Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 206: The Early Bug Gets Eaten

This is Tang Yuan who let Alisa go, clapped his hands and said to Alisa: "Huh, I knew this before, why bother! Let's see if you dare to play with me again in the future, hum! How dare you disturb me Qingmeng! If you dare to do this again next time, it will not be so simple to let you go."

Alyssa escaped from Tang Yuan's claws, hid behind Kagura and grinned at Tang Yuan, with a look of being beaten, Tang Yuan regretted letting this little devil go away.

Tang Yuan yawned, rubbed his temples and muttered to himself: "It seems that I drank a lot of wine last night! I haven't sobered up yet, and my head still hurts. It seems that there are two villains It's like fighting inside, it seems that we should drink less alcohol in the future."

Tang Yuan lay on the sofa and looked around, but he didn't find Yin Shi's figure, so he called out to Xin Baji: "Xin Baji, where is Yin Shi? Has he not gotten up yet?"

Xin Baji poked his head out from the kitchen and said: "I don't know when Yin is 20, I haven't seen him when I came here, he should be sleeping in the room already? I drank so much last night, logically speaking , it is impossible to wake up so early."

Tang Yuan shook his head and complained: "Hey, I also want to be like Yinshi! I can sleep until I wake up naturally, but Alisa, the little devil, will always wait for me to fall asleep in a daze and have a dream of Spring and Autumn Come here and disturb me."

"Hehe, Kagura tortured Gintoki in the same way before, but recently, with Alyssa accompanying her, it's rare to see him go to Gintoki, I don't know if it's because of a playmate or something. "Xin Baji's voice came from the kitchen.

"Hey! It would be great if Alyssa could be like little Kagura! If you have a playmate, you can play with them, why come and bother me! I'm really speechless about this." Tang Yuan sighed After taking a breath, he said.

"Ah! Wow! Tang Yuan, you guys woke up so soon?" Yinshi came out from the door of the room in a daze and asked: "I have a headache, has Xin Baji made hangover soup? I think my head is going fast It exploded."

"The hangover soup is not cooked, but I cooked a little porridge, you go wash up first, and then you can start eating." Xin Baji complained without looking back: "I told you to drink less wine, but you didn't listen, drink it We have to carry you back when you're drunk."

"Oh, oh, I got it, I will pay attention to it in the future!" Yinshi waved his hand indifferently and said, "Just like an old mother [you can't find a girlfriend like this]

"I'm not in a hurry to find a woman to take care of me now. Besides, if I have a girlfriend, I will definitely not let me continue to work here." Xin Baji rolled his eyes and said: "Salary is often in arrears , the boss is often drunk, and let us migrant workers take care of you, you said, if you were a girl, do you think you would let your boyfriend come over to take care of such a boss?"

"I think what Xin Baji said makes sense!" Tang Yuan interrupted abruptly.

"Fuck! You employees are lucky to have a boss like me?" Yinshi said shamelessly: "If you follow a normal boss, you would start work for me at 7:30 and work until Do you think it’s fun to go home until 90 o’clock in the evening? If so, then I don’t mind changing it.”

"I don't care, anyway, I'm here as if I'm here to play." Tang Yuan yawned and said: "But as long as you don't default on wages every month

I think they should be very happy with Xinbaji, right?"

"That's right, as long as you have the money in place, we can do whatever we want!" Xin Guji shouted from the kitchen.

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. I have no money to buy seaweed cloth these past few months!" Kagura and Alyssa said as they came out of the room.

"Oh, you little heartless bastards, I'll feed you and live in you, but you still say that, where is your conscience?" Yin Shi saw Xin Baji and Kagura shouting at him in such a united manner. Condemning, Yin Shi's voice immediately raised an octave, and used his voice to resist the attacks of the two of them.

"I said Yinsang! You are not young anymore, you should be more stable in your work, don't be the same as before." Xin Baji brought out a pot of hot porridge from the kitchen and said: "We made a lot of money last time. It’s a lot of money, you have to save some money! We can use the money to invest, or to improve the master house! Otherwise, you will definitely spend the money on wine and wine.

"Hey, let's not talk about this first, let's eat first." Yinshi stirred the porridge in the pot with a spoon, and the bursts of white smoke emitted a very pleasant smell, super fragrant: "Wow, Xinbaji, you When did your cooking skills get so good? The porridge is so delicious, it’s no wonder that you’ve mixed with me so much wine, and you’re even good at cooking porridge.”

Xin Baji rolled his eyes and looked at Yinshi, and said to Yinshi: "You go to wash up first, and then come over to drink porridge, all of you have oily faces, and you don't want to eat after looking at it." Go to the bathroom and wash your hands Let's talk about the face."

"Oh, what to wash, it's not like we haven't seen us eating right after getting up, that's it, and the porridge you cook is so delicious, I'm afraid I'll finish the Kagura!" Yin Shi Stirring the porridge in the pot, it kept multiplying into the bowl.

"Who wants to grab porridge from you, and with your appearance, you just made it clear that you don't want to wash up, and you threw all the pots on me, you dead head." After Kagura went into the bathroom and washed, When he came out, he heard Tang Yuan say that about him. He made it clear that he wanted to use him as an excuse not to wash. Of course, Kagura refused, and immediately retorted and scolded him as soon as he came out.

"Hey, that's how it is." Yin Shi said after taking a big mouthful of the porridge, "Oh, oh, I'm scalding to death, why is your porridge so hot?"

"Who made you so anxious? The porridge has just been taken out, and you are as impatient as a stray dog ​​who has been hungry for more than ten years. It's no wonder it's not hot. Eat slowly, don't worry, no one will follow you I grabbed it, and there is quite a lot of porridge." Xin Baji said after filling each bowl slowly.

"This is your problem!" Yinshi put down the bowl in his hand and said, "I'm the boss! The porridge cooked by the employees burned the boss, you have to bear the responsibility! So I decided, for you to remember This lesson, I will pay one percent of your salary with you.

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