Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 238: The Miserable

"What visit! Is it cheating? Be clear, we won't laugh at you." Yin Shi smiled and said: "It seems that the old boy Heze, Matsushita, is in poor health! He can't even satisfy you! Haha."

"Hello?" Tang Yuan called out, interrupting Yinshi's words: "There are children here, please pay attention to me."

Yinshi slapped his mouth with his hand, and said while slapping: "My fault, my fault, my mouth is dirty."

Tang Yuan glanced at Yinshi helplessly, and said helplessly to Alyssa and Kagura: "This place is not suitable for you girls, you should go upstairs and help us keep an eye on the outside situation at all times."

Alisa also understood that this place was not suitable for them to stay, so she nodded and went upstairs with Kagura, watching the situation outside from the living room through the balcony.

Tang Yuan watched Alisa and the others go up, and continued to ask: "Then when will your lover come?"

"Get ready, he'll be here soon." The woman said with some fear: "Please don't do anything to him, he's just my childhood sweetheart, he doesn't know I'm doing such a thing, please ."

"Did he really think that these 867 places belong to you? Ha ha? Anyone with a brain would think that it is possible for a woman to live in such a place without half a catty?" Yin Shi mocked.

"He is very simple, he doesn't know these things, please don't tell him, let him keep a pure me in his heart, please." The woman begged bitterly.

"If I had known this before, why did I do it?" Tang Yuan shook his head: "If that's the case, then why do you still stay here? Couldn't you elope with your little lover?"

"Hehe." The woman said with a wry smile, "If I could leave, would I still stay here?"

"Those who want to leave, who else can stop you? Besides, there are no iron chains to tie you up here." Yinshi sneered, "Maybe you didn't want to leave in the first place? Here you will be rich and prosperous, and you will have to work hard all your life." How could you leave after such a good life?"

"Yes, people who want to leave can't be kept, that's just for an ordinary person." The woman smiled wryly, "But I'm different, as long as I leave this house, that bastard Panasonic Heze will use the authority of the Police Department Find me, find me and beat me up, and my parents need his help, so I can't go?"

"Huh? Your parents are in his hands?" Tang Yuan looked at the woman suspiciously and said, wondering if the woman in front of him approached Matsushita Heze for money?

"My parents were too tired when they were young, and now they are old and sick. For them, I had to sell my body to earn medical expenses for them." The woman said, tears streaming down: "Matsushita Heze promised me that as long as I stay with him and become his lover, he will help my parents find the best hospital and help them cure their diseases."

"It seems that you also have difficulties!" Tang Yuan said after sighing, "You are also a hard-working person."

"When will Panasonic Heze come over?" Yin Shi asked, "Give me the exact time, or I will let you and your little lover die and become a pair of underground mandarin ducks."

Tang Yuan looked at Yinshi with some doubts, and he didn't understand why Yinshi said such things. Logically speaking, this woman's life experience is so pitiful, so Yinshi should sympathize with her! Such a way of saying such things.

"Matsushita Heze usually comes over at around eight o'clock in the evening. He is very secretive, afraid that his wife will find out. If he comes, he will only bring one person with him. According to the date he gave me, he should come tonight." The woman sobbed. road.

"Then I'll give you a way to get the best of both worlds. It will allow you to leave here with your little lover, and your parents (cafa) will get a sum of money to treat your illnesses. Do you want to do it?" Yin Shi asked. "However, if you tip off the news, no matter what, we will escape one person, and then kill your whole family in front of you."

"I do! I have wanted to leave this ghostly place for a long time." The woman cried with big tears: "If I can leave this place, my parents can heal their illnesses, no matter what, I will do it of."

"I'm asking you once! Are you sure?" Silver asked again.

"Well, I'm sure." The woman said firmly.

"Okay then, you go back to your room and change your clothes before you come out." Yinshi shouted towards the upstairs: "Alisa Kagura, you two go to accompany her into the room to change clothes.

"Oh." Alisa and Kagura agreed, and accompanied the woman into the room to change clothes.

Gintoki asked Alisa and Kagura to accompany the woman to change clothes for two purposes. One was to monitor the woman for any abnormal behavior, such as tipping off the news, and the other was to listen in on it. Is it a lie.

"Boss, what is your purpose for doing this?" Xin Baji couldn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to speak when the woman was by his side, for fear of saying something wrong and messing up Yinshi's plan

Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji's head and said: "You don't even understand this? Yinshi's purpose is to make that woman cooperate with the outside world and capture Matsushita Heze alive. If the woman doesn't cooperate, we probably want to capture Matsushita Heze , I guess it will take a lot of work.”

"Yeah, a child can be taught." Yin Shi looked at Tang Yuan with admiring eyes and said, "As expected of someone who has been with me for so long, you don't need me to explain clearly, you know what I'm thinking, Xinbaji, you have to take care of yourself." Learn from Tang Yuan."

"It turned out to be like this." Xin Baji suddenly realized.

"However, what exactly do you want to do? It is relatively simple to let her elope with his man. At that time, as long as we catch Matsushita Heze, Matsushita Heze will not be able to escape to find her, but her parents What should I do? According to what she said, she is seriously ill and can't escape far." Tang Shi expressed his doubts.

"Hey, there is still you here!" Yin Shi said with a sly smile: "As long as your old man cheats, no matter how serious the disease is, it can be solved with a finger, isn't it?"

"I'm going, so you put all your calculations on me?" Tang Yuan said with a smile: "But this time I don't care about it with you. After all, I saw that woman had a hard life. For the sake of her family, she abandoned her. It's pitiful for my childhood sweetheart to follow an old man who is over fifty years old, so I will forgive you just once."

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