Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 247 Turn Your Face And Deny People

"Thank you for your kindness, but we still have business to do and we can't drink. After this matter is over, we will come here to apologize to you and have a good drink with you." Tang Yuan politely refused Sanben Zongcun .

"Sigh." Sanben Zongcun sighed and said, "Since you all said that, then I won't force you, but it's a pity that the bottle of wine in my hand has been preserved for several years."

"No pity, you can drink wine anytime, as long as you're happy." Tang Yuan said to Sanben Zongcun: "Then you should send him out now, right? I'm going to take him out of here now."

"Well, since you all said that, I'm not a person who doesn't keep his word." Sanben Zongcun clapped his hands, and a group of people came out pushing a man with a black sack on his head

Sanben Zongcun pointed to the person with the sack and said, "This is the person you are looking for. I have already done it and completed our cooperation."

Seeing that the person had already been sent out, Tang Yuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, Tang Xuan whispered into Xin Baji's ear and said, "Go and get the person to us now.

Xin Baji nodded, walked over, and brought him back.

Tang Yuan looked at the person standing in front of him, and tore off the sack covering his face. After confirmation, he was indeed the person in the photo. As long as he is sent to Jiyuan Taoyuan Township now

Mission accomplished.

Tang Yuan said to Sanben Zongcun: "Okay, you really are a man of faith, I admire you, but I have something important to do today, otherwise I will definitely have a big fight with you and have a good drink."

"Haha, don't worry, I have this opportunity." Sanben Zongcun said.

"Then it's almost time now, and we should be leaving." After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he wanted to leave here with Sanben Taro.

When Tang Yuan walked to the door, Sanben Zongcun suddenly called Tang Yuan and the others to stop.

Immediately at the door, a group of people in black clothes blocked the door, preventing Tang Yuan and the others from leaving.

"What does this mean||?" Tang Yuan looked at Sanben Zongcun with some puzzlement and asked.

"Haha, I have already handed it over to you, and the cooperation between us has ended, so the things I will do next should not affect my credit." Ben Zongcun said with a smile: "But Even if it is breaking the promise, I believe no one would dare to say no, right?"

"What do you mean? Could it be that you don't want us to take him out of here?" Xin Baji asked hastily, not understanding what Sanben Zongcun meant.

"Since you already know, why bother to ask again." Sanben Taro standing next to Xin Baji said: "You are too blind to let my son catch me, hehe, you really know Find someone!"

As soon as Mimoto Taro finished speaking, a group of people poured into every door of the nightclub, and soon this group surrounded Tang Yuan and the others.

Alyssa was a little scared watching this scene, and leaned towards Tang Yuan involuntarily.

"What? This is your son?" Xin Baji asked in disbelief.

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, just ask him." Nippon Taro said while pointing at Sanbenzong.

"Hehe, I said why I always feel that something is going to happen today. It turned out to be like this." Tang Yuan said with a wry smile: "I should have thought of this earlier. Both of you have the last name of Sanben. I thought it was just a coincidence. , I really didn't expect such a coincidence.

"Originally, I didn't plan to care about this. As long as you agree to be my subordinates, I will explain this to my father and let him let you live. But you don't have toast and fine wine, so you can't blame me." Sanben Zongcun said with an expression of pity.

"What on earth do you mean?" Tang Yuan lost his composure.

"Young man, you don't even understand this?" Mimoto Taro said with a smile: "Do you think that as a son, he will hand over his Laozi and bear the slaughter? You are still too young, and you have seen very little of the world." ! Originally, I could just let my son solve you all, but I want to see what kind of moths you can make."

"It seems that we have all been played by others!" Tang Yuan looked at Yinshi and said, "Should we fight now? Or should we fight?"

"Hehe, don't even think about resisting. If you look back and don't look at how many people we have here, if you still want to resist, I advise you to go ahead and catch it." It was also to attract the attention of his boss, so that he could have an impression in the boss's heart, so that he might be able to be the hall master in the future.

Yinshi was silent, with a hard-to-find smile on the corner of his mouth.

I heard from my son that you were also ordered to come to me, right? Tell me, who has such an idea, and I can save your life if you tell me. " Sanben Taro laughed.

"I think I told the person out, maybe you don't remember it?" Alisa said.

"Although I am a bit older now, my memory is not bad. Tell me, I want to see who has the guts to want my old life." Sanben Taro mocked Said: "But over the years, many people wanted my life, but they were all disappointed.

"A woman named Minako, do you still remember?" Alisa said seriously.

"Minako? The name seems to be a bit impressive." After thinking about it, Mimoto Taro said, "What kind of grudge did I have with her? Did I kill her husband? Or did I ruin her family? I'm sorry, I did it in the first half of my life." There are so many things that I can’t remember them all at once.”

From the few words of Sanben Taro (Wang Hao), we can see how cruel and ruthless this man is. With his light, he took over the business.

If it weren't for his old age, or how many families would have been destroyed in his hands.

"Remember, a woman in Taoyuan Township, Yoshihara, thirty years ago." Xin Baji said to Sanben Taro.

Xin Baji wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Tang Yuan.

Xin Baji looked at Tang Yuan in confusion, Tang Yuan shook his head and asked him to stand aside and not speak.

"Yoshihara Taoyuan Township? More than 30 years ago? Minako?" Mimoto Taro pondered for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted: "Oh, I remembered, it was her who asked you to come and find my son ?”

Tang Yuan was silent. .

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