to Alyssa and the others: "Okay, you don't have to argue." Actually, I did all of this.

"You did it?" Alisa asked in disbelief, "Why did you do this? And I know what you are, so I trust you, you won't do such a naive thing."

Tang Yuan shrugged and said: "Needless to say, I actually did it. You don't have to suspect others. I just thought it was boring, so I made a prank this time, and see who of you can catch it."

"Eh... Tang Yuan didn't expect you to be so boring." Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan speechlessly and said.

"Hey, I can't help it. In this world, I can't find an opponent, so I can only play a little prank." Tang Yuan didn't feel embarrassed at all: "By the way, you guys The response was good, especially Alisa, who analyzed clearly and wisely, I am optimistic about you, maybe you will be the next Sherlock Holmes.-"

"Hmph, do you think my brain is very flexible!" Alisa said complacently: "How is it? Do you feel admiration for me? You can rest assured and kneel down, I will take care of you The knees are tucked in."

"Eh? Give you three points of color and you still open a dyeing workshop?" Tang Yuan frowned and looked at Alyssa and said, "Hurry up and put away your brain and save you. I'll eat it later." Get something more for you.

"Hmph, I already knew this! You don't need to tell me!" Alisa said proudly, not knowing where his pride came from.

"By the way, where are we going to eat later?" Tang Yuan put his arm around Yinshi's shoulder and said enthusiastically.

"I... shall we go to Yoshihara Taoyuan Township later? How do you feel?" Yinshi looked at Tang Yuan and asked.

"Okay! Good idea. I've always been curious about where I am. I didn't play enough last time. I just went there to make trouble. This time I want to have a good time and exploit you, a local tyrant, so that I can Make me happy!" Tang Yuan said to Yinshi insidiously.

"Uh, you can play however you want this time! Laozi has a lot of money now, so don't worry, besides, we went out to play this time, but everyone paid for it, so how much money was spent, everyone Participate." Yin Shi said very cheaply.

"Fuck you, I thought you were so generous, but I didn't expect you to come back." Tang Yuan looked at Yin Shi with contempt and said, "But I can tell you, I should give you one piece of money. You can't lose any points, or I will make you look good when you come back."

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes." Yin Shi put his mouth next to Tang Yuan's ear and said, "But this time, I really have to thank you for helping me out."

"It's a small matter. Besides, this matter is also caused by me. We are all friends, so you don't have to feel guilty." Tang Yuan patted Yinshi's shoulder generously and said: "But this time you will bleed profusely Now, there are two little pigs here who can't finish eating no matter how much they eat, so are you ready?"

0 looking for flowers......

"Don't worry, everything is ko!" Yin Shi said while patting his chest.

"By the way, we did such a big favor to Jiyuan Taoyuan Township last time. If we go there now, there should be some discount?" Xin Baji asked.

It should be, we have done such a great favor to Baihua Yueyong and Rilun, helped them defeat Yewang Fengxian, and let them become the overlord of Jiyuan Taoyuan Township, without us, we can't do it!" Yin Shi was very proud Said to Xin Baji: "If they don't treat us well this time, then we will shame their faces!"

"Ah! This is very useful, so let's do it like this. Tang Yuan made a decision immediately. If he didn't make a quick decision, he didn't know when they would chat until then, let alone go to drink, and he didn't even give him a bowl." We choose.

"Okay! Then let's go now!" Gintoki shouted.

"Yeah, I can finally eat delicious food. I held back not eating all afternoon. I just waited until now. I must have a good meal tonight. I will never go home if I don't eat enough to fill my stomach!" Kagura shouted excitedly.

"Sigh... I don't know where your self-confidence comes from. You can even treat your stomach full as a belief. Why don't you live on it!" Tang Yuan teased.

"Ah? Don't you know? I live on this belief! People live in this world to eat, so if they don't, what fun is there in this world? It's better to die early, so as not to waste air and land here." Kagura said solemnly.

"That's right! I didn't think so at first. I thought that in this world, apart from survival, people have to rely on faith to survive. But since I met Kagura, I found that everything has changed. There are so many delicious and fun things in the world, why do we have to rely on faith to live?".

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