Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 200 Vinegar Pack

Kagura became a little impatient, and Tang Yuan's chatter made her lose her mood to play, so Kagura persuaded Alisa: "You should talk to him a few words! Otherwise, Tang Yuan is like a fly in the There is no reason why our ears are buzzing!"

Alisa glanced at Kagura and said: "If you want to talk to him, then you talk to him! What's the matter with me? If you don't want to hear his voice, then you just cover your ears !"

Alisa's tone was very bad, it seemed that she was really angry, but Kagura didn't care about Alisa's attitude, after all, he also understood Alisa's mood, so he shrugged towards Tang Yuan, He said he couldn't help much.

Tang Yuan smiled at Kagura, expressing that he doesn’t need to worry about it. After all, Kagura can’t get in the way of this matter. It’s all because Tang Yuan owes “750”, why are you molesting other girls? It’s not okay Looking for something?

Tang Yuan also knew that he had some style problems that needed to be improved, so he went to Alisa's side shamelessly, and Kagura ran to the roadside stall to look for something to eat.

But no matter what Tang Yuan said in his ear, no matter how many times Tang Yuan rubbed against Alisa's body, Alisa was still unmoved, with a cold face, just like a ride on an iceberg.

But Tang Yuan kept chattering beside Alisa, no matter what kind of face Alisa gave to Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan still posted it without hesitation, like a bullshit plaster, and didn't care about Alisa's expression at all

Stay away from me!" Alyssa turned her head and said to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan smiled and said to Alisa: "Hey, you are finally willing to talk to me!"

"Hmph, let me tell you, if you weren't chattering like a fly in my ear, I wouldn't bother to talk to you!" Alicia gave Tang Yuan a white look and said, "I can tell you, this I'm not finished with you! You don't have to keep bugging me in my ear!"

"Hey, I know I'm wrong, can't I?" Tang Yuan raised his ears, looked at Alisa with an expression that I knew he was wrong, and said, "This time, please don't care about the villain and let me go. ?"

"Hmph, I see you like this, you just don't want to ask me to admit your mistake!" Alyssa said without turning her head, as if she had eyes behind her back, she saw Tang Yuan's laughing expression.

Tang Yuan said to Alisa: "Then what do you want me to look like, is it an expression of admitting mistakes? How do I know if you don't tell me?"

Alicia turned white Tang Yuan sighed and said: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you so much, I came out to play today, and I'm not angry with you.

"Hey, I know that Alisa is the best, and she really is the prime minister who can pull a boat!" Tang Yuan said with a cheap smile.

"The prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach? What does that mean?" Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously and said, "Forget it, I don't want to know about it. Regardless of Tang Yuan, I can tell you that this matter is not over yet." Well, I just suppressed it temporarily, and if I have a chance in the future, I will bring up the old matter again!"

"Okay! You can say whatever you want!" Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Tang Yuan knows Alisa's character. Once this matter is suppressed, in a disguised form, he will forgive Tang Yuan for what he did just now. I don't know if it is because of Alisa's memory problem, or because Alyssa loved Tang Yuan so much, so everything that passed by disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

"Let's go! Let's go over there to play! How about it? It seems to be pretty good over there." Tang Yuan said, pointing to a lively place.

Alyssa looked in the direction Tang Yuan was pointing at, and found that it was just a group of children laughing and laughing around a sugar figurine booth.

Originally under the rule of the Night King, it was absolutely impossible for children to appear in this kind of place, but after the sun wheel took charge of this place, as long as it was a child, they could come in and play. The wife is lonely, and no one plays with him.

Alyssa shook her head and said: "No, you still go to the bar with Yinshi and the others. Kagura and I are here to stroll around. Although we said that we came here last time, we haven't had a good stroll yet. On the other side!"

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "Okay then! Go shopping, you can come and find us after you are tired from playing, we will have a drink in this shop!"

Tang Yuan pointed to a magnificent hotel. Just looking at the decoration, you can tell that this place is not a place for idlers to come to. However, the incident of Simentong made so much money, so it is normal to spend money in this kind of place However, it is okay to reward yourself..0

Alyssa glanced at the hotel not far away and said, "Well, I see! Then shall I go play with Kagura now?"

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "Well, go ahead, pay attention to safety, if something happens, don't be impulsive, just come and find us!"

Alisa nodded, took Kagura's hand and hopped towards the densest crowd.

At this time, Yin Shi and Xin Baji also slowly walked up to Tang Yuan's side, and said with a cheap smile: "How is it? It's resolved?"

Tang Yuan said with a proud face: "Of course, woman! You will turn around after a few words of coaxing!"

"Then you're great!" Yin Shi smiled and said, "Then where should we drink now? I haven't had a drink these days, and the alcohol bug in my stomach can't bear it long ago.

Tang Yuan pointed to the resplendent hotel not far ahead and said: "I just made an appointment with Alyssa and the others to find us at this hotel later, so I can only choose which one to go to.

Yinshi twitched his face, looked at the direction Tang Yuan was pointing at and said 0.8: "Are you sure it's there? The consumption there is very expensive! Only some famous nobles can afford to go there!"

Tang Yuan looked at Yin Shi suspiciously and said, "What is this small amount of money! You have quite a lot of money on hand. You just went to drink a little wine, and you can't spend any money!"

Yinshi looked at the dazzling hotel in front of him and said, "Hehe, even though I said that, it still hurts very much!"

"Let's go!" Xin Baji pushed Yinshi's shoulder and said: "We have worked so hard to be so old, and it is time to find some fun to reward ourselves! And I think the hotel is just better decorated, not You said it was so expensive, okay?"

"Alright then!" Yin Shi gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's go to whichever one!".

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