But this time is different from the previous ones. There are a few nearby knights who are dominating here. They are the knights next door who command Farr. Farr is the son of a relative of Mark. come this far.

It has not been so satisfactory all the time, so this time I learned that Vatican Town has become an ownerless thing, so I immediately swooped over, wanting to take a bite of the fat.

But obviously this commander was really too unlucky, he just got stuck here, and met Tang Yuan and others who turned back their carbine, and in an instant, all the hundreds of people he brought were all eliminated , Nearly half of them were killed before the head portrait, and the rest were also arrested.

In fact, the team fell apart right from the start.

Although Mark knew that the other party was just that he couldn't deal with them, these people had already imagined the intruders as demons, so at the very beginning, they were frightened by themselves and occupied Vatican Town again. No townspeople dared to come to the street anymore, Tang Yuan sent people to clean up the place, and then released some of the soldiers who surrendered in panic this time, and asked them to report the news to Mark.

It won't be long before the commander and Mark on Mark's territory 403 will know the news here.

The result is also obvious. All the powerful people around are unwilling to do anything. They know what kind of body they have. If they jump out at this time, they will probably end up being slapped over with a slap.

But Tang Yuan won't give them too many opportunities. After half an hour, they came to the nearest knight's territory. Under the lord are the commander and the knight. In other words, to be honest, it is basically one or two manors and farms.

When Tang Yuan and the others smashed the gate of the qualified farm, a knight walked over. I have to say that this knight is quite handsome, with a handsome face and a suit of armor, at least many noble girls can be crazy about it. .

However, he was handsome for more than ten seconds, and soon he was knocked to the ground. In one night, Tang Yuan directly captured four knights, and finally arrived at the final destination, Bao Hao, in the morning. Town, (caci) is also the original fiefdom of Basu Rand. After capturing Baohao Town, Tang Yuan directly led his troops to turn to the territory of another commander.

Jumu Town.

This commander is the territory of the poor commander who was killed by Tang Yuan with Falian before, but here they encountered real resistance, even without their own master, the militiamen here still carried out desperate resistance , They are not for the so-called goddesses, but for the dignity of their masters, but hard work sometimes can't change anything, but after ten minutes, the place has completely fallen, but the difference is that everyone The bloody battle came to an end.

In just one day, Tang Yuan led his men to sweep half of Mark's territory, captured seven knights, and the other two knights were directly killed because they resisted to death. If the other party is not ready to do something If anything, then Mark is no longer a preservation force, and then he may face the collapse of the entire system.

And Mark has smashed everything in his study to pieces at this time. What a joke, no matter how much the goddess hates him, it is impossible to really take back his territory. At most, it will increase taxes, or It's all about forcibly seizing the territories of a few knights.

If I had known today, Mark would not have provoked these "weak" invaders even if he was killed. According to the previous example, basically there will be no more than 20 professional soldiers who are weak. In fact, he should disclose this news to other real power lords earlier, so that he can get a benefit without losing himself. Most of the troops.

On the other side, Tang Yuan has already discovered the group of guys that the little lord took to prove their dignity. This is the last force of the little lord, an army of about 600 people, led by two knights, and they The news was that they should run away as soon as they came into contact with each other. In this case, the lord could at least retain a little bit of strength.

Their task is to protect themselves, and then wait for the arrival of reinforcements from above.

Otherwise, Mark will become a polished commander by then, and even if the invaders are expelled, he will not be able to be a lord.

What they didn't know was that although Tang Yuan knew their whereabouts at this time, he didn't intend to confront the opponent at all, and he didn't even bother to ambush them.

Because at this time Tang Yuan and Yashutla were looking at the city below, this is a port city with about 20,000 people, which is the territory of Mark, such a city is actually quite rich, Tang Yuan hit a Snap your fingers and say, "Get ready, what are we now..."

Denisa whistled and said, "Robber!"

Yashutla smiled slightly, and put on a smile. Even if they occupied this place, they would have no way to continue to hold on, but the looting was enough to completely destroy the lord.

When the pocket watch in Tang Yuan's hand jumped to eleven o'clock, the people in the city had basically fallen into a deep sleep, and the people in the tavern had basically made a fuss.

With a wave of Tang Yuan's hand, the group of people basically moved towards the city directly.

Under a section of the city wall, they easily packed up the guards, and then jumped directly onto the city wall, and then they opened the city wall, allowing the captives to enter the city directly, and what followed was a battle to completely destroy Mark.

"Attention all, the goal is...the palace of the Goddess of War, destroy them!"

When it was less than 300 meters away from the Temple of the Goddess of War, the main entrance of the temple could already be seen clearly. Two knights stood there, but Tang Yuan and the others rushed up without any hesitation. The two were killed almost instantly. Hei Tong's short strength took his life.

At the same time, there was a wave of magic coming from their bodies. Tang Yuan frowned, knowing that this was an alarm magic that was connected to their lives. It rang.

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