"Huh? Is there something wrong with me?" Yinshi looked at himself and said after observing for a long time: "No! I don't think there is anything wrong with me! Oh, I see, you must be jealous Me, but I can understand your mood, it feels uncomfortable to be pressed by a ray of light, I can understand this."

It's still Xin Baji who is kinder, and seeing Yinshi's appearance really couldn't bear it, so he took off his coat and put it on Yinshi's body.

Yinshi said to Xinbaji with tears and snot in his nose: "Thank you, thank you Xinbaji. At this juncture, you are the only one who treats me best, and I will always remember your love."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. If you make an embarrassment, it will also embarrass us with Wanshiwu, so all I do is not just for the good of "077", but also for Wanshiwu Thinking about it. Xin Baji patted Yinshi's shoulder lightly and said.

"I understand, but I still want to thank you. After all, you are not like a group of ungrateful people like them, who only watch me make mistakes, as if I will become very happy if I make mistakes." Yinshi's eyes were very bright He looked at Tang Yuan and his group with resentment.

"Haha, you are right. I am really happy to see you like this! This kind of scene is not something you can see just by thinking about it! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could we waste it! Wow Haha!" Tang Yuan laughed while clutching his stomach.

As soon as Tang Yuan finished speaking, Alisa and Kagura both covered their bellies and burst out laughing.

Although Gintoki looks like this, they girls don't look very suitable, but Gintoki has been bullying Kagura for so long, Alisa has seen it in her eyes, Kagura also told Alisa through her miraculous narration, Gintoki How did they bully them, so when they saw Yin Shi became like this, they felt as if they had a bad breath in their hearts.

"Have you guys finished talking yet?" Baihua Yueyong said with a somewhat uneasy expression, "If it's over, it's time for us to go into the house and talk about the real business."

"Okay, let's go now." Tang Yuan nodded and said.

"No! Wait." Yin Shi stretched out his palm and said, "Well, before we talk, can you give me a piece of clothing?"

Bai Hua Yueyong glanced at Yin Shi, then shook her head, as if feeling sorry for Yin Shi, she didn't speak, and took the lead to leave.

Walking into the palace that used to be the Night King, Baihua Yueyong bowed his head and said a few words to his subordinates. His subordinates nodded and left here, as if Baihua Yueyong had given him some orders.

Baihua Yueyong said to Tang Yuan and the others: "You guys rest here for a while, and I'll go and pick up Mr. Rilun now. Let Mr. Rilun explain the specifics to you."

"Okay, okay, then we'll just wait here." Tang Yuan sat down on the chair next to him, crossed his legs and said.

Just as Tang Yuan and Yinshi were bragging about how fast he was with a knife, Baihua Yueyong's subordinate walked in with a piece of clothing, and threw it towards Yinshi.

Baihua Yueyong said expressionlessly under his hands: "Our leader asked me to give you this dress, and he also told me to put on the clothes quickly, Lord Rilun is coming soon, Yue Yong My lord doesn't want my lord Sunlun to see you in such a disheveled state, what a shame it is."

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at Yinshi quietly, his eyes were full of emotion, and he couldn't figure out what it meant.

After Yinshi took the clothes, he hurriedly ran to the room next to the palace to change. Tang Yuan and the others sat on the chairs and ate fruit bored in every possible way.

After a while, Yinshi changed his clothes, walked out swaggeringly, walked up to everyone, and shamelessly put up a Perth and said: "Why is that handsome brother back again? I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss him?" bro?"

Seeing Yin Shi like this, everyone was extremely speechless.

Tang Yuan looked at Yin Shi, and said without hesitation: "Yes, yes, I haven't seen you for so long, I really miss you a little, and I almost miss you to death, why don't you just die? You just changed clothes for two or three minutes, and you still ask us if we miss you? Do you think you are being cheap? If you want me to scold you, just say so."

"Haha, I knew you would be like this a long time ago! I'm so smart, I knew it, but no matter how much you scold me, I just treat it like a bird chirping in my ear, I know, you This is jealousy, I understand..0" Euntoki laughed.

Tang Yuan clenched his fist tightly, gritted his teeth and leaned into Xin Baji's ear and said, "I have an urge to kill him right now.

"No, you must not be angry, just treat him as air, we are in other people's territory now, if we fight among ourselves, we will be laughed at by others!" Xin Baji persuaded earnestly.

Tang Yuan's fist was clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched again, as if he had gone through countless times of fierce battles in his heart, the fist gradually relaxed after a long time.

"I'm sorry, Jiyuan Taoyuan Township has been a little busy recently, so I'm really sorry to keep you waiting." Baihua Yueyong pushed the sun wheel out, and the sun wheel said with a smile: "If there is any place where we don't treat well , please forgive me."

Yinshi sat down on the chair, smiled and threw a grape into his mouth, chewed it and said: "The reception is pretty good, but we didn't come here to play this time, so please don't be polite. , If you have anything to say, just say it.

"Hehe." Rilun covered his mouth and smiled: "Sakata Gintoki is really a generous and interesting person, and the rumors outside are really not biased! When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation.

"1.8 huh?" Xin Baji looked at the sun wheel and said in a low voice: "What's the situation? How did Yinshi's reputation outside become like this? It's normal to be polite, but don't brag like that ? And it shouldn't be the first time you meet? Why would you suddenly say something like this? It's unreasonable!"

Hearing Xin Baji's muttering, Tang Yuan shook his head towards Xin Baji and said, "Hey, this is a polite way between big shots, you still have to make complaints about it in the future, so let's save some effort and see."

"Haha! It's easy to talk about." Yinshi was praised by Rilun, and he leaned on the chair in a fluttering manner and said: "If you have anything to say, just tell us, we will definitely do it.".

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