Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 56 Returning To The Blade In Two Stages! (With Highlights)

Rayleigh's intentions were good, but to Shanks' ears, the words seemed to have other meanings.

He slowly walked in front of Tang Yuan, showing a big smile, but said in his mouth: "Mr. Ulquiorra...you probably didn't do anything to Mr. Rayleigh."

"Me to him?" Tang Yuan thought for a while, showing a funny expression: "It was just a fight."

"I hope I'm wrong...you didn't threaten Mr. Rayleigh with anything?" Shanks asked seriously, not intending to laugh at all.

The Twilight Brigade's reputation is too great and too bad now. No one would think that an organization with such a powerful strength would be willing to hide behind the scenes. A well-informed pirate like Shanks is even more sympathetic to Those who may affect the world at any time are full of vigilance.

He deeply suspects that this Ulquiorra took Mr. Rayleigh to East Blue for a terrible purpose, such as using the name of the vice-captain of One Piece to do things...

He had to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The captain surrendered himself back then, he was just a little pirate, he had no choice but no position to stop it, but if anyone wanted to threaten the deputy captain, he would never sit idly by!

Rayleigh's face changed drastically, and he was about to stop him, but Tang Yuan spoke first: "If I threaten, what will you do?"

"Then I will not let you leave today." Shanks said forcefully!

Tang Yuan looked at Shanks for a while, then suddenly chuckled.

"I was a little surprised at first, why you have such strong hostility towards me, but now I understand... The source of this hostility is very simple, that is, you are afraid.

Shanks' pupils narrowed.

"Fear can make people lose their minds, but from the moment you have fear, your mind is in chaos. Even if the fear is only a little bit, so small that you don't even notice it, it is enough to affect your judgment."

Saying that, Tang Yuan took a step, just a light step, but it seemed like a mountain was pressing down!

With this step, he suddenly understood many things.

A person, whether strong or weak, noble or inferior, rich or poor, as long as he is still a human being, some things will not change. The red-haired Shanks is a very great person. , and also lead the protagonist of the original work, as if he is a god, not a human being.

But he also has fear, he will be confused, he will be cowardly, he will shit, he will swear...

Those seemingly perfect people in comics are not perfect in reality.

He suddenly shook his head amusedly, and drew out the Zanpakutō.

"Shanks, don't you want to fight with me, come on, I'll satisfy you now." As he spoke, he swung Zanpakutō with a sword flower in his hand.

"In order to thank you for letting me figure out some problems, I will give you a special gift."

Hearing this, Rayleigh's expression changed, he turned around and ran, not for his life, but to disperse the people on this island!

Shanks looked at Rayleigh's back in surprise, wondering what happened to Rayleigh.

But he knew that the aura emanating from Ulquiorra was rising steadily!

Tang Yuan held Zanpakutō and placed it in front of him.

"Block it, Black Sky Demon!"

Above the sky, sticky black Reiatsu raindrops, falling!

Between heaven and earth, there is darkness!

At the same time, a large number of prestige points were all stuffed into Ulquiorra's transformation by Tang Yuan.

[Ulquiorra's transformation strength has been improved! The current level of the ultimate move is 4! Gain the ability of "Second Stage Returning Blade"! Ulquiorra's transformation is fully activated!】

"Second stage return to the blade!"


Under the shocked gaze of Shanks, Tang Yuan's shadowy body, accompanied by the terrifying Reiatsu, transformed again!

The long black hair became longer, and the two-horned helmet on the top of the head disappeared, replaced by a pair of pale demon long horns.

The clothes on his body disappeared, his lower body looked like a ghost, covered with black hair, his upper body was pale skin, and under the hole in his chest, there were traces of Reiatsu color flowing, as if this body could no longer bear this power , while overflowing the same!

The black demon wings became bigger, and behind him, a long demon tail gently moved.

Tang Yuan exhaled lightly.

Compared with his changes, what is more terrifying is the surrounding scenery.

The originally sunny and bright island scenery has now become extremely dark.

Between heaven and earth, it is no longer the black Reiatsu raindrops.

From the dark sky, the thick Reiatsu river is constantly falling, which will completely connect with the ground.

Is it a hallucination? Or a natural disaster?

Shanks understands that it is neither... The scene in front of him is all a manifestation of this man's power, and it is his power that affects the environment!

"Monster..." Shanks grinned through gritted teeth, with cold sweat dripping from his head.

Is Mr. Rayleigh facing such a strong man?

No wonder, even that man who is always wise and steady shows such an expression......

Shanks slowly drew the knife and pointed it at Tang Yuan.

"Facing me today, I still have the courage to draw my sword? It's commendable." Tang Yuan said lightly.

In the second transformation state, his voice seems to have a wonderful magic power, which can go straight to people's hearts.

Shanks smiled: "Indeed, facing a strong man like you, I may have fear in my heart, but... just because of fear, we are human beings, and as long as we are human beings, we will continue to improve! "

Saying that, the Conqueror's Haki, which shot straight into the sky, unfolded with a bang!

From coming to this world till now, Tang Yuan has seen the strongest Conqueror's Haki!

"Come on! Ulquiorra! Show me the strength of the Twilight Brigade!"

"As you wish." Tang Yuan raised his hand, and the bluish-white thunder gun condensed out. The two weapons collided fiercely, and the ground behind them was lifted at the same time, and the soil layer was pushed up continuously, forming two long pit!

In the distance, Rayleigh couldn't help but look back, his face full of horror.

When he was in Sabaody, Tang Yuan wasn't the strongest? How strong is this guy?!

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I'm sorry yesterday, I went out on business and never came home. I originally wanted to use my mobile phone to send a leave request, but the mobile phone is too troublesome, and I will log in from another place when I come back, so I didn't send it......

Compensation at five shifts today, not to mention live streaming!

You are so hard on yourself!.

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