Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 212: Can't Let Stinginess Be An Excuse

"You imagine us too mythically. Although we do have many things that we can solve first, there are some special things that we don't even understand, let alone solve them." Bai Huayue sighed Said.

Tang Yuan felt that this matter became interesting, and joked with a smile: "Yo, what can make you so ruthless? Tell us, maybe we can give you some advice. "

"If you talk about this again, then we won't have much to talk about." Baihua Yueyong glared at Tang Yuan, his eyes full of resentment.

"That's right, Tang Yuan, you can't speak too much. Ms. Yueyong is just a little unapproachable. There is no need to describe her as cold-blooded and ruthless. This adjective is not good. Besides, she is so beautiful. It's not good." Xin Baji blamed Tang Yuan from the side, giving Baihua Yueyong a step down.

Tang Yuan smiled and said to Baihua Yueyong: "Okay, I know I was wrong, so please tell us about the troubles you have encountered. Let's see if we can help you. busy."

"Don't be so cheeky, all of us are not in a good mood." The person standing next to Baihua Yueyong said: "We have been running around for that matter these days, and for this matter, Master Yueyong spent a lot of money on it." You have put so much thought into it, and you can’t even sleep well at night, it’s disrespect for us to be so playful and smiling!”

"Really? Why don't I feel it!" Tang Yuan smiled and said to the person who spoke just now: "It doesn't mean that I don't respect this matter! Besides, I laugh as much as I want, no one should care Got mine?"

Because this matter has nothing to do with Tang Yuan, besides, even if it is related to Tang Yuan, you can laugh as much as you want, this is the right you are born with, and no one can interfere, seeing Bai Hua Yueyong's subordinates say such things , too.

When Baihua Yueyong saw Tang Yuan's expression was a bit strange, he immediately thought that it might be what his subordinates said just now, which made Tang Yuan a little unhappy.

This matter has to be dealt with by Tang Yuan and the others, because it is a bit tricky for them to deal with this matter, after all, this is not their forte.

After Baihua Yueyong glared at the subordinates beside her, she said to Tang Yuan with a trace of apology: "Please don't mind, my subordinates sometimes speak a little bluntly. "I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, I'm not a small-minded person." Tang Yuan said with a smile.

"It's fine if you don't mind, then let's talk about what we asked you to do now." Seeing that Tang Yuan was no longer angry, Bai Hua Yueyong started talking about this matter to Tang Yuan straight to the point.

Tang Yuan waved his hand and said to Baihua Yueyong: "It's not enough now, our leader hasn't come yet, after he comes, you are talking about this matter.

Baihua Yueyong looked behind Tang Yuan, and found that Yinshi was indeed missing alone, and asked suspiciously: "Huh? Then where did the boss of Wanshiwu go? Didn't he come with you guys?" ?”

"It's like this, because Yinsang ate a lot tonight, so she wants to walk here and digest the food in her stomach casually." Xin Baji said to Baihua Yueyong: "Please wait a moment, follow his walking Speed, as long as you don’t encounter anything on the way, you should arrive right away.”

"Oh, so that's how it is." Baihua Yueyong nodded, although she couldn't figure out what was going on in Yin Shi's mind, but it was someone else's business, and she didn't ask about it.

After standing at the same spot and waiting for a few minutes, but still did not see Yin Shi, Xin Baji said to Bai Hua Yueyong with some embarrassment: "Maybe Yin Sang encountered something on the road, she should be here soon, please You are waiting a little longer."

Tang Yuan leaned against the wall and sighed, and said, "Hey, Yinshi's legs are not good! It's only a few miles, but he can walk for such a long time. I really admire him."

"That's right, maybe he eats too much sugar, he's suffering from diabetes, and his health is getting worse day by day, so I'm really worried about him." Xiao Kagura also sighed and said: And he always said that I He eats too much and wants me to lose weight. Now I feel that he is the one who should lose weight. "

"Hehe." Baihua Yueyong laughed twice, and Tang Yuan and Kagura didn't know how to continue what they said, but it was not easy for Yu to stand here, so he said to Tang Yuan and the others: "Then we Standing here and waiting is also waiting, so why not let us go in and drink while waiting for you to enjoy the delicious wine from our Yoshihara Taoyuan Township."

"Ah!" Tang Yuan stretched his waist and said to Alyssa and the others: "It's great, I've been standing here for so long, and I already feel a little tired, let's sit inside for a while, Just to try the taste of the fine wine that Baihua Yueyong said."

"But didn't we just come here last night?" Xiao Kagura asked a little incomprehensibly: "You drank a lot of wine last night! Didn't you drink enough last night?"

"Hehe." Baihua Yueyong covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It's like this, the wine you drank last night was ordinary wine, and the wine brewed by us in Jiyuan Taoyuan Township is very precious, not for any important occasion Generally, they are not given to drink, and there are very few of them.”

"It turned out to be like this, so why do you let us drink it now?" Xin Baji asked suspiciously.

Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji on the back of the head and said: "Nonsense, let us drink this time, you must ask us for something! As the saying goes, if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall, do you understand Ji Ji's?"

"It turned out to be like this." Xin Baji rubbed the back of his painful head and suddenly realized: "But what you said is very reasonable, but you can't hit me so hard! It hurts."

Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji's head and said, "Silly boy, I can open up your two channels of Ren and Du, and make your brain extremely flexible! You have to thank me."

"Tch, why don't you find a more delicate one? Are you talking about coaxing children?" Xin Baji looked at Tang Yuan with disdainful eyes and said.

"Okay, then please." Baihua Yueyong stretched out a hand, made a gesture of welcome to Tang Yuan and said to Tang Yuan and the others: "Please go in now, I have already made arrangements."

"Well, thank you then." Tang Yuan took the lead unceremoniously and walked towards the place Baihua Yueyong pointed at.

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