They do remember that when this place was first established, there was a blood mage who refused to accept that Bakulong had monopolized the 'top soup' by himself——every time Bakulong sucked the most essence of the meal away It was only given to everyone to eat, so I directly challenged Baku Dragon, but Baku Dragon used such a blow of Dark Blood Burst to crush the opponent's flesh and blood, leaving only a skeleton in the end!

Baku Dragon is different from them, they are just ordinary blood mages, they can only hide in the dark, and secretly find some fringe people to eat, but Baku Dragon is a guy who was trained by the forces behind him, his The magic power in it is completely different from those little guys!

Tang Yuan's body suddenly burst out with magical power, blowing away all the blood stained on his body, "Is this the only ability?"

Bakulong took a deep breath at this moment, the blood energy around his body was suddenly sucked into his body, and then his body began to show a strange red color, which deepened rapidly, Soon, a deep red mark like a crack appeared on his body.

"Bloodthirsty and rampant!" Bakulong suddenly thought of Tang Yuan and rushed over. At this time, his speed was 137 degrees faster than before. At this time, the people below were stunned. Unexpectedly, Bakulong actually has such strength!

Tang Yuan frowned. At first he thought blood magic was pure energy magic, but now it seems that this kind of magic has the ability to strengthen oneself. At this time, Baku Dragon's speed increased sharply, and it actually suppressed Tang Yuan for a while. Tang Yuan retreated to the rear while avoiding the opponent's attack. Under the blow, the ground was crushed by the opponent's step.

However, just when the opponent thought he was sure of winning, Tang Yuan slammed into the opponent's arms, and only heard several crackling sounds, Bakulong couldn't help but widen his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had been strengthened Tang Yuan's body was so easily shattered by Tang Yuan's blow. Without any hesitation, Tang Yuan thrust his right hand into the opponent's chest and abdomen. Bakulong's body could no longer stand up. He fell directly to the ground.

Tang Yuan's one blow (cadd) had already shattered the opponent's lumbar spine, even if there was something unique about blood magic, the opponent was still a useless person.

"Where are you......Where are you holy?" Bakulong spat out a big mouthful of blood, which was mixed with black internal organs. It seemed that his injuries were indeed very serious.

Tang Yuan snorted, "Twilight Brigade President Tang Yuan!"

As his voice fell, dozens of figures had rushed towards here. These people were not the ones who attacked before. The strength of each of these guys was not inferior to that of Baku Long. Baku Long's eyes flashed There was a bright light, and he understood that it was his fathers who ordered his subordinates to come down to help him.

Tang Yuan had already fought against these guys in an instant. For this, Tang Yuan was actually prepared. After all, if the so-called blood mage really only has the strength of Baku Dragon, then he probably has nothing to do with the Magic Council. What can we cooperate with? Wouldn't it be more flattering for the Magic Council to directly order the extermination and then get the other party's assets.

One of the important reasons why the Magic Council would join forces with these guys is that the Magic Council was not sure about really getting rid of these guys, or in other words, they were not sure at all that they could survive the counterattack of the other party. Get out!

The costumes of these newly recruited guys are all service personnel who have just wandered around in the arena. As soon as these guys came up, their bodies were covered with blood-colored light, and the light was more vigorous than the condensed one of Bakulong.

At this moment, Tang Yuan fought with these guys, and on the second floor, a woman was watching the scene below. This woman looked like a noble lady, with her hair pulled up high, and she was wearing social clothing The dance skirt used, "Hmph, Bakulong, this idiot, really embarrassing me, he yelled so loudly, but in fact...

Before she finished speaking, the door of the room was already opened, "Sister | It seems that your spirit is not bad.

A familiar figure appeared in front of her, "Lilith?!" She couldn't help but widen her eyes. The blood mages were originally composed of ten people. They were the first blood mages. With the spread of magic, ten groups gradually formed. These ten branches seem to be united, but in fact they are constantly fighting, and the Lilith who appeared in front of them was the most powerful of them at that time. , but he has been hiding in the dark all this time, commanding them secretly, what is his appearance at this time?

"Long time no see." A smile appeared on Lilith's face. If Tang Yuan were here at this time, she would be surprised, because the other party was exactly the same as the person she drew.

"It's really an honor for the big sister to come here to find me in person." She gritted her teeth and said that back then, he originally wanted ten people to develop power together, but he didn't expect Lilith to leave first, and then The entire blood mage organization fell apart and formed the current situation, otherwise, if all the blood mages united together

Then I'm afraid it can overturn the whole world now!

"Don't be nervous, you're not bad, you rushed over without meeting." Lilith smiled and sat down on the sofa.

Big sister, what do you mean? It disappeared after so long and suddenly reappeared..."

"It's nothing, I just have two things to say." Lilith said softly, "First, the blood mage is about to reappear in front of the world."

"What!" The lady's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe what the other person said, "Big sister, you really..."

Although she had an excited expression on her face, she had already scolded the other party hundreds of times in her heart. You must know that at the beginning, he really wanted to make the blood mage group shine on the entire continent. But now the blood mage hides his power and bides his time, hiding in the dark, it is already obvious that he is an underground force, if he is born at this time, then all his arrangements will be ruined!.

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