Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 224: The Great War Is Coming

"Let's go, let's go." Alyssa pulled Tang Yuan and walked towards them without any explanation. The woman who was soliciting business at the door saw Tang Yuan walking towards them from afar

Immediately went up to greet Tang Yuan with a signature smile.

Tang Yuan looked at those people from a distance, feeling very scared in his heart, but for some reason, after Alisa grabbed his hand, he didn't feel very scared, this feeling is very strange.

"It seems that it will be impossible to go out to drink flower wine without Alisa behind my back in the future." Tang Yuan sighed in his heart.

As soon as those women greeted him, they planned to drag Tang Yuan into the shop for a drink. The two surrounded Tang Yuan, trying to push Tang Yuan and Alyssa away.

But is Alyssa a woman who is easy to bully? The answer is obvious, Alyssa pushed the two women away very politely.

Alyssa took out a photo from a big tweet and said to them: "This time we are not here to drink, we just want to come here to find someone, have you seen the photo above?"

When the two women heard that they were not here for business, but just looking for someone, their faces changed drastically, and they said sarcastically, "We have a lot of customers here! But I don't think there is anyone you are looking for." People, please look elsewhere, those dilapidated taverns or something, someone should tell you."

"Okay then, you take the photo. If you see the person in the photo, please come to Wanshiwu immediately and let us know. We will pay you." Alisa said while holding the photo: "This man is older than the one in the photo, please pay more attention, thank you."

"Hmph, we have this spare time to take care of your affairs. If I have this time, I might as well have a few more drinks with the guests inside. Maybe there will be tips.

Much higher than yours. "The young lady glanced at Alyssa with disdain, and casually threw the photocopied photo of Xinbaji on the ground, allowing those people who came and went to step on her feet.

Alyssa is now on fire, although these things will still be thrown under her feet in the end, but this woman has done too much, no matter how hard this is, it was copied by Xin Baji so hard, and her whole body was exhausted .

Alyssa looked at the woman coldly, and said very coldly: "You'd better pick up this photo for me."

Alyssa has a good baby voice, and her usual voice is very sweet. Even when Alyssa is angry, her tone of voice still doesn't change much, so this woman doesn't know that Alyssa is angry, or she can Said they were not afraid of Alyssa.

"Heh, if you asked me to pick it up, I'll just pick it up? Do you think I'll do such a shameless thing?" The woman rolled her eyes at Alisa, pointed to Tang Yuan and said to Alisa "Let me tell you, this is a place where men come to play. It's for fun, not for you to come and find someone, and what's more! Look at your man, he doesn't have much ability, you should separate early Now, come to us, with your looks, you can barely pass as a dishwashing girl."

Tang Yuan was speechless after hearing what the woman said. Tang Yuan thought to himself: "What's the matter with me? I just stood here without saying a word, okay? How did you get the fire on me?" ?”

Although the woman said she looked down on Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan didn't get angry immediately. Although he loved Lisa very much, it was better for them to resolve the conflicts between these women by themselves. Tang Yuan just wanted to be a quiet one. handsome man.

"By the way, are you looking down on us, or something? With my looks, I can only be a dishwashing girl? Then what are you? Mopping the floor? Oh no, I was wrong

Should it be licking the floor? Otherwise, why are your mouths so smelly?" Alyssa said with a smile.

Alyssa's smile is very sweet, with an amiable look, but when Alyssa shows this smile, Tang Yuan will hide as far away as possible. This is a warning that something big is about to happen!

Tang Yuan quietly stood a few steps towards the side, carefully observing the surroundings, looking for a way out for himself later.

"You...what are you talking about? I think you are tired of being a little girl, and I want you to be dealt with!" The woman greeted the back: "Sisters, come here, someone here wants to make trouble.

0 looking for flowers......

As soon as the words fell, the ladies who were originally soliciting business around immediately surrounded them, all of them looked fierce, and they were completely different from the sweet smiles when they were soliciting customers before, just like a group of witches, watching Very disgusting.

The crowd who were shopping found that there was a lot of excitement here, and immediately surrounded Tang Yuan and Alyssa, three layers inside and three layers outside, watching with a calm attitude.

"Hey, have you started calling people? Hehe." Alisa said with a smile: "But I see, you guys don't have any fighting power at all. I advise you to stop quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "


"Hehe, is that right? Don't say I bully you, you should call someone over, or say us sisters bully you." The woman glanced at Tang Yuan after she finished speaking: But I don't think you can call me anything People, little girl, you see your concubine is avoiding you far away, for fear of getting into any trouble, you can also like such a man, I really admire you. "

Tang Yuan looked at the woman speechlessly, and thought to himself: "Damn it, Laozi is standing so far outside, you can also pull Laozi up, it's amazing.

Alyssa turned her head and glanced at Tang Yuan. Tang Yuan didn't speak, but just shrugged at Alyssa, signaling to leave him alone and let him do it.

But in the eyes of that woman, Alyssa was afraid and turned to her mistress for help, but her mistress ignored her.

"I think you'd better take your concubine and get out, as far as you can, don't be seen by us, this time I will give you a chance, otherwise our sisters will hit you once they see you." The woman said arrogantly.

"Hehe, don't worry, we will leave, but..." Alyssa looked at the woman with interest and said, "But, I have to finish cleaning up you little bitches, otherwise I won't be in a good mood, If you are in a bad mood, you will suffer from insomnia at night!"

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