But as Sakai Xiangzi's last stubbornness, she didn't want her sect's reputation to suffer because of it, so she could only lick her face and beg.

Tang Yuan was about to refuse this feeble request, but after thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a perfect idea.

"Ahem, since you have said this, if I don't agree to you, then I would be too cruel, okay, I agree to your request." Tang Yuan glanced at Yin and said: "You go

"I go?" Yin Shi pointed to his nose and asked, "No, no, I said it before, I don't hit women, it will break my rules."

"The wool rules. Tang Yuan glared at Yin Shi and said: "Are you going to hit me? If you don't, I'll hit you!"

"Okay, okay, 囧" Yin Shi sighed and said, "I can't beat it!"

Yinshi understood Tang Yuan's strength very well. It wasn't that he didn't have the ability to challenge Tang Yuan, but that Tang Yuan's moves were too perverted. Just a holy shield could make him fight outside for a long time. What's the beginning? And his sword is still flaming, this is not to be offended!

"Come on, Xinbaji, don't lose to that woman." Kagura who was standing aside shouted, cheering for Yinshi.

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to. If you defeat yourself, you will be the king." Tang Yuan stood aside and said to Yinshi with a very contrived look.

"Don't talk anymore, I understand." Gintoki suppressed his nausea, picked up the wooden knife and said to Sakai Xiangzi: "Don't worry, I won't hit you hard, but I hope you will be more conscientious, Let's stop there.

"How can we stop at the matter of life and death?" Sakai Xiangzi raised his long sword and stabbed towards Yinshi.

"Fuck, you bitch, you're serious!" Gintoki quickly stepped aside, dodging Sakai Xiangko's sword.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, let's have a serious fight||!" Sakai Xiangzi said coldly.

"Since you said that, then I'm going to get serious!" Yinshi's voice suddenly changed.

Gintoki raised the wooden knife, and the words "Lake Toya" appeared in front of Sakai Koko, and the whole person became serious, with a very dignified expression, and there was a murderous look in every gesture, and there seemed to be thousands of ghosts behind him floating.

"Hehe, I'm starting to get serious! This scene is really getting better and better!" Tang Yuan said as he sat on Sanmoto Taro's body, watching the good show.

"I said sir! Can you stop sitting on my old bone, my old bone can't stand you sitting like this!" Sanben Taro complained: "Otherwise, you sit on my son Right? I am young, with flesh on my body, and I can sit comfortably, look at me, I am covered in cheap bones, I am afraid I will hurt you, uncle!"

"Well, you're smart, so I'll let you go this time." Tang Yuan got up and sat on San Ben Zongcun's body.

Sanben Zongcun has never been treated like this! For so many years, he has been aloof, and no one has ever treated him so disrespectfully. He fainted from anger, but he also knows that his life is still alive. In the hands of the man sitting on him, he could only hold back his breath and wait until he escaped the catastrophe before taking revenge.

Gintoki looked really cold when he got serious, as if the opponent was not a human being, but a beast that he let him slaughter. His cold eyes met Sakai Koko, and Sakai Koko seemed to fall into the abyss.

"Alyssa, come and sit here, it's a good location, you can see more clearly, and the human cushions are comfortable [come here quickly." Kang Xuan shouted to Alyssa who was standing next to him.

Alyssa glanced at Tang Yuan, rolled her eyes and said: "Forget it, I still can't sit on this kind of advanced human cushion, I'd better let you sit alone."

Kagura and Xin Baji also shook their heads quickly, expressing that they couldn't sit still.

Tang Yuan shook his head, sighed and said, "Hey, you really don't know how to enjoy it! You can't even enjoy such a comfortable place. I'm so disappointed in you."

After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he began to watch the battle between Gintoki and Sakai Koko seriously.

Sakai Koko has never seen a person with such sharp eyes, terrifying, these are the ten words that softly popped out of Sakai Koko's mind when she saw Yin.

Gintoki swiped forward with the wooden knife, and a cold voice sounded in Sakai Xiangko's mind: "Are you ready? I'm going to attack."

Sakai Xiangzi stabilized her mind, and after getting rid of other things in her mind, she said to Gintoki: "Okay, I can do it, let's start now."

Sanben Taro, who was crushed by Tang Yuan, shouted at Sakai Koko: You must win! The lives of our two fathers and sons are in your hands. If you can win them all, I will win. Guaranteed, before I promised to help you open the dojo, I will definitely do my best to help you. "

"Shut up, it seems that you really want me to cut off your tongue." Tang Yuan pressed hard on his butt, and Sanben Taro squeaked as if being caught by an old cat like mice.

"Huh?" Tang Yuan took a look at Sanben Taro, which almost frightened Sanben Taro out of his soul, and didn't even dare to utter a word.

Gintoki bowed to Sakai Koko, this is a kind of respect for Japan's opponents when they are facing challenges, life or death depends entirely on their own strength.

Sakai Koko also bowed to Gintoki, which means that this competition has just begun.

Sakai Xiangzi preemptively charged forward with a sword in hand, and stabbed at Yinshi's chest with awe-inspiring sword aura.

Who was Yin (Zhao Mahao) at the time, and he dodged Sakai Xiangzi's fatal blow without any haste.

In the beginning, Gintoki wanted to keep his promise not to hit women, but now it is Sakai Kako himself's challenge. In the back of my mind, I started to take all this seriously.

Seeing that this attack didn't work, Sakai Xiangzi used the sword to strike horizontally. The blade brought up a cloud of dust and squinted everyone's eyes. In the past, this sword was very fierce. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died countless times.

But Gintoki is not an ordinary person, he just took a step to the side lightly, dodging Sakai Kako's attack so simply and directly, we don't know how many calculations went through this step. .

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