Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 55: The Man Who Can't Beat The King Of The Sea

When the rumors about Saitama first spread, many people did not believe it.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that there is no such a powerful person in this world!

A person who single-handedly defeated bigmom, three Admirals, and Buddha Sengoku one after another, must be a god.

But...the appearance of this arrest warrant directly shattered people's doubts.

No matter how sick Marine is, it's impossible for him to spoil his prestige without a reason, so there is no doubt that this thing really happened!

Every pirate who saw this arrest warrant couldn't help but feel huge waves in their hearts.

A man with large tattoos on his face and wearing a green robe held the reward in his hand.

Looking at the bald head who was stunned for a year in the reward photo, a ferocious smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"This world... is going to change." He said with a smile.

In the days that followed, as expected, following this incident, Marine’s credibility declined severely, and the crime rate in various places began to rise. Many people even became confused, thinking that Marine was no longer viable. Next is the era of pirates taking over the world!

The spread of this mysterious mentality has further increased the crime rate.

Although Marine had expected this, they didn't have a good solution. If they didn't give the Twilight Brigade the fame and rewards they deserved, the World Government would always feel that they were making a fuss over a molehill and would always get in the way of them.

If the Marine is the highest authority of the world government, many things will definitely be handled in a different way.

The only thing they can do now is to step up their efforts to fight crime and try to publicize Marine's recent heavy blows, so as to suppress the arrogance of some people.

Tang Yuan and the others didn't have so many things to do. After taking Alisa and Rayleigh to rest on the island for a day, they headed to the port to find a flight to East Blue.

Along the way, Futura's expression was a bit depressed.

Tang Yuan looked at him blankly: "What's wrong with you, you look like a dead person." "

"You are the least qualified to say it! You are the least qualified to say it! You are the least qualified to say it!" Rayleigh was furious, and he slapped Tang Yuan with a triple blow, making Tang Yuan very helpless.

"I was born with it," he said.

Rayleigh rolled his eyes, then sighed: "I'm nervous."

"...Could it be that you cheated on Luo Jie, that child is actually yours?" Tang Yuan said with a disgusted expression.

"What's wrong with your brain to think of this?!" Rayleigh was startled, "I was afraid that the captain's children would hate us...after all, none of us went to Help, if you didn't tell me, I don't even know that he is alive until now, how should I face him then?"

"It's okay." Tang Yuan remained expressionless, "If he dares to refuse to accept you, beat him. With your strength, beating him is like playing... When he convinces you, how do you want to face him? You can face him any way you want.”

Rayleigh was dumbfounded, the bandit's logic was amazing.

He held back for a long time, wanting to refute Tang Yuan's words, but finally reached the port without holding back a word.

Just arrived at the port, a surprised voice suddenly sounded not far away.

"Hey, isn't this... Mr. Rayleigh!"

Tang Yuan and Rayleigh looked over together, and saw a man with a head of messy red hair, dressed in shabby clothes, walking over with a lame puller.

He laughed loudly and waved his remaining left hand.

Rayleigh was surprised: "Isn't this Shanks? You're not in New World, how did you get here? Wait, your arm?!"

Leigh was amazed to see Shanks' empty right sleeve!

"Hey, I just came back from East Blue. As for this arm, I gave it to New Era. Let's not talk about me... Who is this?"

He looked at Tang Yuan with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This white and thin man seems to have a terrifying aura...

"I am Tang Yuan."

"?!" Shanks' eyes widened, and he looked over in shock, the Twilight Brigade?!"

"Exactly." Tang Yuan nodded.

"This is really..." Rao Shanks is a bit surprised at this time because he has seen a lot, "...It's an unexpected meeting."

He coughed, stretched out his hand, and grinned, "I'm Shanks, Captain of the Red Hair Pirates!"

"Tang Yuan, a member of the Twilight Brigade." Tang Yuan stretched out his left hand expressionlessly and shook it.

Seeing that Tang Yuan didn't mind shaking hands with his left hand, Shanks showed a happy expression, and then said: "I know you... Tang Yuan is just a code name that represents your identity after reaching a certain level, can you tell me the real name?"

Ulquiorra. said Tang Yuan.

"Ulquiorra, I remember." Shanks nodded.

Then, seeing the Zanpakutō hanging on Tang Yuan's waist, he became energetic: "I heard that the Twilight Brigade is a powerful heaven-defying, can you give me some advice?"

He patted the knife on his waist with his left hand, looking eager to try.

Just as Rayleigh wanted to dissuade him, Tang Yuan spoke up.

"A person who can't even beat the king of the sea, how can I fight you."

The smile on Shanks' face suddenly petrified, and his whole body was shattered to the ground as if struck by lightning.

"You, how do you know?!" Shanks was taken aback, "Only Luffy knows about my arm being bitten off by the King of the Sea!"

"The King of the Sea?" Rayleigh frowned, and carefully recalled which strong man had this name. After thinking about it for a long time, it seemed that there was no such one.

The corner of Tang Yuan's mouth raised slightly: "Don't underestimate the information of the (promised) Twilight Brigade."

Shanks was really shocked. He was sure that when he broke his arm, there was only Luffy by his side and no one else. Why would the Twilight Brigade know?

It's... kind of scary.

Looking at Ulquiorra's paralyzed face, Shanks felt a chill down his back.

"No more wasting time, Pluton, let's go." Tang Yuan said.

Rayleigh wanted to say something more, but when he thought about what he was about to do, he chose to shut up first.

Shanks was very curious: "You guys are going to East Blue? What are you doing? Do you want me to help?"

Tang Yuan glanced at Rayleigh with a half-smile: "Let Pluton decide..."

Rayleigh shook his head: "Let's just go..."

After so many years of indifference, he suddenly had the cheek to meet the captain's son. It is enough for him to do such a shameful thing by himself!

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