Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 46 Achieve "Terror And Deterrence"!

The giant palm pressed down, the sea and sky turned upside down, and the wind howled!

Tang Yuan put on an offensive posture, raised his head to face the palm, swung his right fist back, and then swung his fist to meet it!

Facing Sengoku's palm that pressed his faith, Tang Yuan didn't plan to use ordinary punches to deal with it, he showed a rare respect for fighters

Slightly...... Serious punch!


Fist clash!

The entire Sabaody No. 1 island, with Tang Yuan's feet as the center, collapsed in a circle, forming a broken island like a mosquito coil!

Tang Yuan stood on top of the ruins expressionlessly, and slowly withdrew his fist.

Sengoku only felt an unstoppable force, along his arm, directly spread throughout the whole body, that powerful destructive force, even his golden body of Buddha could not stop it!


Sengoku spat out a mouthful of blood, and then, unable to maintain his transformation, he languished, shrunk quickly, turned into a human form again, and flew backwards [choosely fell into the sea!

At this moment, everyone who landed in Marine fell into despair.

"Marshal Sengoku... lost?"

"And it's.....Instakill?"


"Such a person... is only the deputy head of the Twilight Brigade? What is the strength of this organization?!"

Everyone looked at Tang Yuan with disbelief.

While everyone was watching, Tang Yuan blew his fist and said with a smile, "Don't you hurry up and save the Marshal? If you don't go, he will drown."

One word awakened the dreamer, and the Vice Admirals were taken aback, and hurriedly led a team to rescue them.

Not to mention the other Marines, how could anyone dare to stay and face Tang Yuan? They all ran away.

Watching Marine run away, Tang Yuan reached out to touch his bald head and smiled.

"Marine must be scared to death now," he said, and turned to look at the rest of the group.

Only Marco and a few bigmom's subordinates remained at the scene. Seeing Tang Yuan look over, Marco swallowed and said nervously, "Um, you're not going to send me to heaven, are you?" ?I know the one in your regiment who wears a red jacket and wields a big sword. We have a good relationship. I'm not an enemy.||!"

Marco was just a little nervous, but Baron Eggy and the others were purely desperate. Most people might not be able to imagine such a thing as being praised to the sky, but they will face this soon, so don't worry too much.

As a result, Tang Yuan seemed to have no intention of answering them at all, just nodded to Marco with a smile, and then left.

Marco originally wanted to ask the deputy head what kind of organization the Twilight Brigade was, but he hesitated and didn't keep up.

After thinking about it, Marco also gave up, let alone whether he is qualified to talk to such a strong man, even if he really talks, will he be sure to tell the truth?

Referring to the previous behaviors of Tang Yuan, the chance of the deputy head running the train with his mouth full is also very high.

Marco was speechless.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly found a small box next to him.

Marco opened it a little strangely and froze.

Inside the box, ten herbs were quietly lying there, exactly the ten plants that were at the auction before!

He quickly turned his head to look in the direction Tang Yuan left, but of course there was no one in sight.

"...Thanks." Marco bent his hands in that direction.

Picking up the box, Marco was about to leave when he heard a humming sound from the side.

He walked over and saw that it was a deep pit, in which lay Charlotte Dafu.

This guy escaped from dizziness to the end.

Marco sneered, stomped his feet, and with a bang, the big hole was filled.

With this level of burial alive, it was a bit difficult to kill Charlotte Daifuku, but it was definitely okay to make him feel uncomfortable for a while.

After finishing all this, Marco turned into a phoenix with satisfaction and flew to the sky.

At the same time, in a forest not far from No. 3 Island.

Alyssa sat on a tree root, looking at Tang Yuan with big blue eyes.

"What a strong existence, the person you just changed is already stronger than some gods."

"Compared to you?" Tang Yuan had changed back to his original body at this time, and asked while sitting opposite Alisa.

Alisa giggled: "It's hard to say, your transformation is too rough, and you haven't used your ultimate move yet.

These words surprised Tang Yuan a little.

Hearing what Alyssa meant, Saitama, who didn't make a big move, is actually not her opponent?

How powerful was this girl when she was still a god?

However, no matter how powerful it was in the past, it has nothing to do with it now.

Reminiscing about the transformation of One Punch Man just now, Tang Yuan felt very good, but it was a pity that it was an experience transformation, and I don't know how long it will take before he can stably transform into an existence of that level.

Then, not surprisingly, he discovered that the main body was a little stronger, which made Tang Yuan feel a little flirtatious. If he keeps developing like this, maybe one day he can make the main body, Saitama, and Super Saiyan People are as strong.

Thinking about it is also beautiful!

In the following time, Tang Yuan sorted out his harvest this time.

The first is the ordinary prestige income. Excluding Illidan's upgrade, there are more than 200,000 left.

Then, there is the fear income of important people in Marine, which directly earned more than 700,000 yuan!

Then, it is no achievement.

[Achievement, "..., Terror and Deterrence", and a reward of 800,000 reputation!]

Terror and deterrence is an achievement that is difficult to obtain in the early stage. It requires the user to create a huge psychological shadow on a world's top force in a battle, so that the organization will have a long-term fear of itself (Li Lizhao), this ability Obtained, the reason why Tang Yuan obtained this achievement is also by using the tricky method of experience transformation.

No matter what, the points needed for the new transformation must be enough!

Tang Yuan closed his eyes and began to conceive of his new transformation.

At first, what he thought of was the role of an assassin in a game he had played before, and he was good at pretending to be one-hit kills.

But when he got to a part of the idea, he suddenly lost his mind and thought of another character.

With this thought, the rhythm of conception suddenly became chaotic.

Tang Yuan found out painfully that his idea was interrupted halfway, and he started to transform directly.

This transformation made him really dumbfounded.

Three more! Sleepy, sleep, wake up tomorrow and continue~

Guess who the new transformation is?

Surely no one would have guessed that lol. .

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